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Joint Action on Addressing Chronic Diseases and Healthy Ageing Across the Life-Cycle (JA-CHRODIS) An Joint Action on Addressing Chronic Diseases and Healthy Ageing Across the Life-Cycle (JA-CHRODIS) An Overview Teresa Chavarría National Institute of Health “Carlos III” (ISCIII) On behalf of the JA-CHRODIS partners

Overview on topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Background What Overview on topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Background What is a Joint Action? Some figures The challenge JA-CHRODIS: Objective JA-CHRODIS: Structure JA-CHRODIS: Approach What can JA-CHRODIS offer? Some achievements WWW. CHRODIS. EU

Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) • Spain’s main Public Health Research Organization. • Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) • Spain’s main Public Health Research Organization. • Funds, manages and carries out Biomedical Research. • Provides Scientific-Technical Services to the National Health System. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

Our Mission • To foster the generation of scientific knowledge in Health Sciences. • Our Mission • To foster the generation of scientific knowledge in Health Sciences. • To promote innovation in healthcare and disease prevention. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

ISCIII: Facing Demographic Change and Long Term Diseases Research in Health Care and Health ISCIII: Facing Demographic Change and Long Term Diseases Research in Health Care and Health Promotion WWW. CHRODIS. EU Research in Chronic Diseases Health Technology Assesment New e-Health and Telemedicine approaches

ISCIII’s research centres: Facing Demographic Change and Long Term Diseases WWW. CHRODIS. EU ISCIII’s research centres: Facing Demographic Change and Long Term Diseases WWW. CHRODIS. EU

What is a Joint Action (JA)? • • JAs are initiatives jointly designed and What is a Joint Action (JA)? • • JAs are initiatives jointly designed and financed by EU Member States authorities and the EC. They address common challenges and take forward specific priorities under the third EU Public Health Programme (2014 -2020). http: //ec. europa. eu/health/programme/policy/20082013/index_en. htm They are conducted by national competent authorities (e. g. Ministry of Health) and other public bodies or non-governmental organisations nominated by the EU Member States or other participating countries. They must have clear EU added value. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

Some figures • Chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Some figures • Chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Europe and their incidence is rising. • Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases and mental disorders account for 86% of deaths in Europe. They affect 8 out of 10 of people aged over 65 in Europe. • 65% of people over 65 are affected by more than one chronic disease (multimorbidity). This number rises to 85% for the 85 year-old group. . WWW. CHRODIS. EU

The challenge • 70% to 80% of healthcare budgets are spent on chronic diseases The challenge • 70% to 80% of healthcare budgets are spent on chronic diseases à Unsustainable • Chronic diseases undermine the quality of life of millions of Europeans • Biggest challenge to the EU’s Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) target of 2 more healthy life years (HLY) by 2020 • The majority of the chronic diseases is preventable • The management and treatment of chronic diseases can be more efficient and effective WWW. CHRODIS. EU

Reforms in Europe seek how to • improve the quality of care and health Reforms in Europe seek how to • improve the quality of care and health outcomes for people with complex care needs; • strengthen primary care and community services, and optimize their interface with secondary care; • make more efficient use of scarce resources, and reduce spending on health services; • empower people with chronic and long-term conditions to help define treatment and care modalities. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

There answers across Europe Objective of JA-CHRODIS: To promote and facilitate a process of There answers across Europe Objective of JA-CHRODIS: To promote and facilitate a process of exchange and transfer of good practices between European countries and regions. To pave the way for better health policies and interventions to improve the well-being of citizens. WWW. CHRODIS. EU


JA-CHRODIS: Structure 26 Countries 39 Associated Partners 29 Collaborating Partners 7 Work packages 30 JA-CHRODIS: Structure 26 Countries 39 Associated Partners 29 Collaborating Partners 7 Work packages 30 Tasks Led by: Health Institute Carlos III and Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equity 3 -year duration WWW. CHRODIS. EU Budget: 9. 2 m € (Co-funded EC and Partners)

Stakeholder distribution WWW. CHRODIS. EU Stakeholder distribution WWW. CHRODIS. EU



