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Java Bytecode Compilation for High-Performance, Platform-Independent Logical Inference Ashish Arte
Organization Ø Designing a reasoning system Ø Reasoning systems in Java • Java Logic Interpreter • Logic-to-Java Compiler • Logic-to-Bytecode Compiler Ø Test results and Evaluation 2
Reasoning Ø Reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions from facts • All men like donuts • Homer is a man • Homer likes donuts Ø Automated Reasoning • Concerned with building computing systems that automate reasoning 3
Automated Reasoning Systems Ø Use • Logic, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering Ø Potential Use • Biological Sciences, Medicine, Commerce, etc. Ø Impediments • Computationally intensive • Often have high performance requirements • Not intuitive • Do not learn from past experience 4
Solution Ø Compensate computational overhead • Design systems that execute faster • Introduce parallelization Ø Java supports both approaches • Permits efficient reasoning • Support for parallel and distributed computing 5
Designing A Reasoning System Ø Problem Representation • General-purpose reasoning system Ø Inference Mechanism Ø Efficient Reasoning 6
Simpson’s World Ø Axioms: • Homer is Lisa’s father • Homer has a pet Santa • Snowball is a cat • Everybody in Springfield likes cats • Anybody in Springfield who has a pet also likes cats • Anybody who likes cats, will not kill a cat • Either Homer or Curiosity killed the cat, Snowball Ø Goal • Did Curiosity kill the cat ? 7
First-Order Logic Ø Constant denotes an element in a domain • homer, marge, lisa • springfield, snowball, santa Ø Predicates capture relationships between elements • father(homer, lisa) • has. Pet(homer, santa) Ø Connectives allow complex predicates • father( homer, lisa) mother( marge, lisa) 8
First-Order Logic Ø Variables are used to denote arbitrary elements • Permit general statements about the domain – father (X, Y) – lives (X, springfield) Ø Functions describe mappings between elements – mother (lisa) Ø Constants, variables, functions are collectively identified as Terms 9
First-Order Logic Representation abstract Term Constant Tuple Variable String value Constant functor Term[] body String value • homer, lisa • zero, two • mother(X) • gt( successor(Y), Y) • X • Y 10
First-Order Logic Statements sibling(lisa, brother(lisa)) sibling(brother(lisa), lisa) Literal Clause Theory boolean sign Term term Literal[] body Clause[] clauses 11
Simpson’s World Ø Clause Set 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ø father(homer, lisa) has. Pet(homer, santa) cat(snowball) lives(X, springfield) likes. Cats(X) likes. Cat(X) lives(X, springfield) has. Pet(X, Y) kills(X, Y) likes. Cats(X) cat(Y) kills(homer, snowball) kills(curiosity, snowball) Goal G: kills(curiosity, snowball) 12
Designing A Reasoning System Ø Language Representation Ø Inference Mechanism • Model Elimination (Loveland) – Goal-oriented – Proof by contradiction – Bottom-up construction of proof tree Ø Efficient Reasoning 13
Model Elimination Example kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) 14
ME Extension Ø If a goal matches a complementary literal from a clause • Extend the goal by attaching all other clause literals • Attached literals considered as subgoals of original goal Ø Example • kills(curiosity, snowball) • kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) Ø Matching procedure is called Unification 15
ME Example kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) cat(snowball) likes. Cats(homer) kills( X, Y) likes. Cats( X ) cat( Y ) 16
