- Количество слайдов: 31
Journey on Learning in Action: Innovation. Cogitation Are There Better Ways to Teach the Past Tense ? Presenters Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School Ms Lam Wai-ling Ms Kwok Yee-mei, Amy Mr Wong Yuet-fai, Angus School-based Curriculum Development Section Chan Yeung-ming, Eve 1
Journey on Learning in Action: Innovation. Cogitation Are There Better Ways to Teach the Past Tense ? Why do teachers at upper levels keep complaining about students’ poor mastery of the past tense? Why does the problem happen again and again across schools? 2
Students’ Problems What are your students’ problems in learning the past tense? • Students did not remember/ could not master the concept of the past tense. • Students did not use the past tense in speaking and writing. • Students had difficulties learning the different forms of verbs especially irregular verb forms. 3
Curricular Changes Old Practices Past tense to be taught only in last two modules of P 3 second term Past tense was taught for a short period of time as a segregated grammar item New Practices Past tense to be taught from the first module of P 3 second term Past tense was taught for a longer period of time for immersion purposes 4
Pedagogical Changes Old Practices New Practices Teaching pedagogies were mainly form-focused Teaching pedagogies are mainly communicative in nature Students exposed to past tense usage in reading and grammar exercises Students experience and use the past tense through reading, speaking, listening and writing Learning relied on publishers’ materials without reference to students’ everyday life. Teacher designed learning tasks with reference to students’ everyday life. Past tense taught without comparison of present tense Past tense taught with comparison of present tense Relied on form-focused drilling such as the verb table to help students to learn Form-focused activities still in use: But more sensitivity to students’ learning problems 5
Reading Week: Input from Reader Record in 2007 I was seven year old. I was 130 centimetres. I was 32. 6 kilos. Record in 2008 I am eight year old. I am 131 centimetres. I am 33. 7 kilos. 6
Reading Week: Input from Reader Interviews A: What was your height last year? What is your height now? B: Last year I was _______ centimetres and now I’m _____kilos. Presentations Last year Ching Cha Yu was 134 centimetres and now he is 137 centimetres. Last year Lee Chi Man was 128 centimetres and now he is 130 centimetres. Main objective: Student-student interaction to use past tense and present tense to talk about weight and height 7
I learned the difference between the past tense and the present tense from the story. Agree Neutral Disagree No of respondents 3 A 27 (81. 82%) 6 (18. 18%) 0 (0%) 33 3 B 35 (100%) 0 (0%) 35 3 C 23 (65. 71%) 12 (34. 29%) 0 (0%) 35 3 D 24 (68. 57%) 11 (31. 43%) 0 (0%) 35 3 E 22 (66. 67%) 10 (30. 3%) 1 (3. 03%) 33 131 (76. 61%) 39 (22. 81%) 1 (0. 58%) 171 8
Communicative Approach: Daily Speaking and Listening Interaction The past tense is used regularly and naturally in the classroom rather than treated as an occasional special language item. • • • What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What date is today? What date was yesterday? What did you have for lunch yesterday? What do you usually have for lunch every day? What do you usually do at weekends? What did you do last weekend? 9
Communicative Approach: Daily Oral and Listening Interaction Regular everyday dialogue using the contrast of present and past tense 10
Communicative Approach: Daily Oral and Listening Interaction • Teacher’s meaningful interaction with students using the past tense 11
Speaking about how you celebrate festivals every year and last year Do you usually eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival? Did you eat one moon cake last Mid-Autumn Festival? ……… Let students explore under what situations they should use past tense. 12
Tense Worksheet with reference to authentic situation of the school • In 2008, there _______(be) five primary 3 classes in Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School. • Miss Yu _______(be) the Principal of the Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School in 2008. • The School picnic ______(be) on 19 th December, 2007. • Chan Sui Ki students _______(have) a school picnic every year. • All Primary 2 students _____(go) to Ho Man Tin Plaza to see the shops last year. • All Primary 3 students _______(go) to Mc. Donald’s to use English to buy 13 food in December, 2007.
Tense Worksheet with reference to authentic situations of the school • All Primary 2 students _____(go) to Ho Man Tin Plaza to see the shops last year. • All Primary 3 students _______(go) to Mc. Donald’s to use English to buy food in December , 2007 14
Integrating the past tense and present tense concepts in writing Modules Writing Reader: Well done Max! Write a simple story (Present tense) Unit 5 and 6 Special Events Journal writing: visiting Lion’s Nature Education Centre (Past tense) Unit 7 Let’s Celebrate Letter about Easter Holiday: Compare what people normally do for Easter and what the student did that particular Easter (Present and past tense) Unit 1 My good friend Write a simple story in past tense (Past tense) Unit 2 My classmates My best classmate: Write about a present friend and describe how the student came to know the friend (Present and past tense) Unit 3 and 4 Yummy food Email to a friend about favourite food (Present and past tense) 15
Diary writing about best classmate What is the name of your best classmate? Where does he/she sit in the classroom? What is he/she good at? When and why you two became best friends? Shared food with you? Helped you with your problem? Lent you a pen? 16
Letter writing about Easter How do people celebrate Easter every year How did you celebrate Easter in 2008 ? 17
Dealing with students’ learning problems Difficulties of picking up the concept and Difficulties of learning the form 18
Form-focused Activities Help students to learn regular and irregular past tense verbs Use tenses progressively: from sentence level to text level WS 4; WS 5; WS 6 Form-focused Activities Design special verb tables highlighting verbs with special spellings Emphasize time markers 19
see saw 20
heard 21
say said 22
eat ate 23
drink drank 24
sing sang 25
write wrote 26
Go/come Went/came 27
saw caught said ate sang drank heard wrote Went/ came 28 Prepared by Mr Liu Chun Lung
Teachers’ Reflection • We focused too much on the language form in the past. The new focuses on meaning and application facilitated learning. • Moving the teaching of the past tense to the beginning of the term can make a difference in learning because of immersion. • It is practical to let students learn the differences between the present and past tense not only through written texts but also speaking. This helped minimize the difficulty of learning the tense. • Immersing students in daily life situations is a good practice. Students can use authentic language to interact with peers and teachers. • Students showed interest in clicking the part of the body to learn the irregular verb forms. It was a good start to arouse the students’ interest of learning. However, it is very important for the students to recite the verb forms by heart and study very hard every day. • When teaching other tenses, same principles could be applied. 29
References • Krashen, Stephen. D. , and Tracy D. Terrell. 1983. The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom. Oxford, England: Pergamon/Alemany. • Marton , F. and Runesson, U (2003). The space of learning. Paper presentation at the symposium Improving Learning, Fostering the will to learn, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Italy (August, 2003). • Shulman, L. (2004). The Wisdom of Practice: Essays on Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach (JB-Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) (v. 1) San Francisco, USA 30
Thank you !! 31