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Joshua Leads Israel “Lesson 23: Joshua Leads Israel, ” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996), 101
Once upon a time… A group of people went on a tour of a dimly lit cave. When the people were deep in the heart of the cave, the lights were turned off. The guide told them not to panic; he was just demonstrating total darkness.
Before the guide turned the lights back on, he asked the people to point in the direction they would go to leave the cave and keep pointing until they could see again. When the lights were turned back on, everyone was pointing in a different direction. They had lost their way in the dark.
How easy is it to get lost in the dark? I need a volunteer! You are going to wear this blindfold. Please close your eyes to block out any light that might get through the blindfold. Everyone else needs to be very quiet. I am going to turn the blindfolded child around several times, and walk him or her around the room a few steps. Before the blindfold is removed I want you to point to the chair you had been sitting in.
Would you like to live in total darkness? The kind of light we have been talking about during this activity is physical light. Even more important is spiritual light. Let’s read John 8: 12 and 1 Nephi 12: 17
If we choose to follow Jesus, we will live in the light, but if we choose to follow Satan, we will be in spiritual darkness. Let’s learn about Joshua to find out whom he chose to follow.
The Story of Joshua Jesus chose Joshua to be the prophet after Moses. Jesus told Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land. Other people were living there. Jesus would help the Israelites get the land.
Joshua sent spies across the river into the promised land. The spies came back. They told Joshua the people in the land were afraid of the Israelites. The Israelites came to the Jordan River. The Israelites were ready to cross the Jordan River.
What did the Lord promise Joshua as Joshua prepared to enter the promised land? Let’s read Joshua 1: 5
What was Joshua to do to receive help from the Lord? Let’s read Joshua 1: 7– 8 The book of the law is the scriptures. What was Joshua told to do with the scriptures? How does this counsel apply to us today?
Before the children of Israel entered the promised land, Joshua was asked to be strong and courageous four times. Let’s read Joshua 1: 6– 7, 9, 18 Why do you think he would need to be strong and have courage at that particular time? Why do we need to be spiritually strong and courageous today?
How did Rahab help the two spies who were sent by Joshua? Let’s read Joshua 2: 4– 6, 15– 16 What favor did Rahab ask of the spies? Let’s read Joshua 2: 12– 13
What did Rahab say that showed she believed in the God of Israel? Let’s read Joshua 2: 11 Rahab joined the Israelites after Jericho was destroyed. Both Paul and James wrote about her (see Hebrews 11: 31; James 2: 24– 25).
The priests carried the ark of the covenant into the river. The water stopped. The Israelites crossed the river on dry ground. Jesus was helping Joshua the way that he had helped Moses.
What did the Lord do to show the children of Israel that he was with Joshua just as he had been with Moses? Let’s read Joshua 3: 7– 8, 15– 17 The ark of the covenant was a portable altar that contained sacred writings, including Moses’ writings and the tablets containing the Ten Commandments. Why is it important for us to follow the living prophet?
Then the priests carried the ark of the covenant to the other side. The water started again. Joshua led the Israelites to the city of Jericho had high walls around it. The people of Jericho closed the city gates to keep the Israelites out. The people in Jericho thought they were safe.
What did the priests have to do before the waters of the Jordan parted? Let’s read Joshua 3: 13, 15– 17 How do you think the priests felt walking toward the overflowing river carrying the ark of the covenant? How can we follow the example of the priests in our lives? Sometimes we must obey even when it looks as though we are not being blessed. The blessings come after the test of our faith and obedience.
Jesus sent an angel to Joshua. The angel told Joshua how to capture Jericho. Joshua obeyed the angel. Joshua told some priests to carry the ark of the covenant in front of the army. The army marched around the walls of Jericho once a day for six days.
Seven priests blew their horns. The other men did not make any noise. On the seventh day the army marched around Jericho seven times. Then Joshua told all the men to shout. They shouted. The walls of Jericho fell down. They captured Jericho. Jesus had helped the Israelites.
How did the Israelites take control of Jericho? Let’s read Joshua 6: 11– 16, 20 Enrichment Activity #1
How do you think the people of Jericho felt as they watched the Israelites march around their city day after day? The walls of the city fell because of the power of the Lord and the faith and obedience of the Israelites. What do you think would have happened if the Israelites had not chosen to do things the Lord’s way?
