- Количество слайдов: 11
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Definition: “a pleasurable feeling that ‘results from the perception that one’s job fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of one’s important job values’”
Sources of Job Satisfaction 10 -14 Supervisors and Co. Workers reasons for satisfaction: Øshare similar values Øprovide support Øhelp to achieve goals
10 -11 Sources of Job Dissatisfaction Personal Disposition Negative affectivity— a dispositional dimension that reflects pervasive individual differences in satisfaction with any and all aspects of life
10 -15 Sources of Job Dissatisfaction Pay and Benefits ØAbsolute amount of income ØBenefits package ØPay structure ØRaises
10 -12 Sources of Job Dissatisfaction Organizational Tasks Aspects that affect job dissatisfaction Task Complexity Degree of Physical Strain Value of Task
10 -13 Sources of Job Dissatisfaction Organizational Roles Aspects that affect job dissatisfaction Role Ambiguity Role Conflict Role Overload
Job Dissatisfaction u. Source of Negative Behaviors -- Tardiness Turnover Stress Burnout Theft Grievances Decreased job involvement Lower organizational commitment
Model of 10 -10 Job Dissatisfaction - Job Withdrawal Process Causes of Job Dissatisfaction - personal disposition - task and roles - supervisors and coworkers - pay and benefits Job Dissatisfaction Job Withdrawal Manifestation of Job Withdrawal - behavior change - physical withdrawal - psychological withdrawal - health problems
Consequences of Job Dissatisfaction behavior change physical job withdrawal psychological job withdrawal health problems
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