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Joint Research Activity # 4 Integrating Interferometry into Mainstream Astronomy Status Report Corfu, September 11, 2007 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 1
Objectives Ø Contribute to integrate interferometry into main stream astronomy • Preparing the next generation of VLTI interferometric focal plane instruments • Providing the end-user of interferometric facilities such as ESO’s VLTI with a software to help visualize and interpret reduced & calibrated interferometric observables Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 2
Participants Ø Participants: 14 country (> 20 laboratories) Ø Ø Ø Ø Universität Wien (Austria) Université de Liège (Belgium) Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) Jean-Marie Mariotti Center for Interferometry, JMMC (France) Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany) Konkoly Observatory (Hungary) Technion (Israel) Torino University (Italy) Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, NOVA (The Netherlands) Torun University (Poland) Porto University (Portugal) Universidad Autonoma Madrid (Spain) Observatoire de Genève (Switzerland) University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) European Space Agency European Southern Observatory Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 3
Joint Research Activity # 4 “Integrating interferometry into mainstream astronomy” PC: Alain Chelli (http: //eii-jra 4. ujf-grenoble. fr) WP 1 Advanced Instruments (2 nd Generation VLTI Instruments) WP 1. 1: Concepts to Feasibility WPLs: Uwe Graser (Heidelberg) & Denis Mourard (OCA) WP 1. 2: Cophasing & fringe tracking WPL: Mario Gai (Torino) WP 2: Off-line data reduction Software WPL: Gilles Duvert (JMMC/LAOG) SPM: Gerard Zins (JMMC/LAOG) 500 K€ Objective: facilitate the use of modern interferometric facilities such as ESO’s VLTI to a non specialist end user Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 4
WP 1. 1: Concept to feasibility studies WPL’s: U. Graser (Heidelberg) & D. Mourard (OCA) Ø Objective: prepare the next generation of VLTI interferometric focal plane instruments Ø Two phases: • Concept studies: 01 -2004/04 -2005 • ESO phase A studies 10 -2006/06 -2007 project selection probably in 2008 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 5
WP 1. 1: Instruments proposals developed within JRA 4 (1/2) Ø Four Infrared multi-beams combiners • Vitruv (Malbet et al. ): 6 to 8 beam combiners with integrated optics (Near IR) • Bobcat (Buscher et al. ): 3 to 6 beams combiner (Near IR) • Vida (Lardiere et al. ): 4 to 8 beams combiners with densified pupil (Near IR) • Apres-Midi (Lopez et al. ): Extension of Midi to 4 beams Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 6
WP 1. 1: Instruments proposals developed within JRA 4 (2/2) Ø Two visible instruments • UVES-I (Quirrenbach et al. ): fiber link from VLTI to UVES spectrograph. Combination of high spatial and high spectral resolution • VEGA (Mourard et al. ): 4 beams combiner based on the visible spectrograph of GI 2 T interferometer Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 7
ESO/EII common workshop Ø Instrument concepts presented at the ESO/EII common workshop (6 -8 April 2005) Ø Recommendation from the EII-SC to support 3 concepts for phase A studies: • • • Apres-Midi (JRA 4) Vitruv (JRA 4) Gravity (External) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 8
Selection of project by ESO Ø The 3 projects supported by the EII-SC have been selected by ESO for phase A (10 -2006) Ø JRA 4 responsible recommended to the participants of WP 1. 1 to focus their efforts towards the selected projects, merging concepts whenever possible • MATISSE (Formerly Apres-Midi, Lopez et al. ): dedicated 10μm 4 beams combiner • VSI (Formely Vitruv, Malbet et al. ): 6 to 8 beams near IR combiner based on Vitruv+Bobcat • Gravity (Eisenhauer et al. ) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 9
Kick-off meetings (phase A) Ø Matisse: kick-off meeting for phase A held in Nice on November 16 2006 (30 participants) • See http: //www. obs-nice. fr/matisse Ø VSI: kick-off meeting for phase A held in Grenoble on September 2006 (30 participants) • See http: //www-laog. obs. ujf-grenoble. fr/heberges/vsi/dms Ø Phases A ended last summer (07/2007). Final selection of 2 nd generation of VLTI instruments by ESO probably in 2008 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 10
