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Just Do I. T. (? ) Just Do I. T. (? )

Information Totalis • Proactive Information Systems • Proactive Workplace Changes • Clinical/Non-Clinical Feedback • Information Totalis • Proactive Information Systems • Proactive Workplace Changes • Clinical/Non-Clinical Feedback • Warnings

Proactive Information Systems • Information/Care Pathway – Predictive Open. EHR Archetypes/Templates to support Emergency Proactive Information Systems • Information/Care Pathway – Predictive Open. EHR Archetypes/Templates to support Emergency Medicine in the NHS: Shannon, Simpson – C: Documents and SettingsMark SimpsonMy DocumentsBriefcaseConnecting for Health2007 IT meetingcow. JPG – Anticipate need – Intuitive • Eg Hypertension in ED • Head injuries

Proactive Information • True Do Once and Share – Make it happen! • One Proactive Information • True Do Once and Share – Make it happen! • One history • One PMH • One Drug History etc • STOP Silos of Information! – – Mental health Primary Care Ambulance Simple is effective (!) – IDL’s and clinic letters Mental health worker stabbed to death by client. doc

Proactive Information • Use the data to drive the system – Proactive rather than Proactive Information • Use the data to drive the system – Proactive rather than reactive • Health Cards/Clinical Spine Application – – Possibly single greatest step Step change in public involvement Wholesale change to processes (later) Continual update of data – NOT just at points of health contact

Change Workplace • Change Process – Polyclinics – See & Treat – Need for Change Workplace • Change Process – Polyclinics – See & Treat – Need for Reception? • An end to waiting? – Need for Triage? • An end to multiple queues? – Public involvement

Change Workplace • Buildings and Designs – Built for the purpose of enhancing information Change Workplace • Buildings and Designs – Built for the purpose of enhancing information systems – ‘Participatory Design’ Participatory design. pdf – No longer shoehorning into existing footprints designed to accommodate 1950’s demand! – Remain flexible for continuing change in processes

Change Workplace • Technology – Patient Tracking – Mobility – Inter-connectivity • • • Change Workplace • Technology – Patient Tracking – Mobility – Inter-connectivity • • • Mobile phones Blackberrys etc PDA’s Home Alerting systems

Change Workplace • But amongst all this digital-information change we must not forget… Change Workplace • But amongst all this digital-information change we must not forget…

Feedback Loops • Clinical Feedback – Automated feedback • Diagnosis matching • Critiquing • Feedback Loops • Clinical Feedback – Automated feedback • Diagnosis matching • Critiquing • Have a record of every patient I have managed – Become part of more useful appraisal and revalidation – Identify risk – Without stifling innovative practice

Feedback Loops • Search – Audit – Innovate – Vast amount of data held Feedback Loops • Search – Audit – Innovate – Vast amount of data held away from inquisitive minds – As revolutionary as Google was for the internet – equivalent power in NHS work place search engines. – Current search ability appears as after-thought – Graphs of personal performance – Myriad of audits – physical search hinders most work

Warnings • Trap for many ‘laboursaving’ systems – Increase workload in isolation – Change Warnings • Trap for many ‘laboursaving’ systems – Increase workload in isolation – Change management often poor – Old system fondly remembered

Warnings • Security and Trust – Paramount in public eye is trust in the Warnings • Security and Trust – Paramount in public eye is trust in the information system – Resilience in security – BUT this must be balanced • Security with effective clinical interaction • Technology – proximity badges (cf bluetooth) • Efficiency in ED absolute – every ineffective addition multiplied by 125, 000 episodes!

Warnings • Security – Public involvement – Predictable breaks in information security • Clooney Warnings • Security – Public involvement – Predictable breaks in information security • Clooney clooney health workers suspended. doc • Hammond _42465461_hammond_bbcpicgall. jpg – BUT must resist information isolation • Victoria Climbié Laming Climbie. pdf – Public Trust via Caldicott Guardian/ Information overseers

Proactive Information Feedback Search Audit Information Totalis Warnings Workplace Change Proactive Information Feedback Search Audit Information Totalis Warnings Workplace Change

Questions? Just Do I. T. ? Only if Information TOTALIS Questions? Just Do I. T. ? Only if Information TOTALIS