Unification Ø Pattern matching via variable assignments Ø Example • kills( homer, snowball) • kills( X, Y) likes. Cats( X ) cat( Y ) • X/homer, Y/snowball Ø Assignment {X/homer} is called binding Ø Binding, {X/likes(donuts, X)}, is not permitted 17
Dereferencing Ø Process of identifying a Term’s binding Ø Constants and Tuples yield the respective instances Ø Variable yields • The Variable instance if it is free • The Term instance the variable is bound to • X → Y → Z → homer 18
ME Example kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) cat(snowball) likes. Cats(homer) has. Pet(homer, Y) has. Pet(homer, santa) lives(homer, springfield) likes. Cats(homer) has. Pet(homer, santa) cat(snowball) ? likes. Cat( lives( X, springfield ) likes. Cats(X) X ) lives( X, springfield ) has. Pet( X, Y) 19
ME Reduction Ø A subgoal can be reduced if • It unifies with a complementary ancestor on its branch Ø Modeled as closing of the branch 20
ME Proof Procedure kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) cat(snowball) likes. Cats(homer) has. Pet(homer, Y) has. Pet(homer, santa) lives(homer, springfield) likes. Cats(homer) 21
Java Logic Interpreter Axioms & Goal Preprocessor Inference Engine Proof 22
Designing A Reasoning System Ø Language Representation Ø Inference Mechanism Ø Efficient Reasoning • ME extension by compiled execution 23
Prolog Ø Logic programming language Ø Proof by contradiction. Ø Efficient proof procedure • pre-compilation of unification steps • compiled into executable abstract machine instructions Ø Efficiency at the expense of language • Clauses restricted to definite clauses • Definite clauses contain exactly one positive literal – p q r s Ø ME extension similar to Prolog’s inference step. 24
Contrapositive Ø Set of permutations with different literal as the first literal each time. Ø Logically equivalent to original clause. Ø kills(homer, snowball) kills(curiosity, snowball) • (kills(curiosity, snowball) kills(homer, snowball) Ø Head: first literal, body: other literals • kills(homer, snowball) kills(curiosity, snowball) – Head: kills(homer, snowball) – Body: kills(curiosity, snowball) 25
Logic-to-Java Compiler FOL Clauses Rules Preprocessor Clause Parser Instances Goal Inference Engine Proof Logic Compiler 26
Rule Representation Rule Literal head Literal[] body Ø Constructor • Instructions to build the structure of the contrapositive Ø apply. Rule method has: • Pre-compiled instructions to unify a Rule() apply. Rule(Subgoal) head term with any subgoal term. Ø Generated instructions are embedded as Java code. 27
Rule: lives(X, springfield) Constructor public class rule extends Rule{ Term constant_a; Term variable_X; Term tuple_t; Term functor_f; Literal head ; public rule(){ constant_a = Constant. lookup( “springfield” ); variable_x = new Variable( “X” ); functor_f = Constant. lookup( “lives” ); Term[] body = {variable_X, constant_a}; tuple_t = new Tuple( functor_f, body ); head = new Literal( tuple_t ); // Constructs declared // as member variables // lookup instance of Constant // create instance of Variable // lookup functor // array of Tuple’s parameters // new Tuple // Literal for head literal } } 28
Unification Rule Head Subgoal p a p q W 1. Match functors p 2. Unify. W to a parameter Bind a & first q 3. Unify q(X, Y) & q Match functors second parameter X Y Z s 4. Bind X to Z 1. Match functors q W p(a, q(X, Y)) 5. Bind Y to. X to first parameter 1. Bind s(W) 1. Bind Y to second parameter Unification as concurrent depth-first traversal of terms 29
