Needs_consumer understanding2.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Juhana Lounela Marketing research – consumer needs and understanding Turku http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=4 Vd. QPVgi-7 M , Archipalago http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=XCc. Rut 3 PO-8 www. tuas. fi
ACTION: What does marketing research on customers contain? -Start consideering alone (3 min) - Write down as many aspects has you find -share views with you pair (6 min) and choose six aspects -continue in small groups (4 persons) (12 min). Share ideas, choose three aspects and write those down to white board. -Presenting and discussion (8 min) Vs market research • Component of marketing research whereby a specific market is identified and its size and other characteristics are measured. Used also as an alternative term for marketing research. (business dictionery) Marketing research • Scientific discovery methods applied to marketing decision making. It generally comprises of (1) Market research: identification of a specific market and measurement of its size and other characteristics. (2) Product research: identification of a need or want and the characteristic of the good or service that will satisfy it. (3) Consumer research: identification of the preferences, motivations, and buying behavior of the targeted customer. (business dictionery)
How would you evaluate SOME new products ( You find further information on tested products www. yarmarka. ru ) Action Learning 1. Tasting/Analysing: 5 min • example, write down your feelings and observations - individual How does it look, How could you it, When would you use it, Whom is the product targeted
How can you find what kind of needs do your consumers have – any need for SOME new product Short discussion on needs. . And how does occation or motives affect to purchase decision You can create new needs. . . How? Is there any subsitutes? What? (what is the category? ) What are purchase motives behind? You can find needs on in-direct questions on certain occations/ situation You have to know field of business If you ask directly do may get a short answer that we don’t have any needs at the moment but come back later on OR ask someone else OR we know already. . .
Consumer – case X Who are our consumers? What should we know about consumers? Is there any substitutes? Why those? How can we find out information on market and consumers? Can / should we classify our consumers? How? Define and describe the target market?
Strategic study for right decisions (used by Marketing company Redera) Needs, ideal brands and products - Need segmentation, consumer-relevant - Projective method, quantitative data Current market situation - Current brands and variants - Strategic and tactical decisions - Product development, marketing plans
World of Rederator: trip into ice berg and top of it § human is as a ice berg – role of awareness is under 10% in decision making § Imagination is much stronger in decision making than rational thinking and words § Projective methods give in-depth understanding of imagination, emotions and non-verbal issues
Rede. Rator Symbolic elements ® ASSORTMENT Brands meeting with needs, brand images NEEDS Much unused potential, optimalisation of consumer needs, (on which brands can or could meet with) (emotions, based on situation)
Segmentation can be based on consumer needs, motives and situations USAGE: What kind of situations, needs, motives. company (me, friends, kids) • What kind of occations bread can be used? Any new situations found? Which products to various situations? • What kind of various needs consumers have? Any new or unsatisfied needs (any products or subsitutes)? What needs does our and our competitors’ products fulfil? • Who the users can be? (kids, families, singles etc) -> package type • What kind of feelings does the product make? I take this when I feel sad, need some compensation, pampering myself. . . • What the biggest needs / occations / user groups? • What kind of shelve would you make on basis of consumer needs – different alternatives
Marketing Planning prosess It is typically part of strategy process Element of marketing planning process 1. Selecting an offer (what business are we in) 2. Defining of business ( what is the category) (what are needs of customer/ consumer) 3. Positioning (uniqueness, consistency) • • 4. Customer value proposition Value chain Control and dynamic analysis (external and internal) Note! • Customer = b-to-b client • Consumer = b-to-c client
Listening of your customers how and why How • Observation, listening, reading their web pages, discussing, asking ”silly” questions Why • Customers have blind spots – they are hands on. . • They have routines and can’t see at new way. . . You may catch the critical/ new viewpoints easier than permanent staff