JA-CHRODIS: Functional approach 1. Consensus over “Good practice” criteria. RAND modified Delphi methodology. Five JA-CHRODIS: Functional approach 1. Consensus over “Good practice” criteria. RAND modified Delphi methodology. Five European expert panels agreeing on the criteria under which practices should be evaluated: • On health promotion and prevention. • On multimorbid patients. • On organizational or systemic change. • On patient-empowerment. • On diabetes – as disease-specific case study. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

JA-CHRODIS: Technical approach 2. Platform of Knowledge Exchange: • On line tools to allow JA-CHRODIS: Technical approach 2. Platform of Knowledge Exchange: • On line tools to allow the evaluation of practices using the assessment criteria agreed by EU experts; • A clearinghouse of excellent chronic disease practices and policies across Europe, selected on those criteria; • A digital library collecting a variety of contents associated to chronicity; • An online helpdesk with expert consultants and a tailoring toolkit meant to advise users on the development, implementation and evaluation of chronic disease practices. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

JA-CHRODIS: Functional approach 3. Communities of practice*: “Groups of people informally bound together by JA-CHRODIS: Functional approach 3. Communities of practice*: “Groups of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise”. – Communities of practice are the actors that maintain the exchange of good practices, focused on specific problems and with defined goals. 4. Study Visits of identified good practice on Health Promotion and Prevention. 5. Training activities and workshops on core topics. 6. Recommendations for guidelines and plans on health. 7. Dissemination and outreach. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

How? Governance • Executive Board: Leader and Co-leaders of work packages. • Governing Board: How? Governance • Executive Board: Leader and Co-leaders of work packages. • Governing Board: nominated representatives of health ministries of Members States, EEA countries, representatives of the European Commission and the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO). • Advisory Board: European experts nominated and selected by Executive Board members. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

How? The general flow of good practices EIP-AHA Platform of Knowledge Exchange (WP 4) How? The general flow of good practices EIP-AHA Platform of Knowledge Exchange (WP 4) Potential Good Practices Other Sources Work Packages 5, 6, 7 Health Care Professionals Improvement of policies, programmes and interventions WWW. CHRODIS. EU Assessment under experts established criteria Clearing House Help Desk Digital Library

What can JACHRODIS offer? Best practice transfer and support in the development and implementation What can JACHRODIS offer? Best practice transfer and support in the development and implementation of diabetes plans Good practices on health promotion and chronic disease prevention JACHRODIS Exchange of practices and interventions based on a quality assessment methodology (PKE) WWW. CHRODIS. EU Effective patientcentered approaches for multimorbid patients

Latest achievements 14 country reviews + an overview report Criteria agreed to identify good Latest achievements 14 country reviews + an overview report Criteria agreed to identify good practices (identified through Delphi processes) Factors influencing care outcomes identified WWW. CHRODIS. EU • What is happening and needed in the areas of health promotion and primary prevention • In relation to: • Health promotion and primary prevention • Organisational interventions, with a focus on multimorbid patients • For multimorbid patients • (Special Issue on Multimorbidity in the Elderly, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 157216)

Latest achievements Collection and review Data on strategies, programmes and interventions gathered Ongoing development Latest achievements Collection and review Data on strategies, programmes and interventions gathered Ongoing development of ICT -based Platform of Knowledge Exchange (PKE) WWW. CHRODIS. EU • Of existing care (pathway) approaches for multimorbid patients • Of National Diabetes Plans (NDP) • Policy Brief on NDP • For the secondary prevention and management of diabetes • Incl. preliminary identification of good practice criteria • For decision-makers, researchers, health care professionals and patients to share knowledge on the prevention and care of chronic diseases in Europe.

JA-CHRODIS works…. …. to pave the way for better health policies and interventions to JA-CHRODIS works…. …. to pave the way for better health policies and interventions to improve the well-being of citizens. WWW. CHRODIS. EU

OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: http: //www. chrodis. eu/outcomes-results/ VISIT OUR VIDEO: http: //www. chrodis. eu/our-work/02 OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: http: //www. chrodis. eu/outcomes-results/ VISIT OUR VIDEO: http: //www. chrodis. eu/our-work/02 communication/tools/ NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION: info@chrodis. eu. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http: //www. chrodis. eu/outcomes-results/ WWW. CHRODIS. EU

The Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle The Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS)* * This presentation arises from the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS), which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008 -2013). Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. WWW. CHRODIS. EU