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Keep the “Christ-Killers” Down! Jew in Mandatory Medieval Hat Since the early Catholic Church espoused that Jews were responsible for the crucifixion on Jesus, it was the policy to keep the Christ-Killers down and portray the Jewish religion and people as the “old” religion, now replaced the new, true religion. In 1267, one way of doing this was to require Jews to wear "the horned hat" that they earlier had been accustomed to wear, but that they had "presumed in their temerity” to stop wearing (this law applied also to Poland). In some manuscript drawings a cap, unpointed, may be seen secured around the chin with cloth or a strap. Merchants and Court Jews wore these in areas of Germany, England Poland in other areas of Europe.
Rotella Round Badge Used in Germany and “Tablets” Badge Used in England During the 12 -14 th Centuries Translation of the wording in the Rotella: ‘The Jewish badge of guilt which is their tragedy to wear’.
Badges and Hats Used in France in 14 th Century
The Crusades Even though the Crusades (religious wars initiated by the Pope) were made to rid the Holy Land (Israel) of the Muslims who were thought to be infidels (nonbelievers), Jews lived in many places along the way. As Jews were considered non-believers and widely believed to have been the killers of Jesus Christ, it was convenient and easy for the Crusaders, in their fervor, to massacre whole populations. Tens of thousands of Jews were killed because of these religious wars.
BLOOD LIBEL (Ritual Murder) Jews were falsely accused of using the blood of Christian children as part of the Passover holiday ritual. The blood libel is a phenomenon of medieval and modern Christian antisemitism, but spread to the Middle East as early as 1775, when there was a blood libel in Hebron. A second blood libel occurred in Damascus in 1840 and one occurred in Cyprus in the same year. RIGHT: Simon of Trent went missing around Easter, 1475. His father decided that he must have been kidnapped and murdered by Jews. According to his story, the Jews had drained Simon of his blood, supposedly for use in baking their Passover matzot and for occult rituals that they allegedly practiced in private. 5
Simon of Trent Blood Libel (Ritual Murder Accusation)- 1475
William of Norwich, England First Known Blood Libel - 1144
USURY – TAX COLLECTORS. Jews Cannot Own Land Lending Money for interest was prohibited by the Catholic church for Christians. It was left for the Jews to do, as they were limited in what professions they could pursue and were not allowed to own land. Some Jews became tax collectors for the nobles and lords of the varied medieval countries and lands
DESECRATION of the HOST Claim that Jews would steal consecrated host wafers and desecrate them by stabbing them to make them bleed. According to the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation, which became dogma at that time, a consecrated host wafer becomes the flesh of Jesus Christ. It was thus believed that Jews would steal and desecrate these wafers to reenact the crucifixion of Christ. In numerous cases Jews were executed in horrible ways for this imaginary "crime. " In the 19 th century it was shown that the red color often found on the wafers was due to a fungus. Jews depicted desecrating the Eucharist Host from a tapestry at the LEFT: Cathedral of St. Gudule 9
Desecration of the Host A 15 th-century German woodcut showing an alleged host desecration. In the first panel the hosts are stolen; in the second the hosts bleed when pierced by a Jew; in the third the Jews are arrested; and in the fourth they are burned alive
Images of Desecration of the Host in Christian Art
Judensau Images
Judensau Images
Judensau Images
DISPUTATION Talmud on Trial – 1240 By the early thirteenth century, the Catholic Church had become extremely powerful and was committed to exerting the fullest possible control over western Christendom. It was also increasingly well informed about Judaism and its Talmud, largely through learned converts. Initially, knowledge of the Talmud was used to mock Jews for their purported lack of religious sophistication. In 1236, an apostate named Nicholas Donin appeared at the court of Pope Gregory IX, claiming that the Talmud was much worse than simply foolish. Donin argued that, for many reasons, the Talmud was in fact harmful and thus intolerable in a Christian society. Pope Gregory sent Donin off throughout Europe in 1239 with a message to secular authorities and leading clergy: The allegations of Nicholas Donin were to be carefully investigated, and – if substantiated – the Talmud was to be destroyed and Jews were to be prohibited from using it. Only one European ruler acted on the papal injunction, “pious” King Louis IX of France, who convened a trial of the Talmud in Paris. This unprecedented trial of the Talmud is richly reflected in a variety of sources – both Christian and Jewish. From these diverse sources emerges a dramatic portrait of Christian accusations against the Talmud and Jewish rebuttals. While the Talmud was condemned by the Paris court and burned in large quantities, eventually Pope Gregory’s successor modified the Paris findings and ordered that the Talmud simply be censored, with the offending passages removed. Thus, a major catastrophe for European Jewry was averted, and Europe’s Jews could continue to ground their religious lives in Talmudic ordinances and teachings.
