Jonathan Safran Foer.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 8
Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Tretyakova Alyona 508
Jonathan Safran Foer is American writer. He was born in 1977 and grew up in Washington. He is best known for his novels Everything is illuminated (2002) and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005). He wrote 4 novels, about 10 short stories and others.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close It’s Foer's second novel was published in 2005. Foer used many nontraditional writing techniques known as visual writing. The interconnected storylines, is full of photographs of doorknobs and other such oddities, and ends with a 14 -page flipbook. Foer's techniques resulted in both praise and critics. Despite diverse criticism, the novel sold briskly and was translated into several languages. In addition, Warner Bros. and Paramount turned the novel into a film.
Main characters • Oskar Schell is the nine-year-old boy. His father died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. He is a clever, sensitive boy. He is very trusting of strangers and makes friends easily, though he doesn’t have many friends his own age. • Thomas Schell is Oskar's father, dies before the events of the book begin. Thomas Schell organizes several expeditions for Oskar, such as a game to find an object from every decade of the past century, and this is one of the reasons Oskar even begins his journey. • Oskar's grandmother is a kind woman who is very protective of Oskar. • Oskar's grandfather, Thomas Schell Sr. an important character in the story, even though he doesn’t physically meet Oskar until the book's end. After the death of his first love, Anna, Oskar's grandfather loses his voice completely and consequently tattoos the words "yes" and "no" on his hands. He carries around a "daybook" where he writes phrases he cannot speak aloud.
The plot On September 11, 2001, father of Oskar Schell, died in the second of the Twin Towers, but not before calling home several times and leaving messages on the answering machine. One day, Oskar finds a key in a blue vase at the back of his father's closet, untouched since the worst day. Thomas and Oskar used to have a game, Oskar followed clues to find objects that Thomas had hidden somewhere in the city. When Oskar found the key, enclosed in a small envelope with the word Black written on it, he decides that this is one last game left by his father and begins the search to see what Thomas left him.
Oskar's story is alternated with the story of his grandparents. Grandma, as he calls her, immigrated to the United States from Dresden following the bombings in World War II. In New York, she runs into Thomas Schell, They got married, but Thomas left when he learned Grandma was pregnant. He returned to Dresden, but wrote letters every day to his son, also named Thomas, never actually sending anything but blank envelopes. In the end of the book he returned to New York. Oskar found the key holder. The key belonged to William, who had sold the vase to Oskar's father not knowing there was something in it. In short, none of this had anything to do with Oskar's father.
The main idea The story is about the mourning, trauma, family. Oskar's grandmother and Oskar's grandfather go through after the Dresden firebombings, and Oskar goes through after the loss of his father. And the loss of somebody is always terrible and we have to cope with it.
My impression It was really hard to read this book, it is very sad and touching story. So called visual writing help us to understand some situations better and feel it deeply.
Jonathan Safran Foer.pptx