- Количество слайдов: 38
Journalism Quarter 2 Week 3
Journalism Monday, 10/26 OBJECTIVES: n Spirit Points n Performance Sheet n Beat Sheets (2 week period) n Article Assignments n n #3: Revisions and Submissions #4: Gathering Info. WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON— Revisions/Submission (#3); Gather Info. (#4) n TUES—Write article (#4) n WED—Peer Review n THUR—Submission to Editors n FRI—Submissions To Editors ASSIGNMENT: n Revisions/Gather Info.
Journalism Tuesday, 10/27 OBJECTIVES: n Spirit Points: CAMO DAY n Beat Sheets (2 week period) n NEW LATE POLICY n Article Assignments n n #3: Revisions and Submissions #4: Gathering Info. WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON— Revisions/Submission (#3); Gather Info. (#4) n TUES—Write article (#4) n WED—Peer Review n THUR—Submission to Editors n FRI—Submissions To Editors ASSIGNMENT: n Revisions/Gather Info.
Journalism Wednesday, 10/28 OBJECTIVES: n Spirit Points: Hero Day n Uploading n Article Assignments n n #3: Revisions and Submissions #4: Peer Review WEEK AT A GLANCE: n WED—Peer Review n THUR—Submission to Editors n FRI—Submissions To Editors ASSIGNMENT: n Revisions
Journalism Thursday, 10/29 OBJECTIVES: n Spirit Points: Hat Day n Uploading n Article Assignments n n #3: Revisions and Submissions #4: Peer Review n Moved to Friday because of illnesses WEEK AT A GLANCE: n THUR—Revise/Write n FRI—Peer Review ASSIGNMENT: n Revisions
Journalism Friday, 10/30 OBJECTIVES: n Performance Sheet n Spirit Points: Red n Article Assignments n n #3: Revisions and Submissions #4: Peer Review n Moved to Friday because of illnesses WEEK AT A GLANCE: ASSIGNMENT: n Revisions
CP English III Quarter 2 Week 3
CP Eng. III Monday, 10/26 OBJECTIVES: n DOL n n NEW OBJECTIVES “Scandalize My Name” n n “Learning Ticket”: Entrance into Class VFW article: Submit TWO copies “Black”listing OTHER n n Problems with Power. Points Make-Up Assignments n Common Assessment WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Video n TUES—The Crucible: n n n WED—The Crucible n n Act I THUR—The Crucible n n Political Allegory Act II FRI—The Crucible n Act II ASSIGNMENT: n “Pre”-Assessment of Skills
OBJECTIVES n R 1 E: VOCABULARY n n n R 2 C: Use details from the text(s) to: n n Root and Affixes Context Clues Evaluate the effect of author’s style Mood Tone R 2 B, R 3 B: Identify and explain (review) n n Understatement Parallelism Allusion Analogy
CP Eng. III Tuesday, 10/27 OBJECTIVES: n NEED BOOKS n DOL n n n THE CRUCIBLE n n n Check Skills Assessment Allegory Introduction Act I OTHER: See me before/or by Wed. n n Problems with Power. Points Make-Up Assignments n Common Assessment WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Video n TUES—The Crucible: n n n WED—The Crucible n n Act I THUR—The Crucible n n Political Allegory Act II FRI—The Crucible n Act II ASSIGNMENT: n ACT I
CP Eng. III Wednesday, 10/28 OBJECTIVES: n NEED BOOKS n n FRIDAY—BINDERS n Journal #1: Would You Go Against the Crowd to Do What is Right? Check Skills Assessment n Allusion THE CRUCIBLE n n n DOL n n WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Video n TUES—The Crucible: Act I OTHER: Make-Up Assignments n Common Assessment n n WED—The Crucible n n Act I THUR—The Crucible n n Political Allegory Act II FRI—The Crucible n Act II ASSIGNMENT: n Drama Terms and Vocabulary Terms
Drama Terminology n Plot n n n n Setting Character n n Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution Antagonist Protagonist Foil Theme n n Stage Directions Drama: n n n Tragedy Comedy Speech Devices: n n n Monologue Soliloquy Aside
Journal #1: Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drummer Thoreau writes, "If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away. " n Would You Go Against the Crowd to Do What is Right?
