job interview.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 9
Job Interview Part 1
Revision. Translate into English Наши требования к кандидатам очень простые: страсть к работе и желание совершенствоваться. Он настоящий командный игрок преданный своей работе. Предыдущий опыт работы в этой сфере помог ему получить эту должность. Наша компания лидер в туристическом бизнесе. Все наши сотрудники – профессионалы.
Check yourself: Our requirements to the candidates are quite simple: passion to your job and desire of self-perfection. He is a real team player, dedicated to his job. His previous experience of working in this sphere helped him to get/obtain this position. Our company is a leader in travel business. All our employees are professionals.
Study new words: Job interview Passing through a job interview is an obligatory part of getting a position with our company. Have you ever passed through a job interview? Do you think it is better to hold an interview with each employee personally or a resume would mostly be enough?
Job responsibilities My job responsibilities include answering phone calls and dealing with correspondence. Каковы ваши обязанности по работе? What are your job responsibilities? Мои обязанности по работе не соответствуют моей зарплате. My job responsibilities do not correlate with my salary.
Study the following traits of character: Humble – Modest – Determined – Communicative – Confident – Hard-working – Charismatic – Responsible – Thorough – Creative – Pretentious – Cocky – Hesitant – Unsure – Fair – Indecisive Honest – Trustworthy -
Answer the questions (Give full answers!!!!) What qualities of the above mentioned list can be used characterize you? Begin with: Such Ø characteristics as … What features of character do you like/reject? Begin with: I like/reject when people are … Ø From your point of view, which of the characteristics are important for people in the modern world?
Check yourself: do you know the meaning of the following words Handle something (an interview, a problem, a conflict) Outcome of something To come across as (modest, confident) To face a challenge Seize an opportunity To get a first impression of a personality To look into the details To put an emphasis on (to emphasize) To brag
To boast To glorify oneself To be worthy smth Significant achievements To have great interpersonal skills To focus on one’s successes and contributions To have a room for consideration To affect/ an effect To question one’s credibility Blunder
job interview.pptx