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"Kazakhstan Temir Joly"
Republican state enterprise "Kazakhstan Temir Joly" was created by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 31, 1997 № 129 "On the reorganization of the railroad companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the merger of the Republican State Enterprises: Office Almaty railway, railway Tselinnaya Office and the Office of the West Kazakhstan Railway. The aim of the merger is to optimize the structure of traffic control and the elimination of redundant links, financial and economic recovery of the railroad industry. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 15, 2002 № 310 "On creation of a closed joint-stock company" National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Joly" formed a closed joint-stock company "National Company" Kazakhstan Temir Joly "by the merger of the Republican State Enterprise" Kazakhstan Temir Joly "and its subsidiaries state-owned enterprises. April 2, 2004, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 13, 2003 "On Joint Stock Companies", was re -registered JSC "NC" KTZ "JSC" NC "KTZ".
Currently, JSC "NC" KTZ "has a holding structure based on providing functional integrity and controllability of the railway sector in the transportation process. The sole shareholder of JSC "NC" KTZ "is a joint-stock company" National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", which solves the problem of improving corporate governance, transparency of the budget, controls the activity of JSC "NC" KTZ "through the Board of Directors, without interfering with its operational job.
In addition, the activity of JSC "NC" KTZ "controlled by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Railway Transport "on December 8, 2001 № 266 -II as a notified body carries out the implementation of state policy in the field of railway transport , coordination, regulation and control of the transport complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
JSC "NC" KTZ "carries out activities such as acting as operator of the main rail network, the transportation of passengers and goods by rail. This activity is regulated by the relevant laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Railway Transport" and "On natural monopolies and regulated markets. "
Board is a collective executive body, whose powers include all matters of the Company that are not designated by the Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Charter to the competence of other bodies and officers of the Company. In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC "NC" KTZ "specified number of members of the Management Board of 10 people and its elected members.
The competence of the Board of JSC "NC" KTZ include: • implementation of decisions of the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors; • approval and submission to the Board of Directors of the Development Strategy of the Company; • protection and preservation of the internal (proprietary) information; • timely notice of the Board of Directors of the material weaknesses in the risk management system of the Company; • approval of the documents received to organize the activities of the Company other than the documents approved by the Board of Directors; • decisions on the establishment and closure of branches and representative offices in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as approval of their regulations; • identification information about the Company or its operations, constitutes official, commercial or other secret protected by law; • approval of the staffing of the Company; • Adoption of the rules on remuneration and salary scheme of administrative and managerial employees of the Company (except for the members of the Management Board, Internal Audit, Corporate Secretary of the Company);
During 2012 the Board held 32 meetings of the Company, including in -person meetings - 24, by correspondence held 8 meetings. The structural units and subsidiaries of the Company have been made to the meeting of the Board of the Company 359 questions.
The membership of the Board of JSC "NC" KTZ» Mamin Askar Uzakpaevich - Chairman of the Board - President of JSC "NC" KTZ ". Kizatov Ermek Anuarbekovich - Vice-President of JSC "NC" KTZ ". Alpysbayev rope Kalievich - Vice President of Logistics JSC "NC" KTZ " Lepskaya Helena - Vice-President, Economics and Finance of JSC "NC" KTZ " Ermuhanov Adelsha Magrupovich - Vice President, Support of "NC" KTZ ". AKCHURIN Ashat Kharisovich - Vice-President, Human Resources and Social Affairs of "NC" KTZ " Tulegenov Ermek Nakipbekovich - Managing Director - Head of the Office of JSC "NC" KTZ ". Khasenov Rustem Koybagarovich - Managing Director of Legal Affairs of "NC" KTZ " Urynbasarov Bauirzhan Pazylbekovich - Managing Director of the operational work of "NC" KTZ " Zhusupov Beibit Gazizovich - Advisor to the President of JSC "NC" KTZ "
To date, rail transport is an important part of the production infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical conditions of Kazakhstan (the lack of direct access to the sea, the availability of navigable rivers), the vastness of the territory, raw materials production structure and the distribution of productive forces, poor road infrastructure makes the role of rail transport in the economy is extremely important. Kazakhstan's railway industry is a developing area of the economy, industrial and technical potential, which is steadily increasing in recent years and employs more than 156, 000 people.
The company is an important task in light of the structural changes in the industry, so our strategy is to: the formation of an optimal corporate structure and a modern management system in the new operating conditions; optimization of production and portfolio of assets; modernization and comprehensive improvement of labor productivity; strategic objective to create a manufacturing base to meet the needs of the Company; the effective implementation of the investment program; zatratoorientirovannoy transformation of the existing corporate culture in the market. Implementation of the strategy will form the basis of a sustainable infrastructure for the growth of the national economy, a significant impact on the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of Kazakhstan.