JOANNEUM RESEARCH Institute of Information Systems & Information Management JRS Video Annotation Tool Peter Schallauer, Werner Bailer Demonstration a TRADITION of INNOVATION
JRS Video Annotation Tool Automatic AVCA and Semantic Analysis results visualisation, validation and/or correction 29. 06. 2006 Planned Functions (Presto. Space) è AVCA: shot boundaries, key frames, camera motion, faces, visual shot similarity, technical metadata, stripe images, motion activity è Semantic A. : Segmentation (scenes, news stories), segment classification, occurrence of named entities, synopsis Manual temporal content structuring è Classification Scheme è (Thesaurus) è Knowledge Base a TRADITION of INNOVATION ISO 9001 certified Manual semantic annotation on content structure with vocabulary from 2 è Shot, scene, any temporal segment è Hierarchical
JRS Video Annotation Tool a TRADITION of INNOVATION ISO 9001 certified 3 29. 06. 2006 Prototype Demo
JRS Video Annotation Tool 29. 06. 2006 Interfaces Video Data è DV, MPEG-1/2, WMV 9, Div. X Metadata è Input n MPEG-7 DAVP n Controlled vocabulary interface plug-ins l MPEG-7 CS l Thesauri l Knowledge Base n MPEG-7 DAVP n Controlled vocabulary l Referenced or by value in MPEG-7 a TRADITION of INNOVATION ISO 9001 certified 4 è Output
JRS Video Annotation Tool Requirements è What are the required annotation and visualisation functions? n Essential and ‘nice to have’ ones 29. 06. 2006 Discussion Issues è AP: xx, gather requirements Efforts è Estimate based on requirements è AP: JRS, estimate effort Timescale è PM 12 Demonstrator JRS Decision on Yes/No/How to do the K-Space Video Annotation Tool è Based on n Effort for implementing essential functions n Available K-Space resources n Time a TRADITION of INNOVATION ISO 9001 certified è No JRS resources planned for Tool in K-Space è How many PM are available? 5 K-Space Resources
Peter Schallauer 29. 06. 2006 Contact E-mail: peter. schallauer@joanneum. at Web: http: //www. joanneum. at/iis a TRADITION of INNOVATION ISO 9001 certified Voice: +43 316 876 1202 Fax: +43 316 876 1191 6 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Steyrergasse 17 A-8010 Graz / AUSTRIA