WP 1. 1: Milestones & Deliverables Planned (Month) Achieved (month) D 1: Contributors to concept studies 3 3 M 1: ESO/EII common workshop 16 16 D 2: Instruments concept reports 16 16 D 3: Contributors to phase A studies 16 24 D 4: ESO project selection for phase A studies 30 34 D 5 : ESO selection of 2 nd generation of VLTI instruments >48 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 11
WP 1. 2: Cophasing & Fringe tracking (WPL: M. Gai, OATo/Torino) Ø Objectives Study problems related to Cophasing & Fringe tracking, and favour collaborations between groups Ø WP 1. 2 is supported by a working group and is taking advantage of the Fizeau exchange visitor program (N 5) • 1 st meeting of the CFT working group held in Cambridge, September 29 -30, 2005 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 12
WP 1. 2: activities (1/2) Ø The activities within WP 1. 2 are focused on the following topics: • Multiple beams combination schemes (Col. OATo/Technion): experiments for testing various recombination schemes based on bulk optics • Fringe tracking for second generation VLTI instruments: Col. OATo/UCAM CAV on fringe tracking for the VLTI spectro imager VSI (2 concepts proposed). Contacts are kept with MATISSE consortium Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 13
WP 1. 2: activities (2/2) • Current fringe tracking facilities at the VLTI: ESO task force was able to close the loop with Finito on both AT’s and UT’s (2006). The two PRIMA FSU units (A and B) have been installed at ESO (Garching, 2006). System integration and test for Preliminary Acceptance in Europe are in progress (PRIMA consortium) • Evaluation of the effect of residual atmospheric turbulence on fringe tracking: Under progress (Obs. Bordeaux) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 14
WP 1. 2: Milestones & Deliverables Planned (Month) Achieved (month) D 1: Contributors to concept studies 3 3 D 2: 1 st Progress Report on CFT* 24 24 D 3: 2 nd Progress Report on CFT* 36 36 D 4: 3 rd Progress Report on CFT* 48 * New deliverables added in 2006 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 15
WP 2: Software Making the VLTI an end-to-end service instrument Ø Objective: • Provide the end-user of interferometric facilities such as ESO’s VLTI with a software to help visualize and interpret reduced & calibrated interferometric observables Ø Present status: • Due to phasing problems and because some groups had yet their own technical solutions, none of the groups have used the technical solutions proposed by the WPL’s • Also, the bar has been put very high in terms of management and quality. Intermediate software releases have been canceled but the final software will be unchanged Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 16
Software requirements for Interferometry Ø Software needed: • Preparation of observation (feasibility study): software provided by ESO and JMMC • Calibrator selection: software provided by ESO and JMMC • Signal processing: software provided by consortia • Modeling calibrated data: developed within JRA 4 • Image reconstruction: developed within JRA 4 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 17
WP 2: Off-line Data Reduction Software PI: Gilles Duvert / SPM Gérard Zins (JMMC/LAOG) WP 2. 1: Management & User Support Team: JMMC/LAOG WP 2. 2: Common software based library Team: JMMC/LAOG Technical team WP 2. 3: Model-fitting (Model Interferometric Observables with (a)chromatic Models) PI: Tallon-Bosc (JMMC/CRAL) WP 2. 4: Astrometry (Orbit fitting, Parallax, Proper motion) PI: Quirrenbach (NEVEC/Leiden), Queloz (Unige) WP 2. 5: Image Reconstruction Teams: Cambridge – JMMC/CRAL/ONERA – FRINGE/MPIA/MPf. R Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 18
WP 2. 1: Management & User support (Duvert & Zins: JMMC/LAOG) Ø Web site: http: //eii-jra 4. ujf-grenoble. fr • Communication between groups • Documentation (templates) • Reporting • Software repositories & configuration Ø Management plan: written Ø Status: this activity consists now in maintaining the web services including documentation & reporting Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 19
