- Количество слайдов: 35
Outline n n n n What (or who) is the JCSDA? Why is there a JCSDA? What does the JCSDA do? How Does the JCSDA function? What Successes has the JCSDA had? Challenges and Opportunities Summary Colloquium Forward JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 2
What is the JCSDA? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 3
JCSDA Partner Agencies NOAA/NESDIS NOAA/NWS NASA/Earth Science Division NOAA/OAR US Navy/Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy and NRL US Air Force/Director of Weather JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 4
Why is there a JCSDA? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 5
JCSDA Vision and Mission Vision: An interagency partnership working to become a world leader in applying satellite data and research to operational goals in environmental analysis and prediction Mission: …to accelerate and improve the quantitative use of research and operational satellite data in weather, ocean, climate and environmental analysis and prediction models. JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 6
What does the JCSDA do? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 7
From idea to implementation (R 2 O) • Basic research • Applied research • Research to Operations transition (JCSDA) • Operational implementation (at NCEP, AFWA, FNMOC) JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 8
JCSDA Science Priorities Overarching goal: Help the operational services improve the quality of their prediction products via improved and accelerated use of satellite data and related research n n n Radiative Transfer Modeling (CRTM) Preparation for assimilation of data from new instruments Observations affected by clouds and precipitation Assimilation of land surface observations Assimilation of ocean surface observations Atmospheric composition; chemistry and aerosol Driving the activities of the Joint Center since 2001, approved by the Science Steering Committee JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 9
How does the JCSDA Function? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 10
JCSDA Modes of Operation n Directed research n n External research n n Carried out by the individual partners Mixture of new and leveraged funding from other programs JCSDA plays a coordinating role (ideally) Grants or Contracts awarded following proposals submitted to Federal Funding Opportunities administered by the partners Open to the broader (external) research community Funding awarded competitively, peer review process Visiting Scientist Program JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 11
JCSDA Working Groups n Virtual teams consisting of working level scientists from multiple JCSDA partners and stakeholders n n Coordination of effort and direct collaboration between partners on specific topics Working Groups formed to date n n n CRTM – team working since early 2008 Hyperspectral IR sounding Microwave sensors Oceans Land Atmospheric composition JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 12
Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP) n n n Joint JCSDA/HFIP Workshop on satellite data assimilation focusing on improved hurricane track and intensity prediction in 2011 Support for JCSDA scientist to work on cloudy radiance data near the vortex Potential future involvement in JCSDA external research (FFO) JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 13
GOES-R Program n Support for n n n 4 D-VAR development SEVIRI radiance assimilation (ABI proxy) External Research (FFO) n n Project related to GLM data exploitation Support for JCSDA computing needs (via NASA/GSFC and NESDIS/STAR) JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 14
Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program n Support for preparations for assimilation of Cr. IS and ATMS radiances n n CRTM upgrades Data reformatting Data ingest Latency Study Support? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 15
International collaboration n ECWMF n ECMWF-JCSDA Workshop on Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitation into NWP models June 15 -17, 2010 n OSSE (Nature Run, validation, experimental design, …) n n n Ensemble Prediction, data assimilation development, ODB WMO/CGMS n JCSDA organized/hosted Fourth WMO WS on Data Impacts in Sedona, AZ in May , 2012 ESA n NESDIS ground support for ADM => improved data latency for North American users JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 16
JCSDA Outreach Activities JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 17
JCSDA Seminars n n n Typically one or two seminars per month in WWB Mix of national and international speakers on wide variety of satellite and data assimilation related topics Attended both in person and virtually (Webex and phone-in) JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 18
Annual JCSDA Science Workshop n n Usually Conducted in the Spring Growing attendance n n n ~90 -100 participants in 2010 ~ 150 in 2011 Features Reports by n n JCSDA management JCSDA Working Groups Funded JSDI and FFO investigators In-kind contributors (i. e. Partner Agencies) JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 19
JCSDA Summer Colloquium n Two-week summer school n n n Important because of lack of US academic programs in DA Target is to conduct every other year Program of lectures given by world-renowned experts 19 participants (almost all Ph. D. students or postdocs) from 3 countries, including the US Sponsored by all JCSDA partners JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 20
JCSDA Computing • JCSDA management working with NASA and GOES-R program to secure JCSDA operated supercomputing resource that can be made available to external investigators to test algorithms in the context of operational partner systems • Management and location of the resource still being discussed; will likely be collocated with existing NASA or NOAA resources JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 21
