- Количество слайдов: 33
Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jinja city development process began in 2006 It arose out of the desire to plan and steer Jinja to proper development goals It was initiated by the Mayor , His Worship Kezaala Baswari and supported by his council and technical staff. The idea in mind was to develop a strategic plan Deep thinking initiated by the Mayor dwelt on an analysis of the past present and determine the future of Jinja It was observed that Jinja is a sleeping historical giant yet it has several potentials for growth and development. Several consultations were made, swot analyses were carried out and a strategic planning team was composed to guide the development of a strategic plan.
Introduction continued. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sample Strategic plans from the city of Guelph in Canada and Trafford in UK were looked at. Meanwhile The lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Cooperation in a bid to conserve Lake Victoria had linked up with UNHABITAT and decided that the CDS tool developed by the UN Habitat should be implemented in Jinja just as it had been done on other municipalities surrounding lake Victoria , an Idea welcomed by Jinja. In June 2006 Mayor Kezaala declared a launch of centenary celebration to last a whole year until June 2007. Festive activities and consultation process were to take place. UNHABITAT sent a team to train the Jinja political leadership and staff skills in the CDS development. This took place on 15 th May 2007 1. Fundamentals of the CDS tool were given
Other Participating Municipalities
What are CDS? CDS are action plans for equitable growth in cities, developed and sustained through participation, to improve the quality of life for all citizens Goals of CDS include: Ø Collective city vision and strategic action plans Ø Improve urban governance and management Ø Increase investment to expand employment and services Ø Systematic & sustained reduction in urban poverty Ø Have a component of environment al sustainability mainstreamed. That CDS goes through a cycle of Steps: 1. preparation, 2. consultation, 3. identification of key areas, 5. action planning and 6. implementation
CDS Cycle
Preparing for CDS • In preparing for CDS: – Commitment of city Governments – Stakeholder Mobilization – Rapid Assessment of Thematic Focus on • • • Poverty Governance Economy Shelter Environment HIV/AID is emphasized, etc.
Fundamentals of CDS Assess state of the city and its region. • Identify city needs, opportunities and challenges • Value and preferences of residents • Relationships with the region, national and global economy • Develop a long-term vision • Act now with focus on results • Value the contributions of the poor • Encourage local business growth • Engage networks of cities • Focus on implementation • Concentrate on priorities • Foster local leadership
Jinja City Development Strategy Formulation process and Events, 15 May , 2007 Team 29 May - CDS Team was formed and trained by a from UNHABITAT - Jinja City Profile was drafted Draft comprising of Basic City information -A City Wide Consultation (- stakeholder , 12 -13 June, 2007 analysis, Issues identification & Prioritization , was done) i. e. what are the development issues in Jinja and who is involved? This was done in a highly attended stakeholders meeting, where over 40 issues identified were grouped in 7 thematic areas, for each thematic area, a group of 7 -10 people were selected 14 June-4 July, 2007 - Working Groups - elaborated on issues City Scan (Quick) + Analysis (Ward level) done 5 -10 July - Team leaders consolidated issues 11 -12 July, 2007 – City Consultation No. 2 was held and draft City development framework out put 15 July 2007 – Draft Framework ready for Printing 23 -27 July, 2007 – Launch of Jinja CDS Framework was carried out August -2007 -- Working Groups Continued
CDS Formulation process Cont’d In 2008 -2009 Technical Support Team to prepared and shared a draft document frame with the CDS focal point Working Groups to completed formulation of Strategic plans and investment plans. Spatial components of the issues identified by the working groups were sifted for input into the Environment Management information system basic map of Jinja EMIS office at JMC set up and equipped, and on-job training of identified staff undertaken Preparation of zero draft of the CDS document EMIS workshop for technical staff of Jinja Municipal Council
CDS Formulation process Cont’d Basic map of Jinja incorporating the identified key development issues to be completed Jinja cds map. pdf Presentation of a summary draft to the Investors Formulation and review of Zero Draft by the- Technical team, Thematic groups and CDS team Preparation of first draft Discussion of first draft with stakeholders and investors Prepared final draft Approval by Executive and Council All CDS information on Jinja Municipality to be uploaded on the JMC website Mapping of development plans identified by the Working Groups Launching of CDS, on 29 th January 2009, but had been scheduled for August 2009 Continue working on the EMIS CDS Team Review meeting every six months
Jinja City Development Framework 2007 • The Jinja City development Framework out put the: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jinja Vision Jinja mission Objectives Jinja city development strategy A brief history of Jinja Basic information on Jinja Challenges facing Jinja Key strategic areas
Vision ‘A sustainable and prosperous city with excellence in tourism, commerce and industry’
Mission ‘To improve the quality of life of all residents through tourism promotion, commercial rejuvenation and revitalized industrial economy with equitable access and enhanced service delivery in an attractive and sustainable environment. ’
Framework of approach 1. 2. 3. 4. Developed broad objectives from thematic clusters Referred to the identified challenges and thematic potentials Identified some appropriate strategies Cited some present initiatives
Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To promote Local Economic Development To reduce Poverty Reduction and Livelihood Improvement To promote Tourism and Cultural Development To improve access to and quality of health Services and reduce prevalence of HIV/AIDS To enhance Environmental Management and Physical Planning To foster Education and Human Development To improve Governance and Management
Challenges of an urbanizing Jinja. Clustered in seven thematic areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Local Economic Development Poverty Reduction and Livelihood Improvement Tourism and Cultural Development Health and HIV/AIDS Environmental Management and Physical Planning Education and Human Development To improve Governance and Management
Basic City Information This is basically a fact sheet on the City. It contains: Introduction and historical background Demographic profile Administrative and Political profile Socio-Economic Profile Land Use and Urban Development Profile Environmental Profile
Strategic Action Plans In all the different thematic areas § Objectives § Specific activities § Time frame § Actors § Comments
Strategic Investment Plans For each thematic area, we have Priority : Interventions Costs and sources of funds Time frame.
