- Количество слайдов: 19
Answer these questions: 1. What do you want to be? What job did you want to do when you were a child? 2. What are you parents’ jobs? 3. What jobs have you already tried? (as a summer job) 4. What job would you never be able to do? Why? 5. Are any jobs more dangerous than the others? 6. Do you want to have the same work all your life or would you like to try a number of jobs? Why?
What's the occupation? Read the instructions and write down the hidden occupation. 1. The nineteenth letter of the alphabet. 2. This letter is in HOUR but not in OUR. 3. This vowel is only in Monday but not in Tuesday. 4. This letter is between O and Q. 5. This is the first vowel. 6. The days of the weekend start with this letter. 7. The season I go to the beach starts with this letter. 8. The first personal pronoun. 9. This letter is the same as the letter in clue number one. 10. This letter means a kind of drink. 11. This word is a single letter and means one. 12. This letter is in ANT but not in AT. 13. This is the twentieth letter of the alphabet.
Shop assistant - what does this job involve - what does a person do - features of character needed - working time - routine/varied job - does the job involve any risks
Why do people work? • • • Earning a living Security for the future Meeting people Making money Getting out of the house Social status Power Creativity Satisfaction Travel (textbook, p. 13, ex. 1)
PROBLEMS • • • unemployment discrimination working mothers career or a child? women – lower salaries? • respected x less respected jobs • teachers – why isn’t this job respected • fewer jobs nowadays – why? who/what is stealing the jobs? • graduates
How / Why do people lose jobs?
How / Why do people lose jobs? • their position is cancelled / factory closes down (be made redundant) • they don’t do their duties well (= fired) • sb. else gets the job Discuss in pairs other reasons: • . . . .
PAY a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Pay / salary. . . . Income. . . . Wages. . . . Pay cheque. . . Deductions. . . Allowance. . . . Bonus /perks. . . Underpaid. . . . A) Money taken from the total B) Extra payment or benefit that you get in your job C) A fixed sum of money given regularly D) To be paid too little E) Any money you get (from work, investments, . . . ) F) A cheque you get from your employee for work you’ve done G) Money you earn (e. g. weekly, monthly) H) Money that sb. receives regularly to pay for things they need (kids, . . . )
PAY • How important is salary in choosing a job? • Would you select the job based only on a high salary? • Are any workers in the CR underpaid / overpaid? Who? • What are sweatshops?
VOCABULARY Explain the meaning of these words: • CV / application form • Be made redundant / be fired • Promotion • Employer / employee / self - employed • Vacancy • Pension
HOW TO GET A JOB (p. 11) • commercial and governmental (non-govern. ) way JOB INTERVIEW - roleplay • you want to work as a teacher at this school • one student is a teacher • one is the headmaster
Questions to discuss • How can a person improve his or her chances of getting a good job? • What qualities are needed / required for being a doctor / teacher / car mechanic / gardener? • What would be the ideal work time for you? • Is it hard to decide what career to choose? Why? • Who can help you in choosing your future career? • What / Who can influence your choice?
YOUR FUTURE CAREER • • I would like to be. . My job must be. . . I would never move for a job My boss must be. . My salary must be. . . EDUCATION and me Travelling as a part of the job, travelling to work