CP Eng. III Thursday, 10/29 OBJECTIVES: n NEED BOOKS WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Video n TUES—The Crucible: n n 3 rd Hour--Binders n DOL n n n Parallelism and Tone/Mood THE CRUCIBLE n WED—The Crucible n Check Skills n n Act I THUR—The Crucible n n Political Allegory Act II FRI—The Crucible n Act II ASSIGNMENT: n Drama Terms and Vocabulary Terms n Act I for Monday
CP Eng. III Friday, 10/30 OBJECTIVES: n Organize Binders n 1. Syllabus DOL (5 -10 min) n n 2. NOTES/HANDOUTS n 3. n Skill Sheets—Allegory and Analogies packet) Journal—Beat of Drummer Anything Crucible GRADED WORK THE CRUCIBLE n Act I—Continue Reading ASSIGNMENT: n Act I for Monday
Yearbook Quarter 2 Week 3
Yearbook Monday, 10/26 OBJECTIVES: n Performance Sheet n Design/Layout/Pictures n n n Business n n Begin to discuss deadlines Discuss Layout Guidelines Check out Jostens Pictures to Upload Pre-orders (finalize this week) Fundraiser (late submissions) Yearbook Purchases (emails) OTHER n n October Photo Assignments Team Building WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Deadlines and Design n TUES—Deadlines and Design n WED—Deadlines and Design n THUR—Copy n FRI—Copy ASSIGNMENT: n SADD: Red Ribbon Week
Yearbook Tuesday. 10/27 OBJECTIVES: n NEW LATE POLICY n Design/Layout/Pictures n n n Business n n n Begin to discuss deadlines Discuss Layout Guidelines Check out Jostens Pictures to Upload Pre-orders (finalize this week) Fundraiser (late submissions/Friday) Yearbook Purchases (emails) Haley’s box OTHER n n October Photo Assignments Team Building WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Deadlines and Design n TUES—Deadlines and Design n WED—Deadlines and Design n THUR—Copy n FRI—Copy ASSIGNMENT: n SADD: Red Ribbon Week
Yearbook Wednesday, 10/28 OBJECTIVES: n NEW LATE POLICY n Design/Layout/Pictures n n Business n n n Begin to discuss deadlines Check out Jostens Pictures to Upload Pre-orders (finalize this week) Fundraiser (late submissions/Friday) OTHER n n n October Photo Assignments Team Building Jostens about misprints WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Deadlines and Design n TUES—Deadlines and Design n WED—Deadlines and Design n THUR—Copy n FRI—Copy ASSIGNMENT: n SADD: Red Ribbon Week
Yearbook Thursday, 10/29 OBJECTIVES: n Design/Layout/Pictures n n Begin to discuss deadlines ASSIGNMENTS: n n n Missing Caption Assignments New Caption Assignment OTHER n n DREAM TEAM—Viox Jostens about misprints WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Deadlines and Design n TUES—Deadlines and Design n WED—Deadlines and Design n THUR—Copy (Captions) n FRI—Copy (Captions) ASSIGNMENT: n Captions Assignment (EVERYONE)
Yearbook Friday, 10/30 OBJECTIVES: n Performance Sheet n Design/Layout/Pictures n Pictures—Uzzell n n n Captions n n Move around How many should you take? Due: Next Week Friday Business n Preorder—mail ASSIGNMENT: n Captions Assignment (EVERYONE)
Captions Lights, Camera, Cheerleaders! Jeffery Hudson attentively films an interview with Stephanie Arnold as she explains the excitement of the football playoff game. The student body watched this energetic broadcast on the Eagle Vision bright and early during homeroom one Wednesday morning.
Captions G-O-E-A-G-L-E-S, GO EAGLES!! Senior star cheerleader, Jana Burnham, interviews junior cheerleader, Stephanie, Arnold, with the assistance of Jeffrey Hudson just before they take on the Bulldogs. “It was fun being interviewed. I like being on camera ant talking about the football playoff game. I would have been more excited after we won the game, ” said Stephanie Arnold.
