- Количество слайдов: 9
INTRODUCTION Charles Allen – World War II children The Setting – Jn 6: 1 -27 Jesus related manna that God gave Israel Jn 6: 31 -33 Goal to compare the manna God gave Israel to Jesus calling Himself the “Bread of life”
THE PURPOSE OF MANNA IN THE O. T. 1 st mentioned in Exodus 16 People complain about lack of bread & meat – Ex 16: 2 -3 Consider what God says – Ex 16: 4 -5 Purpose & command by God – Ex 16: 12 -16 Manna = “What is it? ” – Ex 16: 14 -15
COMPARE MANNA & “BREAD OF LIFE” 2 main reasons God gave manna to Israel Gave them life – Lam 4: 9; Ps 146: 5 -7 A sign God was with them – Ex 16: 12; Jn 6: 30 -31 Comparisons It between manna & “Bread of Life” was small – Ex 16: 14 Christ’s humility – Lk 2: 7; Phil 2: 5 -7 It was round – Ex 16: 14 Christ’s eternal nature – Jn 1: 1 -3; Col 1: 15 -17
COMPARE MANNA & “BREAD OF LIFE” It was white – Ex 16: 31 Christ is sinless & pure – Is 53: 9; 2 Cor 5: 21 It came at night – Ex 16: 13 -14 Christ came to this world of spiritual darkness and gave light & life – Gal 4: 3 -5; Rom 5: 8 It was misunderstood – Ex 16: 15 Christ was misunderstood – Jn 1: 11; Jn 10: 20; Mk 8: 27 -30 It was sufficient for every man’s need – Ex 16: 18 Christ is the all sufficient Savior – 2 Tim 3: 1617; Mt 11: 28 -30; Jn 6: 35
COMPARE MANNA & “BREAD OF LIFE” It was sweet to taste – Ex 16: 31 Christ’s words are sweet – Ps 34: 8; 1 Pet 2: 3; Heb 6: 4 -6 It was kept & passed on – Ex 16: 32 Christ is to be passed on – Mt 28: 18 -20; 2 Tim 2: 2; 1 Pet 3: 15 -17 It gave nourishment for 40 years Christ gives eternal nourishment – Jn 6: 49 -50; Jn 6: 58
COMPARE MANNA & “BREAD OF LIFE” Israel children complained about it – Num 11: 4 -6; Num 21: 5 Christ is rejected – Jn 1: 11; Jn 6: 66 Manna was temporary but Christ “The bread of life” is eternal – Josh 5: 12
THE PURPOSE & MEANING OF STATEMENT Jesus tells us that He is the “Bread of Life” so we can have eternal life – Jn 6: 32 -35, 47 -51, 53 -56 We obtain Spiritual Food by studying the Word of God & applying its principles Begin with 1 st principles – 2 Tim 2: 15; 2 Pet 3: 18 Become more mature – Heb 5: 12 -14; Mt 5: 6 When we feed on “The bread of life”, we have eternal life Christ gives us the nourishment we need
CONCLUSION Jesus provides us with that which we need for eternal life