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JSC “Astana Medical University” Department of “Information and communication Technologies” Independent work of a JSC “Astana Medical University” Department of “Information and communication Technologies” Independent work of a student Theme: Prepared by: Sugirov M. M. , Bolatova B. S. Speciality: General medicine Group: 136 Checked: Mukhamedzhanova A. U.

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.

How to get information on the Internet ? Internet connection services are provided by How to get information on the Internet ? Internet connection services are provided by companies that are called providers. Providers have the appropriate equipment to maintain constant communication with the global Internet network on the one hand, and on the other hand to connect ordinary Internet users to this global network.

Hosters provide users with their servers for hosting sites, blogs, and Internet pages. Each Hosters provide users with their servers for hosting sites, blogs, and Internet pages. Each site, blog, web page has its owner, who must monitor the relevance of the information on the blog, website, information page, update it, and also be responsible for this information. The owner of the site (blog) and the hoster are not the same person. Hoster only gives a place on its equipment for site owners, blogs, Internet pages. And the hoster provides constant technical support of these sites, blogs, Internet pages so that they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Types of Hosting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Free hosting Paid hosting Shared Types of Hosting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Free hosting Paid hosting Shared Hosting Virtual Private Server (VPS) Dedicated server Colocation

FREE The advantage of free hosting is one - its free. But there a FREE The advantage of free hosting is one - its free. But there a lot of shortcomings: - on your site will be posted advertising hosting provider; - Hoster for free places your site, but does not give any guarantee of quality; - the speed of work is slower than that of a paid one; - limited capabilities (for example, there is no PHP or My. SQL); - you will receive a domain name 3 level, which belongs to the hoster and in case of a change of hosting you have to change it. PAID Paid hosting implies a monthly payment for the services provided. And the amount depends on the amount of disk space, the maximum number of sites, support for various functions and quality of services.

SHARED HOSTING Shared hosting. This is the most accessible and widespread type of hosting SHARED HOSTING Shared hosting. This is the most accessible and widespread type of hosting services a server on which many sites are hosted. All users have equal opportunities, limited by the installed software. For each site, a virtual server is created, where files and folders are stored. Hosting is ideal for small and medium-sized websites. The disadvantages include limiting the permissible load on the server. VIRTUAL PRIVATE SERVER (VPS) Virtual dedicated server (VPS) is part of the disk space on a server with an autonomous operating system and fixed resources. That is, other sites will not be able to use the resources allocated to you. You get the ability to administer a virtual server and independently install and configure the necessary programs. True, this requires the skills of a system administrator.

Dedicated server. At your disposal the whole server is transferred completely. You can install Dedicated server. At your disposal the whole server is transferred completely. You can install any operating system, software, configure everything to perform only its tasks. Hosting provider will only deal with server maintenance. Such hosting is used for large projects with high requirements. N owadays we can post information on the Internet using social sites, even from our own sites. For example: In Youtube, we can show people what we are doing through video, and we can train them for something. And also we can advertise in these sites such as VKontakte, Instagram.

We want you to explain how to create your Site 1. What tasks will We want you to explain how to create your Site 1. What tasks will the site perform in the future, on what audience it is calculated (which visitors are needed by the site? ) 2. What do you want to convey to this audience ? 3. What will be the features of the site functionality? 4. Who and how will maintain the site, its functioning, content, update? Let's divide the whole development process into the main stages: analysis of site functionality, identification of its future audience, domain name registration, the definition of the structure, site navigation, creation of design, the process of making up your layout, integration of the layout in Joomla CMS, installation of components and modules necessary for the expansion of functionality, filling the site with content, testing and subsequent publication of the site on the Internet hosting stage of search engine optimization

 Analysis What functionality will the future site have? What tasks do they face? Analysis What functionality will the future site have? What tasks do they face? What do you expect from the site? What will you provide to site visitors? These questions will help you determine the future of the site and imagine how it should be. Domain name registration Make the name of your site simple and easy to remember, then people will be more willing to share it with friends and acquaintances, thereby advertising your site. In Russia, it is more important to create a domain in the RU zone, but the site name can be occupied. In this case, you can register in the zones net, org, com, etc.

 Design At the stage of drafting the terms of reference, formulate an understanding Design At the stage of drafting the terms of reference, formulate an understanding of the work of navigation of your site (more about TK). Do not forget to create at least the simplest map of the site. The terms of reference are extremely important, for any development, in the future it will save your money and time. Site design The stage of design is always given great attention, because it is an individual approach that can highlight a website among competitors of the same direction. Does the site design meet your requirements and ideas about it, as well as its own theme, the content offered on it. All this is to be worked out at the design stage of the site.

 Hosting By installing the platform on hosting (what is this? ), You reserve Hosting By installing the platform on hosting (what is this? ), You reserve a place on the hard disk of the local server that is constantly on the network so that your visitors always have access to it. It is necessary that the server runs continuously, no matter what. It is also necessary to create backup copies of the website as often as possible in order to restore its operability at any time. More information about installing on the hosting.

 Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization of the site is an important aspect Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization of the site is an important aspect that influences the popularity of your website on the Internet. With her help, you attract more target audience, for a smaller fee. Even if you have a very beautiful and interesting site, few people will know about it if they can not find it on Google (how to increase the Google PR page? ) Or to another search engine (for details about unfair promotion of the site).

INSTAGRAM Advertising in the Instagram is now available to everyone in the Power Editor INSTAGRAM Advertising in the Instagram is now available to everyone in the Power Editor and in the tool for creating advertising. To display an Instagram advertisement, you will need a Facebook page. Advertising in the Instagram is created in exactly the same way as advertising on the Facebook section to create Ads Manager ads. To create advertising in the Instagram, follow the INSTRUCTIONS below: 1 If you have an Instagram account, add it to your Business Manager or add it through the settings of your Page. If you do not have an Instagram account, your Facebook page can represent In stagram advertising. Then open the tool for creating advertisements. Choose a target that allows displaying ads in the Instagram. Then click continue. Then, specify the data for your advertising, including targeting, budget, Impression schedule and layout. Before placing an order, be sure to check the Instagram box in the Preview section of the advertisement for the advertisement creation tool. It is necessary that your advertisement is allowed to be shown in the Instagram.

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