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JINI Technology Ashwin Satyanarayana Venkatesh Nattanmai PART - I
Introduction to JINI • What is JINI ? • Jini is a way to do distributed computing that helps you manage the dynamic nature of networks
• JINI is NOT a Acronym • It is a technology which helps devices to work together and connect simply • Is Jini a Acronym?
Need for JINI • Why JINI ? • Enables a spontaneous "plug, use, and unplug" network • No system administrator required • Everything on the network (hardware or software) is a "service" • Each service represented by a mobile object
Portability Jini technology will run on any network with at least one Java Virtual Machine. • Is Jini Portable?
To add Jini technology • How do you add Jini to an existing software? to existing software, it must have a Java "wrapper" so it will run inside the JVM. Then, add the Jini code that enables the original application to register itself with the lookup service.
Hierarchy of Layers • Where does JINI fit in the hierarchy?
• Jini connection technology is designed to simplify networking through an infrastructure to support devices connecting and forming communities. • It is based on Java technology, using the Remote Method Invocation to move code around the community Jini Infrastructure
• Jini technology provides simple mechanisms which enable devices to plug together to form a community put together without any planning, installation, or human intervention. • Each device provides services that other devices in the community may use. These devices provide their own interfaces, which ensures reliability and compatibility • How does JINI work?
• Where is JINI used? • Devices permeate our lives. Look around: TVs, DVDs, cameras, phones, PDA, printers, disk drives, pagers. A device performs a simple task, and only that task. • Today devices are unaware of their surroundings - they are rigid and cannot adapt. When you buy a disk drive, you expend a lot of effort to install it or you need expert to do it for you.
Jini in the device • With the help of JINI Technology, a device that can take charge of its own interactions can selfconfigure, self-diagnose, and self-install. • How does JINI Technology help in devices?
Jini in networks!!! • With the ever falling cost of Computers , Jini technology creates the possibility of impromptu device communities popping up in all kinds of places far from any sys admin. • Self-managing devices reduce further the need for expert help, and this should lower the total cost of ownership for Jini connection technology-based systems. • How does JINI reduce the cost of the modern day networking devices?
Parts of Jini Components of a Jini System • What are the components of a JINI System?
• • Explain the components of the JINI System? In a running Jini system, there are three main players. • There is a service, Eg : printer, a toaster, a marriage agency, etc. • There is a client which would like to make use of this service. • Thirdly, there is a lookup service (service locator) which acts as a broker/trader/locator between services and clients. • There is an additional component, and that is a network connecting all three of these, and this network will generally be running TCP/IP.
It gives the device following Characteristics • • Instant On: a device works as soon as it is plugged into the community. Impromptu Community: create a community of services for the location and personal needs Resilient: the community changes over time, but is always available. Special Delivery: services are available on demand, as needed. • What are the positive aspects of using JINI Technology in a commonly used devices like Camera and Cell Phone ?
Sample JINI Working Model • Connects to a TCP/IP network. • Use a discovery protocol to find at least one lookup service. • Register with the lookup service. • Continue to renew the resource's leases, as long as the service is available to the network.
End of Part - I Thank You Ashwin Satyanarayana Venkatesh Nattanmai
JINI Technology Ashwin Satyanarayana Venkatesh Nattanmai PART - II
Digital Camera Example With JINI • With Jini technology it’s possible for a camera to plug into a digital photo kiosk or simply connect the camera to your home Jini network. • We will instantly have access to the files and can choose to use color printer services or share the images through your distributed disk service. • Jini connection technology enables impromptu networks of resources to live and serve in the ever changing world. Without JINI • Today, the camera is cabled to a general purpose computer or the camera memory is removed and inserted into a computer, in order to download the images.
Calculator Example Lets take a look at implementing the calculator service and registering its service on the network The steps involved are a) define a Calculator interface b) Create the GUI Frame class for it c) Create the object that does the actual service d) Use the Join Manager for easy registration.
Calculator Example • The interface Calculator Code : /** This is the contract interface, which is being by provided the Calculator. Service class **/ import java. awt. Frame; import java. rmi. *; public interface Calculator extends Remote { public Frame get. Calculator() throws Remote. Exception; } • Explain the Interface Calculator Code?
Calculator Example • Explain the get. Calculator() method? The function get. Calculator() is implemented as follows: Public Frame get. Calculator() throws Remote. Exception { Frame f = new Calc. Frame(); f. set. Size(300, 150); return f; }
Calculator Service class The Calculator. Service is registered with the lookup service as follows Calculator. Service calculator. Service= new Calculator. Service(); String host. Name ="chittu. cswl. com"; Naming. rebind("rmi: //"+host. Name+“ Calculator. Service", calculator. Service); System. out. println("Bound with RMIRegistry"); Object service. Stub = Naming. lookup("rmi: //"+host. Name +"/Calculator. Service"); System. out. println("Trying to Join Manager"); // Join the manager so that it will become a part of federation new Join. Manager(service. Stub, attributes, calculator. Service, new Lease. Renewal. Manager());
JINI - DCOM - CORBA DCOM CORBA JINI Uses the Object Remote Uses the Internet Inter-ORB Uses the Java Remote Method Procedure Call(ORPC) as its Protocol(IIOP) as its Protocol(JRMP) as its underlying remoting protocol (at least for now) protocol Will run on any platform as long as there is a COM Service implementation for that platform (like Software AG's Entire. X) Will run on any platform as long as there is a CORBA ORB implementation for that platform (like Inprise's Visi. Broker) Will run on any platform as long as there is a Java Virtual Machine implementation for that platform (provided by a whole lot of companies in addition to Java. Soft and Microsoft).
• • Sun was recently awarded a contract by the U. S. Army to employ Sun's Jini technology for a dot-com solution to link the network of complex, sophisticated equipment in its battlefield command spots, known as Tactical Operation Centers (TOCs). Jini technology meets the requirement by letting computers and other devices interoperate immediately after being connected. JINI in Mission-Critical Deployment.
Companies using JINI • • • • 3 Com, Palm Computing Inc. Canon Computer Associates Cisco Systems Inc Ericsson, for the Bluetooth Consortium IBM Kodak Motorola Nokia Novell Philips Phoenix Technologies Samsung • Seagate • Sharp • Sony • Toshiba • Xerox
Microsoft Vs Sun • The Sun rival is hard at work on its own new-age networking technology, called Universal Plug and Play. Microsoft and several other companies are developing ways to shield users from the often -obtuse demands of networking equipment together.
References 1. Overview of JINI http: //pandonia. canberra. edu. au/java/jini/tutorial/Overview. xml#Jini 2. JINI Example codes http: //www. cswl. com/whiteppr/tutorials/jini. html 3. Comparison of JINI with CORBA and DCOM http: //www. execpc. com/~gopalan/misc/compare. html 4. JINI in US ARMY http: //www. sun. com/dot-com/studies/jiniinthearmy. html
References 5. Introduction to JINI http: //triton. cc. gatech. edu/ubicomp/603 6. JINI Network Technology Whitepapers http: //www. sun. com/jini/whitepapers/technologies. html 7. JINI Videos http: //abcnews. go. com/sections/tech/Cutting. Edge/jini 990913. html 8. Information on JINI Technology http: //www. dalmatian. com/java. htm
End of Part - II Thank You Ashwin Satyanarayana Venkatesh Nattanmai