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Katie’s Travel Log Katie’s Travel Log

ce n: Fran otes o n e Area: 549, 183 Sq Km (212, 041 ce n: Fran otes o n e Area: 549, 183 Sq Km (212, 041 Sq Mi) t Europ in Wes ted a ce is loc ished n: Fran distingu he Ardennes in tio Loca rance is res: F nian Massifs. T morica which Featu r y aphic the four Herc e south. The A ogr Ge s to th ally by graphic ea. The Vosge west. topo to the tern ar the wes he Paris Basin st protect The C mass entral M ifs a re m assif w h ade of gr ich sepa Clim ra anite with ate: A , san tes the n dsto c frost ne o orth an , lon ontinent d so r sha g pe uth le. riod al climat of F s of e is d ranc snow omin e. Al cove l of t r and ant, cha hes racte warm rized sum , mers by col tural Gas dw il and Na with n, O ro thun inters s: Coal, I e ders sourc ium torm ral Re ber, Uran atu , s N im s. es, Grape oultry, T Vegetabl Beets, otatoes, P P nd e, Fruit a heep, Sugar ley, Cattl S r ure: Ba ltry, Salt, ricult toes, Pou a Ag Pigs, Pot ize, Oats, Ma heat Wine, W ts Facts: o 100 cen resting ench Republic ivided int d Inte : Fr the Euro ial Name rrency is Offic official cu ency: The Curr aris Capital: P My

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rnia 's s on: Califo along America My Note dreds of miles panning hun rnia 's s on: Califo along America My Note dreds of miles panning hun Location: S. a ong the U. S Pacific coast ures: Third gm phy. A series of Feat p Geogra, phic ia has a differing togos ra tend along the aliforn C n e ex states in area s known as the Coastal Ra l California lies the low mountain the coastal ranges in centray drained by the coast. Behind Valley, a long alluvial valle e southeast lie vast great Central nd San Joaquin rivers. In th te of Joshua Tree Sacramento a otably the Mojave Desert, si wastelands, n. National Park i rest Inte o ng er ment Oth l: Sacra 1, 431, 000 miles ita 3 e ts Fac st) (31 Cap lation: quar r 9, 1850 s Popu : 158, 706 ptembe Area hood: Se State : Clim a te: Th north, e Co where the gia ast Ranges r but th e n e Califor climate of th t cathedral l ceive heavy ra ik es n the oc ia, and Sout e mountain e redwood f infall in the ean. s h of th o e Gold is considera rests prevai Natu l en Ga te no m bly drier in , lumbe ral Re South ajor ri r, cem vers re ent, sa source ach Agri nd, gr s: petro avel cult leum, tomato ure: natura es, str l gas, carrot awber crops s, lettu ries, an are gr ce, apes, c otton, d almonds. T onions, broc flower c s, and he state's m oli, ost va orange luable s

aii of San n: Haw mi west-southwestt main. tes o gh e f , aii of San n: Haw mi west-southwestt main. tes o gh e f , 3 My No ion: Hawaii, 2 ch 97 n of islets and eiwaiian Islands arero n ai h est Lociat is a 1, 523 -mile atures: Thee. Hfa. The Nortxcwuding o, es l Franc sc aphic Fe ed with coral r d islets and e. g te re i K Geogrigin and aresiesding of uninhafbom Nihau tondugaily t r c or i i n Climat e Agric : The temperature is u mild. Macadam lture: Pin eapple ia nu volcan n Islands, co than 1, 100 m reen plants a ling white Hawaiia , stretch more panses of lush g aches with rol stic heights. Midwaynt sunshine; ex ringed, coral be rising to maje oes are found Abunda flowers; palm-f volcanic peaks inactive volcans have colored d cloud-coveredgest active and active volcanoe ve surf; an f the world's larruptions of the ir lava flows ha Some o aii and Maui; e isplays, but the mage. on Haw d spectacular d at property da provide ally caused gre occasion s, ag ts, p y produc apayas, greenho ricultural seeds , sugarc use vege ts ane tables, a nd coffe e, cattle, and dair Other Capital: Hon. Interesting Population: 1 olulu Area: 6, 471 s , 179, 000 Statehood: A quare miles ugust 21, 19 59 (50 th) facts:

gas Las Ve s on: te My No Clima Averag te: Average e t gas Las Ve s on: te My No Clima Averag te: Average e t humidi yearly rainfa emperature 6 ll ty 29 p 6 ercent. 4. 13 inches. . 3 degrees. partly A 211. 5 c cloudy lear da verage daily days, 7 ys a Econ omy: 1. 3 cloudy days. nnually, 82. 4 econom y are to The primar y in turn u feed th rism, gamein drivers of the e retail g Las Ve and res , and conven g tions, w as tauran t indus hich tries. -- 135 LEY tion VAL a ATH west elev. DE : el , lo arktes by planebelow sea lev m land , 40 minu at 280 feet ial gas Specrom Las Vean Continent f miles th Americ r on No

List the 5 themes of geography Location Relative Location Absolue Location There are two List the 5 themes of geography Location Relative Location Absolue Location There are two different types of location. One is relative location and that is like saying i live in Great Falls, MT. The other is absolute location and that is like saying i live at 543 56 th ST. NW Great Falls, MT 59408 Place Human Characteristics Physical Characteristics There are two different types of places. The first is human characteristics and those are things that we as humans do to the land. The second one is physical characteristics and those are things that are naterial. Human-Environmental Interactions Humans adapt to the environment Humans modify the environment Humans depend on the environment There are 3 types of human environmental interactions. humans adapt to the environment by using the tree to hang there bird house. Humans modify the environment by using trees for paper. Humans depend on the environment for water and many other things. Movement People Goods Ideas People There are 3 kinds of Movement. The movement of people is immigration. The movement of goods is what runs the economy. The movement of ideas is what makes new thing. Regions Formal Functional Vernacular (perceptual) There are 3 types of regions. Formal regions are regions that ae defined by the government Functional regions are regions that are defined by newspaper service area. Vernacular regions are regions that are defined by a person in there mind.

references apedia. com/online/maps/political/France_etc. htm http: //www. lvol. com/lvoleg/hist/lvfacthttp: //www. atl. html http: //en. wikipedia. references apedia. com/online/maps/political/France_etc. htm http: //www. lvol. com/lvoleg/hist/lvfacthttp: //www. atl. html http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Las_Vegas, _Nevada http: //www. onlineatlas. us/ http: //www. infoplease. com/ipa/A 0108204. html