Judy`s life in the asylum; in the college; her room, clothes.
Asylum • • Jerusha Abbot was the oldest orphan at John Grier Home. She had many duties. For example, she ought to prepare asylum for Blue Wednesday: every floor must be spotless, every chair dustless, and every bed without a wrinkle. Her special care was room F, where eleven little tots, from four to seven, occupied eleven little cots set in a row. Later she recalls one incident which calls the shame of her life. One day she ran away from the asylum because she was punished for stealing cookies. Also she told about happiness of buying clothes to herself , because at the asylum she had to continue wearing things from older orphans.
Judy`s room in college • • • In the first year her room was up in a tower that used to be the contagious ward before new infirmary was built. The view from her two windows was on the north-west. The room was made in brown and yellow. The wall was tinted buff, and she bought yellow denim curtains and cushions, a mahogany desk, a rattan chair and a brown rug with an ink spot in the middle. The windows were up high. (She couldn`t look out from an ordinary seat). So she unscrewed the looking glass from the back of the bureau, upholstered the top and moved it up against the window. Next year Judy shared room with Sallie and Julia. Their sitting-room was furnished in red. Next year their study even better. The view was on the South. They had new wallpaper, oriental rugs and mahogany chairs.
Judy`s clothes. • • At first she told about gloves. She bought three pairs of kid gloves. Before she had only kid mittens. Then she bought an evening dress, pink mull over silk, and a blue church dress, and a dinned dress of red veiling with Oriental trimming, and another of rose-coloured challis, and a grey street suit, and an every-day dress for classes. For Christmas present she bought a silver watch. At the ball, which was given for her, she had a new white evening grown and long white gloves and white satin slippers. For the concert Judy had pale pink crepe de chine trimmed with ecru lace and rose satin dress. Also she was in satin slippers, silk stockings and chiffon scarfs to match.
Trip to New York. • On one Saturday morning Sallie, Julia and Judy went shopping. Julia went into the most gorgeous place: white and gold walls and blue carpets and blue silk curtains and gilt chairs. It was hats shop. • Judy couldn`t imagine any joy in life greater than sitting down in front of a mirror and buying hats.
• We want to compare her 2 lifes. The first in the asylum: She says: "We had plenty to eat and plenty to wear, sufficient water to wash in, and a furnace in the cellar. But there was one deadly likeness. Our lives were absolutely monotonous and uneventful. Nothing nice ever hap pened except ice cream on Sundays, and even that wasregular. In all the 18 years I was there I only had one adventure-when the wood shed burned. We had to get up in the night and dress so as to be ready in case the house should catch. But it didn't catch and we went back to bed. Everybody likes a few surprises. It's a perfectly natural human craving. " But then one of the biggest surprises in her life has happened: Mr. Smith sent her at college. And everything has started. There are just a few moment of her life in college which can show us how unexpected her life was: 1. Field Day last Friday. It was a very spectacular occasion. First we had a parade of all the classes, with everybody dressed in white linen, the Seniors carrying blue and gold Japanese umbrellas, and the Juniors white and yellow banners. Our class has crimson balloons and the Freshmen wore green tissue-paper hats with long streamers. 2. Judy had got real good friend-Sallie. She invited her to spend the Christmas vacation with her . And 2 days after Christmas Mc. Brides gave a dance for Judy. 3. Six friends dropped in to make fudge, and one of them dropped the fudge-while it was still liquid -right in the middle of our best rug. Also she wasn't cut off men's attention : Jimmie Mc. Bride, Master Jervie. She adored her incounstancy and she hated her monotony, her monotonous life.
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