Скачать презентацию KAZAKHSTAN HEALTH PROFILE Meruert Rakhimova MPH MD National Скачать презентацию KAZAKHSTAN HEALTH PROFILE Meruert Rakhimova MPH MD National


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KAZAKHSTAN HEALTH PROFILE Meruert Rakhimova, MPH, MD, National Supercourse Director for Kazakhstan, Kanat Shakenov, KAZAKHSTAN HEALTH PROFILE Meruert Rakhimova, MPH, MD, National Supercourse Director for Kazakhstan, Kanat Shakenov, MPH, DMD and Supercourse’s Team

Authors: • Meruert Rakhimova – alumni of Kazakh National Medical University (general therapy, 1999); Authors: • Meruert Rakhimova – alumni of Kazakh National Medical University (general therapy, 1999); MPHGraduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh • Kanat Shakenov - graduate of Kazakh State Medical University (Dentistry, 2000); MPH-Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Kazakhstan Geography Kazakhstan Geography

Economics and Health Indicators 1. GDP (2000): - purchasing power parity - $85. 6 Economics and Health Indicators 1. GDP (2000): - purchasing power parity - $85. 6 billion - real growth rate - 10. 5% - GDP per capita: purchasing power parity - $5, 000 2. Total expenditure on Health (2000) – ~ 350 million dollars 3. Total expenditure on Health (1999) – 1. 5 -2% to GNP 4. Number of Physicians (2000) – 7. 5 per 10, 000 5. Inpatient care beds (2000) – 7. 2 (per 1, 000 population) Your Comments

Life Expectancy at Birth (2000) Your Comments Life Expectancy at Birth (2000) Your Comments

Crude birth rate and death rate per 100, 000 (years 1991 -2000) Your Comments Crude birth rate and death rate per 100, 000 (years 1991 -2000) Your Comments

Age-specific death rate by sex and age (1997) deaths per 1, 000 Total 0 Age-specific death rate by sex and age (1997) deaths per 1, 000 Total 0 -4 5 - 2534 3544 4554 5564 6574 75+ 14 1524 Males 47 10 37 64 108 111 201 188 115 Fe- 33 males 14 21 35 103 174 277 7 46 Your Comments

Deaths by major causes per 100, 000 (2000) CAUSES TOTAL Diseases of the circulatory Deaths by major causes per 100, 000 (2000) CAUSES TOTAL Diseases of the circulatory system 1, 005. 1 502. 3 Neoplasms (malignant and benign) 130. 4 Diseases of the digestive system 37. 8 71. 4 34. 5 141. 1 87. 6 Total Diseases of the respiratory system Infectious and parasitic diseases Accidents, traumas, poisoning Others Your Comments

Maternal Mortality (years 1998 -2000) Your Comments Maternal Mortality (years 1998 -2000) Your Comments

Infant Mortality Rate deaths per 1, 000 born Your Comments Infant Mortality Rate deaths per 1, 000 born Your Comments

Morbidity Ranking The Top 10 health events causing morbidity in Kazakhstan – incidence per Morbidity Ranking The Top 10 health events causing morbidity in Kazakhstan – incidence per 100, 000 Incidence in 1999 Incidence in 2000 Disease 1. Respiratory system 2. GI tract 3. Cardiovascular 4. Genitourinary tract 5. Ophthalmologic 22, 636. 7 7, 396. 2 6, 289. 0 6, 320, 3 4, 967. 3 6. Skin+subcutaneous tissue 4, 664. 5 7. Accidents and poisoning 3, 561. 6 8. Neurological 3, 361. 0 9. Infectious and parasitic 3, 933. 2 10. Bone, muscle and 3, 434. 4 connective tissue 24, 719. 3 7, 679. 6 6, 528. 1 6, 270. 2 5, 192. 7 4, 726. 1 3, 748. 5 3, 773. 4 3, 688. 5 3, 617. 3 Your Comments

Major health risk factors in Kazakhstan: • High levels of alcohol and drug abuse Major health risk factors in Kazakhstan: • High levels of alcohol and drug abuse • Poor quality of drinking water (in some areas) • High levels of unemployment Your Comments

Useful Internet links related to health in Kazakhstan Official web site of Kazakhstan (Background) Useful Internet links related to health in Kazakhstan Official web site of Kazakhstan (Background) http: //www. president. kz/ Republic of Kazakhstan Social Protection Project, supported by World Bank http: //www. worldbank. org/children/costs/kazak. htm targeting kindergarten age children Maternal Health Around the World http: //www. safemotherhood. org/facts_and_figures/hea lth_around_the_world. htm Maternal Mortality in Asia http: //www. overpopulation. com/faq/Health/mortality/ maternal_mortality/asia. html

Useful Internet links related to health in Kazakhstan (cont’d) Also some websites in Russian Useful Internet links related to health in Kazakhstan (cont’d) Also some websites in Russian language: • • http: //www. tele. med. kz http: //www. kazmed. kz http: //snspkz. lorton. com www. med. kz http: //www. lorton. com/dcentre http: //pharmnews. kz http: //kazfarm. dan. kz

This lecture is based on the following sources of information 1. Statistical report on This lecture is based on the following sources of information 1. Statistical report on health and health care in Kazakhstan for the year 2000. Ministry of Health, RK (2001). 2. Statistical report on health and health care in Kazakhstan for the year 1999. Ministry of Health, RK (2000). 3. CIA report on Republic of Kazakhstan – www. cia. gov. 4. Kazakhstan Demographic and Health Survey 1999. // Academy of Preventive Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Macro International Inc. , Calverton, Maryland, USA.

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