JIBB Projects and Users • • NPP transition to operations impact experiments General data impact experiments and OSEs Next generation NOAA hybrid data assimilation system port Hyperspectral IR methodology Hyperspectral IR cloudy radiances Satellite wind impact experiments Lightning assimilation methodology – (Fuelberg) 22
Jibb Initial System Capabilities (after NOAA-funded expansion) • Compute – IBM i. Data. Plex – 576 total cores; 6. 3 TF Peak Computing – 48 Compute Nodes • Dual-socket, hex-core 2. 8 GHz Intel Westmere with 24 GB of RAM • Quad Data Rate Infiniband Network (32 Gbps) in a 2 -to-1 blocking fabric • Storage – – 8 IBM x 3650 Storage Servers 2 IBM DS 3512 Storage Subsystems 200 TB Total IBM GPFS File System • Ancillary Nodes – 2 Login Nodes – 2 Management Nodes JCSDA Update, HPCRAC, January 11, 2012 23
Jibb Total System Capabilities • Compute – IBM i. Data. Plex – 3, 456 total cores; 37. 8 TF Peak Computing – 288 Compute Nodes • Dual-socket, hex-core 2. 8 GHz Intel Westmere with 24 GB of RAM • Quad Data Rate Infiniband Network (32 Gbps) in a 2 -to-1 blocking fabric • Storage – – 8 IBM x 3650 Storage Servers 2 IBM DS 3512 Storage Subsystems 400 TB Total IBM GPFS File System • Ancillary Nodes – 2 Login Nodes – 2 Management Nodes JCSDA Update, HPCRAC, January 11, 2012 24
Management approach • Jibb Configuration Board – Routine decisions on system admin issues – Membership: Riishojgaard, Boukabara, Yoe, Devaliere, Pratt (JCSDA), Duffy, Romney, Sinno (NASA/GSFC) • Jibb Resource Allocation Board – Policy-level decision on allocation of run-time and storage space – Membership: JCSDA Executive Team • System Administration – NCCS • User account sponsor group – Signs off on account request – Membership: L. P. Riishojgaard, S. -A. Boukabara, J. Yoe JCSDA Update, HPCRAC, January 11, 2012 25
What Success has the JCSDA Had? JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 26
Key Accomplishments n n n Common assimilation infrastructure (EMC, GMAO, AFWA) Community radiative transfer model (CRTM - all partners) Common NOAA/NASA land data assimilation system (EMC, GMAO, AFWA) Numerous new satellite data assimilated operationally, e. g. MODIS (winds and AOD), AIRS and IASI hyperspectral IR radiances, GPSRO sensors (COSMIC, GRAS, GRACE), SSMI/S, Windsat, Jason-2, NPP/ATMS Advanced sensors tested for operational readiness, e. g. ASCAT, MLS, SEVIRI (radiances) Ongoing methodology improvement for sensors already assimilated, e. g. AIRS/IASI (Cr. IS), GPSRO, SSMI/S Improved physically based SST analysis Adjoint sensitivity diagnostics Emerging OSSE capability in support of ADM, COSMIC-2, JPSS, GOES-R, Decadal Survey and other missions Establishment of IT platform to emulate operational environments (JIBB) Systematic Data Denial Experiments JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 27
Challenges and Opportunities n Budget Pressures n n New satellites and sensors n n Data volumes challenging Scope n n Impact partners singly and collectively Impact national satellites program Increasing budget scrutiny Moving beyond global NWP – climate, space wx, etc. New Facility n See next slides JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 28
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction • Four-story, 268, 762 square foot building in Riverdale, MD will house 800+ Federal employees, and contractors • 5 NCEP Centers (NCO, EMC, HPC, OPC, CPC) • NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) • NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB) • OAR Air Resources Laboratory • Includes 40 spaces for visiting scientists • Includes 500 seat auditorium/ conference center, library, deli, fitness center and health unit 29
Move Schedule • February 2, 2012 – data center setup began! • April 7, 2012 – Building operations transferred to new owner – Furniture being installed and wired • July 30, 2012 – begin phased move-in – Front offices – Non-operational groups • August 2012 – dual operations February 2, 2012 • September 2012 – complete move • Post-election 2012 – ribbon-cutting ceremony 30
Summary • Progress in many JCSDA activity areas – • • Impacts achieved for all operational partners Computational resources for external partners Major new developments in data assimilation underway within all JCSDA partners Extensive collaboration Major challenges remain JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 31
Forward n n What Should You Take Away? Understanding of Data Assimilation and Applications Familiarity with the JCSDA n Institutions and Individuals Motivation n To use exploit satellite data more effectively in your research and applications JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 32
Back up slides JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM 33
Satellite Data used in NWP • HIRS sounder radiances • AMSU-A sounder radiances • AMSU-B sounder radiances • GOES, Meteosat, GMS winds • GOES precipitation rate • SSM/I precipitation rates • TRMM precipitation rates • SSM/I ocean surface wind speeds • ERS-2 ocean surface wind vectors • Quikscat ocean surface wind vectors • AVHRR SST • AVHRR vegetation fraction • AVHRR surface type • Multi-satellite snow cover • Multi-satellite sea ice • SBUV/2 ozone profile and total ozone • Altimeter sea level observations (ocean data assimilation) • AIRS • MODIS Winds • COSMIC JCSDA Summer Colloquium Santa Fe, NM ~33 instruments 34
Test Beds Service – Science Linkage with the Outside Community • EMC WRF Developmental Test Center, NASA/ NOAA/Do. D Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation • CPC Climate Test Bed • NHC Joint Hurricane Test Bed • HPC Hydrometeorological Test Bed • SPC Hazardous Weather Test Bed with NSSL • SWPC Space Weather Prediction Test Bed with AFWA • AWC Aviation Weather Test Bed • OPC linked with EMC’s Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch 35