Captions Ding! The oven goes off on Oct. 10 as Todd Taylor and Bret Davis bake pies for Ms. Sherry Stevens Home Economics class. The boys were given a recipe to follow.
Captions Whats cookin’? Bret Davis (in Blue) and Todd Taylor (in White) are in Home Economics making pies. Both Todd and Brett enjoyed making pies.
Caption Assignment: For a Grade n n Find TWO photos (ones that you intend on using) and create captions for those photos. Submit a copy of the photo with the caption, attach to the rubric. n Insert picture and caption on a word document, save to file (to have for later).
Eng. III Quarter 2 Week 3
Eng. IV Monday, 10/26 OBJECTIVES: n DOL #3: Grammar n NEW OBJECTIVES n OTHER n n CA: Writing Prompt “Pre”-Assessment of Skills WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Writing Prompt and New Objectives/Skills n TUES—The Canterbury Tales n WED—Canterbury Prologue n THUR—Prologue n FRI—Assessment ASSIGNMENT: n Skills Practice
DOL Proofread the sentences below and write them correctly (Pay attention to spelling and capitalization). 1. Of all the pilgrems in The canterbery tails, the pardoner is one of the most complex figures (6) 2. We no he is’nt stupid because his knowledge and use of pychology demonstrate his inteligennce. (4) n
OBJECTIVES n R 1 E: VOCABULARY n n n R 2 C: Use details from the text(s) to: n n Root and Affixes Context Clues Evaluate the effect of author’s style Mood Tone R 2 B, R 3 B: Identify and explain (review) n n Understatement Parallelism Allusion Analogy
Eng. IV Tuesday, 10/27 OBJECTIVES: n DOL #3: Grammar n Organize Self n SKILLS CHECK n Introduction to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Writing Prompt and New Objectives/Skills n TUES—The Canterbury Tales n WED—Canterbury Prologue n THUR—Prologue n FRI—Assessment ASSIGNMENT: n “Pre”-Assessment of Skills
DOL 3. Inn chauser’s time, riters offen maligned womens in stories buy portraying them as week charcters. (9) 4. The wife of bath holds all that has been charged aginst women in litrature, but she openley glories inn her posession of those charactristics. (7)
Eng. IV Wednesday, 10/28 OBJECTIVES: n DOL: Forum Post n n n Organize Self SKILLS CHECK n n Log-on to Moodle Allusion Introduction to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Writing Prompt and New Objectives/Skills n TUES—The Canterbury Tales n WED—Canterbury Prologue n THUR—Prologue n FRI—Assessment ASSIGNMENT: n “Pre”-Assessment of Skills
Road Trip: Medieval Style n n n Have you ever gone on a road trip? Annual trip you never miss? Why do you go on a road trip? My Road Trip to Canterbury. Geoffrey Chaucer’s tale of a road trip. http: //classiclit. about. com/library/bletexts/gchaucer/bl-gchau-can-collected. htm
Eng. IV Thursday, 10/29 OBJECTIVES: n DOL: Skills Check n n Allusion Introduction to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales n n Jigsaw—Notes on Intro. Jigsaw—Prologue WEEK AT A GLANCE: n MON—Writing Prompt and New Objectives/Skills n TUES—The Canterbury Tales n WED—Canterbury Prologue n THUR—Prologue n FRI—Assessment ASSIGNMENT: n Skills Practice (Analogies and Allusions) n Organize Friday after Assessment!!
Allusion to the Canterbury Tales T. S. Eliot (1888– 1965) The Waste Land I. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering 5 Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, 10 And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. 11 Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch. 12 And when we were children, staying at the archduke's, 13 My cousin's, he took me out on a sled, 14 And I was frightened. He said, Marie, 15 Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. 16 In the mountains, there you feel free. 17 I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.
Eng. IV Friday, 10/30 OBJECTIVES: n DOL: Skills Check n n Parallelism/Mood Tone Introduction to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales n n Jigsaw—Notes on Intro. Jigsaw—Prologue n Find on Moodle ASSIGNMENT: n Finish Paper Doll and Questions