- Количество слайдов: 28
Jolly Phonics on You. Tube
Welcome to our Phonics Workshop Louise Robinson Year 1 Teacher and Phonics Leader Helen Douglas Reception Teacher and Early Years Leader Sarah Rendell Reception Teacher
Introduction to Phonics (20 mins) Opportunity to look at phonics games and have a go with them! (10 mins) Watch an example of a phonics session (20 mins)
‘Being able to read is the most important skill children will learn during their early schooling and has far reaching implications for life long confidence and well-being’ (Secretary of State for Schools) At Low Ash we believe that high quality phonic work should be the prime means for teaching children how to read and spell words. The purpose of today’s session is to give you information and advice on how to support your child with their phonics and reading.
‘Phonics’ Listening to the sounds in words to read and write them. For phonics, we split into 4 groups for 20 minutes each day. We use the interactive games on Phonics Play to reinforce children’s learning. www. ictgames. com www. familylearning. org. uk
We teach these reading and writing skills through an exciting scheme called:
Each letter has its own story, action and accompanying picture.
For example:
To begin with, children will associate the picture and action with the letter and eventually they will see the letter and know what sound it makes.
Phase 2 We introduce the letters in a particular order. This is as follows: h s a i n g o ck e b f/ff t p m d c k u r l/ll ss
We introduce each phoneme separately and then blend them together to spell words. We say the phonemes quicker and quicker until they blend! Once the children have learned the first set of phonemes, they can read the following words: s a at tap a sat sap t p pat
By the end of phase 2, children will be able to read a wide range of words. Some of them will be quite long words, such as: sunset carrot rabbit laptop fusspot Captions include: get off the bus a cat and a big fat rat pack a pen in a bag
Each phase has a set of regularly used words, called High Frequency Words. For phase 2, these are: a an as at if in is it of off on can dad had back and get big him his not got up mum but put Your child will be given a sheet with these on to practise at home.
Each phase also has a set of ‘tricky words’, those which cannot be blended. In phase 2, these are: the to I no go into Your child will be given a bookmark with these words on. We use the ‘look, cover, spell, check’ method for learning to write tricky words. This means, let them look at the word, cover it up, ask them to write it then let the, check if they got it right. Make it fun!
Alien words are made up, pseudo words that children should be able to blend using their phonics. They are used to make sure children are not just ‘sight reading’ and can use their phonics skills. For example: gock thap tas
Phase 3 We continue introducing some more phonemes: j v y z/zz w x qu
Phase 3 We then move on to digraphs – 2 different letters to make one sound. For example: ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo (long as in boot) oo (short as in cook) ar or ur ow oi er
Phase 3 We then move on to trigraphs – 3 different letters to make one sound. For example ear dear fear hear gear near tear year rear bear d air ure air fair hair lair pair cairn sure lure assure insure pure cure mature
By the end of phase 3, children will be able to read a wide range of words. Some of them will be really long words, such as: secure supper quoit boatman farmyard beard tonight rooftop Sentences include: I am in a rush to get to the shops. A man is rich if he has lots of cash. The ship hit the rocks with a thud.
The High Frequency Words (HFW) for phase 3, are: will that this then them with see for now down look too The phase 3 tricky words are: he she we me be was you they all are my her
Phase 4 This is a short phase that recaps phase 2 and 3 phonemes. We also look at polysyllabic words, such as sandpit, shampoo, desktop. We teach children to split the word into 2 parts to read and write it.
By the end of phase 4, children will be able to read a wide range of words. Some of them will be incredibly long words, such as: chimpanzee windmill handstand melting lunchbox sandwich thundering floating Manchester Sentences include: The clown did tricks with a chimpanzee. A crab crept into a crack in the rock. I can hear twigs snapping in the wind.
Each phase has a set of regularly used words, called High Frequency Words (HFW). For phase 4, these are: went it’s from children just help The phase 4 tricky words are: said have like so do some come were there little one when out what
Phase 5 We teach further digraphs during phase 5: ay ir ea oy ph aw wh ie oe ou ue au We also teach split digraphs: a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
Phase 5 We also teach split digraphs (old fashioned Magic E!): a-e make game race snake amaze e-e these even Steve theme extreme i-e time shine slide prize inside o-e bone home stone explode pole u-e June rude cube use huge
Each phase has a set of regularly used words, called High Frequency Words (HFW). For phase 5, these are: don’t old I’m by time house about your day made came make here saw very The phase 5 tricky words are: oh their people Mr Mrs looked called asked could
What will be sent home? Weekly homework with the phonemes your child has learned that week in school. A bookmark with tricky words each time your child moves to the next phase. A sheet of high frequency words. A reading book to share with you.
In summary You support at home is crucial – have a go! Make it fun. Little and often is better.