Compiled Unification Rule Head Subgoal p apply. Rule(Subgoal s) 1. Match functors p p Term subgoal = subgoal. term ; Tuple tuple = (Tuple)subgoal ; a q W q if( tuple. functor == functor_p ) && tuple. parameters == 2 ) { X Y Z s 2. Unify a and first parameter Term param = tuple. body[0] param = dereference ( param ) W if( param != constant_a ) { if ( param instanceof Variable ) { variable = (Variable)param variable. bind(constant_a) }else { return failure } } // Identical constants proceed 30
Compiled Unification Rule Head Subgoal p 3. Unify q(X, Y) & second parameter p Term term = tuple. body[1] term = dereference ( term ) a q X W Y q Z if ( term instanceof Variable ) { if( !occurs( term, term_q ) ) { variable = (Variable) term ; variable. bind(term_q); } s } W 31
Compiled Unification Rule Head Subgoal p else if ( term instance. Of Tuple ){ 3. 1 Match functors q p Tuple tuple = (Tuple)term; if( tuple. functor == functor_q ) a q W && tuple. parameters == 2 ) { q 3. 2 Bind X to first parameter Term param_1 = tuple. body[0] X Y Z variable_X. bind( param_1 ) s 3. 3 Bind Y to second parameter Term param_2 = tuple. body[1] W variable_Y. bind( param_2 ) } } else{ return failure } } 32
Logic-to-Java Compiler FOL Clauses Parser Rules Preprocessor Goal Logic Compiler Rules As Java Files Inference Engine Proof Java Compiler 33
Bytecode Compilation Ø Prolog’s high efficiency • Inference instructions precompiled for WAM • Warren Abstract Machine instructions set optimized for Prolog • WAM & JVM have similar architectures Ø JVM instructions for logical deduction • Standard Java compiler does not understand logical deduction domain • Specialized compiler generates bytecodes customized for logical deduction. 34
Logic-to-Bytecode Compiler FOL Clauses Parser Rules Preprocessor Goal Inference Engine Proof Rules As Logic Compiler Binary Java Classes 35
JVM Instruction Set Ø Ø Central focus is the operand stack • Instructions transfer data between operand stack and local variables Eg: a = b + c • b, c and a stored in JVM’s local variables 2, 3, and 4 • Bytecodes generated to add these numbers: – – – Ø Ø 9: 10: 11: 12: 14: 16: iload_2 iload_3 iadd istore 4 iload 4 ireturn // Load b from local variable 2 // Load c from local variable 3 // Add the two integers // Store the result in a, in local variable 4 // Load a from local variable 4 // Return the result Stack-centric nature provides support for implementing JVM on broad range of CPUs. Compact design facilitates speedy transmission across networks. 36
Bytecode Logic Compiler Ø Input • Set of clauses represented in Java Ø Output • Binary Rule classes directly compiled using a library Ø Characteristics of bytecodes in apply. Rule • Bytecodes perform a depth-first traversal similar to Logic-to • • Java Compiler. Head term traversed by accessing the member variables Subgoal term decomposed using method variables Decomposition contains redundant operations Redundancy because intermediate results are stored in variables. 37
Redundant Data Transfers Load s_param Tuple s_tuple = (Tuple)s_param Cast Tuple Store s_tuple Load s_tuple Term s_functor = s_tuple. functor get. Field functor Store s_functor Load s_tuple Term[] s_body = s_tuple. body get. Field body Store s_body Load s_functor if (functor_q equals s_functor) Load functor_q Compare 38
Stack-based Subgoal Decomposition Rule Head Subgoal push p(W, q(Z, s(W)) dup p p get. Field functor_p a q W q compare get. Field body X Y Z s dup get. Field length W push 2 [2] p compare p(W, q(Z, s(W))) [2] p [W, q(Z, s(W))] dup p(W, q(Z, s(W))) [W, q(Z, s(W))] 39