All the people heard that the Israelites had captured Jericho. They were afraid. They knew Jesus was helping Joshua and the Israelites. Joshua led the people from city to city. They captured all the promised land.
This was the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God had told Joseph, Moses, and Joshua that this land would be the land of Israel. God kept his promise. Joshua built an altar to burn sacrifices. All the people met together. Joshua read the commandments Jesus gave Moses.
Then Joshua divided the land into twelve parts. He gave one part of the land to each tribe of Israel. The people built new homes and cities and farms.
Joshua became old. He called the leaders of Israel together. He told them God had given them the land. God had helped them win their battles. They could keep the land if they were righteous. They would lose the land if they were wicked.
Joshua was a great prophet of God. He spoke to all the Israelites. He told them God had blessed them. He told them to obey God. Joshua told them to choose whom they would obey. He said he and his family would obey God. The people went back to their homes. Then Joshua died.
What did Joshua do before he asked the people to choose whom they would serve? As the prophet he set an example for the children of Israel to follow. When Joshua asked the children of Israel to choose whom they would serve, what was their choice? Let’s read Joshua 24: 15, 24, 31
How can we serve the Lord? By having faith in our Church leaders and following their words. President Spencer W. Kimball said, “Loyalty to the Lord also includes loyalty to those leaders he has chosen” (“Give the Lord Your Loyalty, ” Ensign, Mar. 1980, p. 4). Why can’t we serve the Lord and Satan at the same time?
I need two helpers! Two movers struggled for several minutes one day trying to move a heavy object through a doorway. Finally, exhausted, the movers gave up. One mover said, “I’ve used all my energy, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get this thing inside the door. ” “Inside the door? ” said the other. “I thought we were trying to move it out the door!” Enrichment Activity #2
It is impossible to go two directions at the same time. We have to choose which direction to go. Why is it not possible to follow both Jesus and Satan at the same time? Let’s read Matthew 6: 24 and Alma 5: 38 – 40 Why is it important that we make a choice now to follow the Lord? Enrichment Activity #2
Under your chairs are some strips of paper. Put your wordstrips under the appropriate heading on the board: Results of Following Jesus Christ Results of Following Satan Enrichment Activity #4
If we choose to serve the Lord now, we can avoid much pain and sorrow and we receive greater happiness. A latter-day prophet has told us that Satan loves it when we are discouraged and hesitant to make decisions because it is easier for him to tempt us. The prophet said, “If you have not done so yet, decide to decide!” (Spencer W. Kimball, in Conference Report, Apr. 1976, p. 70; or Ensign, May 1976, p. 46). Enrichment Activity #4
Time to Memorize! Let’s memorize this wonderful scripture: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24: 15). Here is a bookmark to help you practice it. “Choosyoyou oose e u h “Ct s s da ihiday y th l whom e e will om yy wil wh serve; … butt serve; … bu as fo r me and s for a my house, , y house m weewil ll w wi servve hhe ser e t te Lord” (”o(s. Jhua ua ord J osh L 24: 15). 24: 1 Enrichment Activity #3
The Eleventh Article of Faith We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. Heavenly Father gives us our agency in everything, including the choice of whom we will worship. We know that all of the Lord’s children can worship as they please, but through the scriptures and our prophets, we know that the right choice is to worship God. Enrichment Activity #5
Seek the Lord Early I’ll seek the Lord early while in my youth, And he will help me to know the truth. I’ll search the scriptures and find him there, Then go to our Father in fervent prayer. I’ll seek the Lord early, and I’ll obey His living prophets in all they say. I’ll keep his commandments; his love will abound. I will seek the Lord early, and he will be found. Words and music: Joanne Bushman Doxey, b. 1932. © 1984 IRI Enrichment Activity #6
I testify that only as we serve the Lord will we find true and eternal happiness. Let’s repeat as a class the following in unison: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24: 15).
Images and clipart are from lds. org, sugardoodle. net, bing & google images and Microsoft Office. Hymn and lesson materials are from lds. org. The lesson and activities are from the Primary 6 Old Testament manual. The scripture story is from Old Testament Scripture Stories from lds. org. No copyrighted materials were knowingly used in this presentation. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use.