WP 2. 2: Common software (Duvert & Zins: JMMC/LAOG) Ø Management plan: written Ø User requirement document: written Ø Programming rules: written Ø Common libraries: most have been written Ø Code: documented in situ & through web interface Ø Status: • This activity has slowed down in 2006 due to the growing discrepancy between the state of this WP and the state of the client WP’s 2. 3, 2. 4, 2. 5. • Only one software release on 12 -2007 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 20
WP 2. 3: Model Fitting (Tallon-Bosc: CRAL → Gilles Duvert: LAOG)) Ø Objectives: fit inteferometric observables with geometrical models Ø Management plan: written Ø User requirement document: written Ø I. Tallon-Bosc replaced by G. Duvert as coordinator in 2006 Ø Status: A prototype version of this software based on a Yorick code has been presented at the school of Gouttelas in 2006. The release of the software package and user manual is scheduled for mid 2008 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 21
WP 2. 4: Astrometry (PRIMA) (Queloz/Geneva, Quirrenbach/Leiden) Ø Objectives: Calculation of stellar relative parallactic motion & orbital parameters of binary systems (Geneva) + development of the Interactive Data Analysis Facility (Leiden) for PRIMA data Ø Status: work started in 2005 Ø Management plan: written Ø Geneva group • User requirement document released on 3/2007 • Activity stopped (no more funds) within JRA 4 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 22
WP 2. 4: Status Ø Leiden group • Responsible people moved to Heidelberg in 2006. Heidelberg University is not a contractor of this project → WP 2 coordinator stops coordinating this sub-project Ø We suggest to remove the final deliverable D 4 (Software package & user manual) from this task. Note that this software will continue to be developed within the PRIMA consortium. Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 23
WP 2. 5: Image reconstruction CRAL/ONERA/MPIf. R/MPIA/UCAM-CAV Ø Objective: provide algorithms for image reconstruction from VLTI & LBT data • • • UCAM/CAV: MEM regularization (VLTI data) JMMC/CRAL/ONERA: MEM & quadratic reg. (VLTI data) MPIFR/MPIA: Lucy-Richardson Algorithm (LBT data) Ø Management plan: written Ø User Requirement Document: written Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 24
WP 2. 5: Status (1/2) Ø JMMC/CRAL/ONERA Group • E. Thiebaut is replaced by G. Duvert as responsible for this task • The two prototypes Wisard & Mira have participated to the 2005 & 2006 beauty contest • Both prototypes are being tested with real data • ONERA is currently documenting the Wisard code for public release by the end of 2007 Ø Cambridge group • The prototype BSMEM won the 2005 & 2006 image beauty contest • Robustness of the code has been tested (report in preparation) • Software public release scheduled by the end of 2007 Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 25
WP 2. 5: Status (2/2) Ø MPIf. R/MPIA Group • MPIf. R carried out computer and laboratory simulations of image reconstruction from LBT data, with a special care to the problem of space varying point spread function; and also computer simulations in the context of science case studies • The date of software release is not yet fixed Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 26
WP 2: Milestones & Deliverables (Statement of work) Month 18 24 WP 2. 2 M 1 D 1 M 2 D 2 M 3 D 3 M 4 D 4 WP 2. 3 M 1 D 1 M 2 D 2 M 3 D 3 M 4 D 4 WP 2. 4 M 1 D 1 M 2 D 2 M 3 D 3 M 4 D 4 WP 2. 5 M 1 D 1 M 2 D 2 M 3 D 3 M 4 D 4 WP 2. 1 6 12 30 36 42 48 54 60 D 1 * In red: intermediate releases cancelled Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 27
WP 2: Milestones & Deliverables (2/2) Milestones & Deliverables D 1/WP 2. 1 Planned (Month) Achieved (month) 3 12 18 18 18 24 D 1: List of contributors M 1+D 1/WP 2. 2/WP 2. 3 M 1+D 1/WP 2. 5 M 1+D 1: Design review+User requirements M 4+D 4/WP 2. 2 M 4+D 4/WP 2. 3 M 4+D 4/WP 2. 5 M 4+D 4: Software release + user manual Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 54 → 48 54 60 → 48 28