Stack-based Subgoal Decomposition Rule Head Subgoal load 0 dereference p p dup get. Field constant_a a q W compare q check. Cast Variable X Y Z s W get. Field constant_a bind load 1 … a W a compare functors verfiy parameters [Z, s(W)] W [W, q(Z, s(W))] dup q(Z, s(W)) [Z, s(W)] [W, q(Z, s(W))] … 40
Stack-based Subgoal Decomposition Rule Head Subgoal load 0 dereference p p get. Field variable_X bind q a W load 1 q dereference X Y Z s W get. Field variable_Y bind X Y Z [Z, s(W)] s(W) 41
Dereferencing Revisited Ø Unification binds variables • X → Y → Z → homer • Dereferencing traverses the chain of references Ø Dereferencing implemented as a loop while( term ) { term = term. next } 42
Efficient Dereference Loop Standard 26: aload 6 28: getfield <Field next> 31: aload 6 33: if acmpeq 46 36: aload 6 38: getfield <Field next> 41: astore 6 43: goto 26 Refined <data on stack> 26: dup 27: getfield< Field next> 30: dup_x 1 31: if_acmpne 25 34: dup 43
Evaluation Ø Interpreted versus Compiled • Evaluate the performance of the system that performs inference by executing compiled methods. Ø Standard compiled versus Custom compiled • Evaluate the performance of the system executing the refined inference methods. 44
Test Suite Ø Test Problems • Five classes of problems • Each class tailored to evaluate the effectiveness of refinements. Ø TPTP problem library • A large collection of problems from various domains – Logic, Algebra, Geometry, Engineering, Planning • Serves as a common suite for evaluation and comparison of reasoning systems. 45
Interpreted v/s Compiled Class Goal Interpreted (secs) Compiled(secs) G 11 106. 68 57. 646 12. 502 2. 211 G 22 30. 999 13. 787 231. 58 147. 863 11. 391 8. 032 G 32 29. 846 21. 283 G 33 84. 805 60. 981 G 41 195. 163 3. 878 G 42 239. 347 6. 904 G 43 265. 003 11. 786 G 51 Class 5 24. 766 G 31 Class 4 46. 183 G 23 Class 3 G 12 G 21 Class 2 10. 793 G 13 Class 1 20. 227 7. 249 6. 904 G 52 0. 113 0. 087 G 53 0. 18 0. 133 46
Logic-to-Bytecode Compiler Configuration Class Goal Stack-Based(secs) Dereference (secs) Combined (secs) G 11 24. 941 24. 571 57. 419 57. 906 56. 748 2. 211 2. 223 2. 178 G 22 13. 748 13. 81 13. 551 147. 631 148. 958 145. 747 8. 058 8. 153 7. 948 G 32 20. 331 21. 67 21. 140 G 33 61. 149 62. 188 60. 57 G 41 3. 911 3. 888 3. 866 G 42 7. 017 6. 934 6. 937 G 43 11. 772 11. 708 11. 740 G 51 Class 5 24. 912 G 31 Class 4 G 12 G 23 Class 3 10. 752 G 21 Class 2 10. 900 G 13 Class 1 10. 848 6. 032 6. 152 5. 978 G 52 0. 086 0. 087 G 53 0. 135 0. 136 0. 134 47
Standard Compiled v/s Bytecode Compiled Class 24. 766 24. 571 57. 646 56. 748 2. 221 2. 178 G 22 13. 787 13. 551 147. 863 145. 747 G 31 8. 032 7. 948 G 32 21. 283 21. 140 G 33 60. 981 60. 57 G 41 3. 878 3. 866 G 42 6. 904 6. 937 G 43 11. 786 11. 740 G 51 Class 5 G 12 G 23 Class 4 10. 752 G 21 Class 3 10. 893 G 13 Class 2 Logic-to-Java Compiler (secs) G 11 Class 1 Goal Logic-to-Bytecode Compiler (secs) 5. 980 5. 978 G 52 0. 087 G 53 0. 134 48
Conclusions Ø Ø Ø Pre-compiling inference steps into methods executable at runtime is faster than runtime interpretation. Using a special compiler, customized for an application domain, provides ability to incorporate refinements that improve performance. Java platform provides extensive support to perform logical reasoning efficiently. 49
Future Work Ø Ø Ø Introduce parallelization • Reasoning in first-order logic offers various forms of parallelism. • Java platform provides supports several paradigms for high-performance parallel and distributed computing. Study other refinement techniques to implement an efficient reasoning system. Explore performance of the reasoning systems on a Java processor tailored for the JVM. 50
Questions 51