Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет Кафедра иностранных языков Present Continuous Настоящее продолженное Выполнила: Агибаева А. С. Группа 2 -070 Проверила: Дашкина Т. Г. Караганда 2015
Difference between Present Simple and Continuous Present Simple I go to school. – Я хожу в школу. Present Continuous I am going to school now. – Я иду в школу сейчас.
s ing It’s snowing Идет снег
Present Continuous образуется с помощью: to be am is are Ving
am playing is are watching He now. reading
am playing is are watching They reading now.
am is watching are reading I playing the guitar now.
She’s drawing at picture at a the moment? What is she doing the moment.
What is it doing now? It’s running now.
When we speak, we usually use short form of the verb to be I am reading. I’m reading. She is reading. She’s reading. You are reading. You’re reading.
jump ing jumping make ing making
run ing running sitting
Negative Отрицание
to be am is are not V ing
Cat is not eating. - Кот не кушает.
We are not sleeping. - Мы не спим.
Short form You are not swimming. You aren’t swimming.
Choose the right sentence She isn’t skating. She’s skating.
The tiger’s jumping. The tiger isn’t jumping.
Questions and answers Вопросы и ответы
Are children dancing Yes, they are. ?
Is an elephant running No, it isn’t. ?
Make questions and answers It / rain Is it raining? Yes, it is.
They / eat Are they eating? No, they aren’t.