WP 2: Conclusions Ø Since the beginning of the WP 2, definite progress has been made in half a dozen of research groups throughout EU. The WP 2 will reach the goal of providing the VLTI user community with the necessary tools for interferometric data interpretation. Ø Over the 5 software developed within JRA 4: • The three most urgent ones (model fitting & 2 image reconstruction for VLTI) will be released on time • The last two (PRIMA & LBT) will continue to be developed within the respective consortia Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 29
Participant Total budget allocated (euros) Amount spent (31/12/06) Money yet sent to this contactor Budget requested (next 18 m. ) Expected cost by end of project Difference between cols 2&6 INSU/CNRS 255000 270585 -15585 UCAM/CAV 100000 93705 85304 5700 99405 +595 INAF/OATo 65000 116073 90991 18000 134073 -69073 MPIA+MPIf. R 160000 121551 149551 35000 156551 +3449 NOVA 150000 114453 99276 0 114453 +35547 Ulg 35000 0 28000 35000 0 KO 25000 11059 13799 7500 18559 +6441 ONERA 65000 59979 44332 0 59979 +5021 CAUP 40000 23389 34381 16610 40000 0 Technion 25000 22941 29540 0 22948 +2052 NCU/UMK 40000 18541 22683 19200 37741 +2259 UNIGE 40000 34393 38219 0 34393 +5607 OO 25000 1410 12000 0 1410 +23590 UNIVIE 35000 22115 21135 10520 32636 +2364 TOTAL 1060000 910202 939797 147532 1057734 +2266 Budget: by the end of the project the balance of JRA 4 finances will be positive with an excess of about 2 K€ Manpower: the manpower dedicated to JRA 4 for the first 3 years is about 600 man. month (2/3 from own laboratory resources and 1/3 from Europe) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 30
Major Meetings Ø 5 major meetings (3 JRA 4 + 2 NA 5) • • • JRA 4 Kick-off (Nice 01/2004, 40 participants) Joint EII/ESO workshop (Garching, 04/2005, 150 part. ) Joint ARENA/JRA 4 workshop (Nice, 05/2006, 30 part. ) Science cases (JENAM 08/2004, N 5, ≈ 25 participants ) Technology roadmap (JENAM, 08/2005, N 5, ≈ 25 part. ) Ø Marie-Curie program: 2006 -2008 • 4 interferometry schools (≈ 55 participants) Ø EII Scientific Council • 13 meetings since its creation in 2002 (≈ 20 participants) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 31
Major Achievements Ø VLTI efforts in close coordination with ESO • Jump-started VLTI 2 nd generation instruments • Contribution to the optimization of VLTI performances − Fringe tracking & Cophasing − Model fitting software (Goutelas summer school, 2006) − Image reconstruction software (Beauty contest) Ø Emergence of a long term prospective • Initiated science case and technology roadmap for nextgeneration facility (N 5) Ø Birth of an interferometric European community • Contribution to the Integration and Expansion of European interferometric community including Central Europe • Creation of the Euro-Interferometry Initiative (EII) Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 32
6 th Framework Program Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I 3) OPTICON PC: Gerry Gilmore / PS: John Davies JRA 4 PC: Chelli Network 5 PC: A. Quirrenbach Marie-Curie Program PC: P. Garcia Euro-Interferometry Initiative (EII) Executive Board Scientific Council Chair: T. Henning Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 33
FP 7 proposal (1/3) Ø Topics • Reaching the full VLTI potential • Preparation of next generation facilities (km baselines) Ø Means • 1 JRA (Proposed PI: D. Mourard) • 1 Network (Proposed PI: P. Garcia) Ø Budget ≈ 1600 K€ Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 34
FP 7 proposal (2/3) Ø Coordination, Communication, Outreach Ø Astrophysical working groups • • long term vision of interferometry Support to the VLTI scientific exploitation Ø European mobility • Fizeau exchange program Ø Reaching the full VLTI potential (in coordination with ESO) • • High level software: reduction pipelines, image reconstruction Cophasing → long exposure modes → higher sensitivity Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 35
FP 7 proposal (3/3) Ø Prospective work: Preparation of Next generation interferometers (km baselines) • • • Science cases Comparison of arrays: number of apertures & size Beam combiners & cophasing: large number of apertures Relative merits of sites Identification of critical technological issues Ø Technology program • • Short term: beam transport, combination, cophasing Mid-term: follow-up of the prospective work, new actions Alain Chelli – JRA 4 Status Report – Opticon meeting – Corfu, September 11 th, 2007 36