Progress On 29 th January 2010 The Jinja CDS was launched Next phase was the implementation of the CDS by all stakeholders. Courtesy of all: ◦ participants ◦ the leadership and technical Team of UNHABITAT in particular Madam Cecilia, Njenga and LVRLAC for making it possible
What followed? Training by the UNHABITAT of Select staff and Councilors of CDS cities including Jinja Municipal Council Evaluation by UNHABITAT Consultant.
Current status STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIC ACTION PLANS implementation status. docx Infrastructural program underway with funds from Uganda government Jinja central market reconstruction program with funding from central government Development of a fully fledged public University by MUBS Launching of the beatification program Solid waste improvements in partnership with NEM and Skelleftea Municipality Boost in tourism through private sector involvement and Tourism Board Improvement in functions of the land board Continued application of development control procedures Integration of EIA, SEA, EA tools in all development programs of JMC Development of a tourism aster plan Continuation of the CDS focusing on Urban housing development for the urban poor
Environment Mainstreaming Environment is cross cutting issue and should be mainstreamed in development planning Activities for effective implementation. Mainstreaming is done in view of: ◦ Effective institutional frameworks for intervention ◦ Availing of resources, in terms of materials , equipment , budgets and human resource ◦ Handling environment challenges within and by appropriate sectors and appropriate times Mainstreaming of environment issues is best done at program level, and project level (within the organization and regulation of private organization, through EIA, SEA, Eas and Development planning control.
Challenges (a) The CDS is Strategic plan by Jinja Municipal Council to offer guided development ◦ Progreessed after Engagement with UNHabitat through the LVRLAC AGM in Mwanza ◦ First developed the Jinja City development framework , consultation and documentation 2007 -2009 ◦ Launched on Jan 2010
What has been most/least useful/helpful in the CDS? -1 a Jinja CDS ◦ As a strategic plan there was no funding from Jinja Municipal Council, CDS hoped to bring the much needed fund ◦ Since the initial Strategic plan formulation was politically initiate d it was first resisted by the technocrats. As a result we had 3 different focal point persons.
What has been most/least useful/helpful in the CDS? -1 a ◦ Inclusiveness and involvement of stakeholders at all stages of the CDS process through the bottom up approach as hopped to tap silent talents and ownership of the program by the stakeholders. ◦ In the unlikely event that the political leadership changes the CDS program will stay. ◦ City Profiling-much of this was already in place in form of secondary data (population surveys of UBOS , 3 year development plan and departmental reports. CDS hoped to do the city profiling and it stimulated interest in research on the history and development potentials of Jinja. ◦ Prioritization into thematic areas of focus
Key successes of implementing the CDS Launching of the CDS strategy with a clear vision, objectives , strategic action plan and strategic Investments plans. It has helped to justify Jinja’s request to central Government for elevation to a city CDS has helped to stimulate private lead development in Jinja in anticipation of a city status
Key Success cont’d 12 groups have benefited from the income generation projects 20 HIV/AIDS families have benefited from the diary goats project. Several staff and leaders are undergoing training in governance and urban development studies Exposure through international conferences like the 4 th and 5 th World Urban Fora It has helped to bring the 3 East African people closer Launching of the Beautification program
Key Challenges in CDS implementation Little participation of the private sector yet they are the biggest players in sustainable economic development. Government has not yet conceptualized the CDS process Limited /uncertain resources to implement projects. Political interference Scramble for land EMIS was not completed To much democracy of sensitizing people on the obvious There were Pending elections CDS Not adequately mainstreamed in JMC institution due to frequent transfers of Town Clerks plus political Disturbance. Coordination team has not consistently, guided the implementation of city Development plan EM not adequately addressed though practiced in the organisation
Lessons from the CDS to improve urban planning The CDS stimulated the creation of town councils nearby i. e. Bugembe and Kakira town councils. This was an initiative to avoid unplanned development around Jinja. Has helped to promote public participation and awareness It has helped to build a network of CDS cities around lake Victoria hence learning from each others experiences Has been continued with emphasis on slum upgrading by Cities Alliance
What we would do differently I would take the rural in serious consideration as it has a bearing on what goes on in Town I would take on the hinterland on board from day one for the same and even more reasons.
END Thank you