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Jagruk Nagrik Suraksha Sanghatan JNSS
What & How? JNSS is a neo non political organization formed by a group of nationalist & highly passionate educated individuals to work as a pressure group to make the system work for the common man. JNSS will mainly take up terrorism related issues & focus on its prevention mainly at the “citizen response” level. JNSS is registered as an organization with national scale of operations JNSS is different as it uses a 3 pronged strategy to get resolutions : - • By using constitutional tools like RTI, PIL’s & Contempt petitions in the courts to ensure adequate preventive security measures are put in place by coercive action. • By conducting regular audits to ensure sustainability of measures put in place & following up necessary security measures to be put in place. • By organizing protests & agitations if need be to achieve the desired results.
Vision - The 3 C’s • To put in place at the very grassroots a localized , highly proactive & immaculately responsive, “Citizen Intelligence Network (CIN)” to ensure prevention of any terrorist attacks in Delhi (Targetted time to achieve the same = 6 months from 01/12/08 ). • To put in place a localized & highly responsive, “Citzens Active Response Team (CART)”, comprising of dare devil patriotic souls/ individuals who will assist the police ON SITE & its other agencies in case any terrorist attack still happens through the length & breadth of Delhi & NCR (RESPONSE TIME = 2 - 3 minutes ) The above module will be set up for each Market area followed by Railway station neighbourhoods, Metro neighbourhoods, Bus Stands, Schools, Malls, RWAs, Colonies etc. • To put in place a 10 – 20 member strong highly motivated CTF (Central Task Force) which shall operate zonally to back up the localized CART team with a response time of less than 30 minutes. Finally, to pursue the deliverance of a considerate & sustainable Rehabilitation Programme for the victims which is automatically initiated and door delivered without them being further harassed or victimized by the system.
JNSS – Action PLAN The Basic Idea To Secure : your workplace (i. e. commercial complex/ market area), your (children’s) place of study (Ofcourse these would be taken up in phases) your residential area/ neighbourhood
Action Plan per target area - continued Stage 1 • Get Feedback from Residents/shopkeers/locals on the security concerns • Prepare a FBC (Citizen’s Feedback Charter) • Submit FBC to the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) & CP office Stage 2 • Putting in place a localized - CIN (Citizen’s Intelligence Network) to : (a) report anything suspicious internally & to 1090 (b) continuously audit the Preventive /Security systems & update the same with Area DCP/CP/MHA • Put in place a localized – 20 member CART (to respond immediately to any eventuality/emergency : intended response time 2 -3 minutes) • POLICE VERIFICATION of all house /shop helps • Put in place a highly motivated 10 member CTF (Central Task Force) with an estimated response time of 15 - 30 minutes. Stage 3 • Monthly Area Assessment Meeting (MAAM) (between Area SHO/DCP & Market designates with JNSS as initiators & Press invitees as monitors) • Target oriented deadlines: mutually discussed, monitored & followed up • at different (if need be at higher levels). • Visible results: will be aggressively pursued by JNSS
FUNDS • • Promoter Funds Life Memberships Primary & Active Memberships (main revenue source) Donations Fund raising events – to be organized regularly Contributions from Biz houses Grants from UN & similar organizations
Membership Types • “Primary Membership” @ Rs 10/- per month And You get a complementary– JNSS Arm Band • For Students / Shop / Business owners/ Working Class 1. Active Membership @ Rs 100/- per month And You get a complementary– JNSS Arm Band + T – Shirt + I. D. 2. Life Membership @ Rs 10000 (one time only) And You get a – Torch Bearer status + JNSS T- Shirt + I. D.
Organizational Working Structure
Growth oppurtunities for CART members in Delhi (Level 3 - State Level) • State President (1) • State Vice President (1) • State Head CART team (1) (Level 2 – Assy. Constituency level office Bearers) • Area President (70 x 1) • Area Vice President (70 x 1) • Unit Head CART team(70 x 1) (Level 1 - Entry level for any new CART member) Unit Coordinators (70 x 50) All positions will be filled through nominations based purely on Active participation
Benefits to a CART mate • • “Self respect” You will be “heard” “Recognition” in the Society “Registered with” the local Police station (as an Active JNSS member) • Work as the messiah to people’s problems – the Protector • “Unique identity” of being part of a sanghatan (not a lone campaigner) • Overall personality development
Our Banner & Slogan
Patience + Stamina Long Distance Run + Motivation
Publicity & Advertisement You can advertise in Newspapers + Magazines Better & sustainable results can be achieved alternatively by: - • Organizing unique agitations eg: Pak Emb. • Organizing genuine protests • Taking up innovative activities to highlight government’s carelessness & apathy (painting BRT dividers) fund raising musical / entertainment events which will be aimed at • Organizing regular highlighting JNSS achievements, aims etc & solicit spot memberships/donations etc.
Aai. Kr JNSS @yaao. M ? Terrorist attack in Mumbai on 26 th Nov 2008 is simply not the last one “anyone who believes so is living in a fools paradise” • No use complaining about lousy police & useless politicians It is high time that citizens got their act together, became Jagruk, Alert & TOOK CHARGE of security matters themselves It is only JNSS which has taken up this responsibility To set up informers & defenders of peace in every street, gali & mohalla
Summary • to prevent acts of terrorism in our area of work • If it still happens – working to minimize the impact: help the police, assist investigation, hospitalize victims etc. • Ensure sustainable rehabilitation of the victims
Apra. Qa, , , A%yaacaar, , va Aat. Mkvaad ko i#alaaf ek sa. Xa@t mauihma … jaya ihnd!!
Common Issue ! • maoro pasa samaya nah. IM ho. O pr ma. MO madd, krnaa caahta h. UM. 1. Volunteer your worker for the CIN 2. Or volunteer one of your workers for the CART 3. Support us with as many membership enrollments as you can 4. Back us up when we set up meetings with different public officers by being there & demanding answers 5. Supporting us to raise funds or get donations for our various programmes & activities
Your Questions Please We shall be happy to answer