Other Disputations of the Talmud: Barcelona (1263) and Tortosa (1413) Barcelona Tortosa
Jews Burned because of Black Death 1348 -1350 Because Jews were less susceptible to the Black Plague than their neighbors (likely the result of Jewish ritual regarding personal hygiene), Jews were accused of poisoning Christian wells, were thought to be the source of the plague. As this image illustrates, Jews were expelled, tortured and murdered for the "crime. "
Jews in Hell
Jews, Conversos, Marranos Burned at the Stake in Auto da Fes
Inquisition and Expulsions Expulsion Edict signed by Ferdinand Isabella. The Jews had to leave on Tishah B’Av in 1492. The same day, Christopher Columbus was to have begun his first exploratory mission to the New World. Columbus wrote in his diary that there were so many ships in the harbor that his ships could not leave until two days later. .
Inquisition and Expulsions There were expulsions from many lands including Germanic lands, Spain, Portugal, England, parts of France and other European areas. Jews went wherever they could. Some ended up in Poland. Many went to Italy, Holland, German lands. Some went to Israel, then known as Palestine. They used all forms of transportation to save their lives. Many stayed in Spain and Portugal and converted to Christianity. They were known as Conversos and Marranos (pigs) when they were discovered practicing Judaism in secret.
Ghettos – Not a Modern Term In 1516, Venice’s ruling council were unsure if they should allow Jews to continue living in the city, even after 500 years of having a Jewish population. They let the Jews stay. The only way, though, was to segregate them into Ghetto Nuova, a small, dirty island. This introduced the world to the first ghetto. The word “ghetto” is from the Italian getto meaning “casting” or Venetian geto meaning “foundry, ” which is what was near the Gheto Vechio. Soon after many European City Councils adopted this means of keeping the Jews in a position of continuing to be the “Old religion. ”
Modern Antisemitism The 1894, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jew in the French army was accused of “high treason” on trumped-up charges. The Dreyfus Affair, directly influenced, then journalist, Theodore Herzl to realize that there must be homeland for the Jews. He covered the Dreyfus case and witnessed the disgrace of the French-Jewish Captain. Herzl, an assimilated Jew, heard the venomous antisemitic catcalls from the crowd. This helped him realize that the Jews needed a homeland. This one event made Herzl act and he initiated the first Zionist Congress in Katowitz, Poland in 1897. 51 years later the modern state of Israel was born.
Nazi Antisemitism NAZI Germany: Warning on a Jewish Business in 1933: “You Jewish Pig; May Your hands rot off”
Nazi Antisemitism Images Used During Nazi Era
How Did They Do It? Nazi as Master Race Powerful Jew as Shylock and Communist
Propaganda Der Sturmer Evil Caricatures
Nazi Antisemitism Images Used During Nazi Era from Der Sturmer (Julius Streicher) “A frog sat in the green grass. He didn’t do this, he didn’t do that, he didn’t do anything at all. Blinded by the glitter of gold, everyone flew into his mouth. ” 1933 “Ignorant, lured by gold, They stand disgraced in Judah’s fold. Souls poisoned, blood infected, Disaster broods in their wombs. ” 1934
Palestinian Antisemitism Palestinian Authority and its Media Messages to the Palestinians https: //www. youtube. com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=-v. Xcqh 82 Phc This is one of thousands of videos from Palwatch, an organization that monitors the Palestinian Authority. They, reveal what the official “representative governmental entity”, the Palestinian Authority shows on TV to their people.
Is There a Connection Between the Nazis and the Palestinians?
Is There a Connection Between the Nazis and the Palestinians?
Antisemitism in the USA & Europe Despite our cozy lives, many hate websites exist that emanate out of the United States. Jews, among others are the targets of these narrow-minded sites and extremists. One of the oldest websites is called “Stormfront”, a white supremacist site that is headquartered in West Palm Beach, FL. Many of these hate sites include the Longest Hatred, antisemitism, as a cornerstone of their scape-goading practices. Many “revisionist” websites support this or are linked to this site. Revisionists deny the Holocaust ever happened. The Longest hatred persists, even worse, in Europe, where as many 1/3 of all Jews who live in Europe say they would emigrate from their countries because of fear of the rising tide of antisemitic acts of violence and threats. If you tell a lie enough, it becomes the Big Lie. Less informed and hateful people believe the lies and half-truths.