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JAES Peace and Security Partnership Daniela Dicorrado Andreoni DG DEV C/2 JAES Peace and Security Partnership Daniela Dicorrado Andreoni DG DEV C/2

EU Political frameworks for action Treaty EC/COTONOU – CFSP/ESDP – 3 rd pillar European EU Political frameworks for action Treaty EC/COTONOU – CFSP/ESDP – 3 rd pillar European Security Strategy European Consensus Security. Co. J Policy coherence -Development. ECOWAS case for development Fragility Multiannual Programming + JAES Peace and Security Partnership

The P&S Partnership in short n 1. Priority Action: Enhance dialogue on challenges to The P&S Partnership in short n 1. Priority Action: Enhance dialogue on challenges to peace and security n 2. Priority Action: full operationalisation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) n 3. Priority Action: Predictable Funding for Africa-led Peace Support Operations

Actors Institutions EC-EU and AUC-AU n EU MS n AU MS n Civil Society Actors Institutions EC-EU and AUC-AU n EU MS n AU MS n Civil Society n. . EP-PAP ---private sector? n

P&S Partnership n More than two thirds of the 24 activities agreed in Lisbon P&S Partnership n More than two thirds of the 24 activities agreed in Lisbon have now been launched. Many have already delivered the expected outcomes, others are at an advanced stage of progress.

P&S Partnership : The political dialogue n n n -regular consultations on crisis and P&S Partnership : The political dialogue n n n -regular consultations on crisis and conflict operational and strategic discussions on country situations are held whenever circumstances so require; the second meeting between the AU Peace and Security Council and the EU Political and Security Committee took place on 12 October; joint EU/AU/Sub-regional organisations' missions in connection with Africa Peace Support Operations; APSA policies (joint initiatives on Counter-terrorism, Disarmament and non-proliferation, Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction…. ),

P&S Partnership : multilevel/multifaceted strands of work n APSA = African Peace and Security P&S Partnership : multilevel/multifaceted strands of work n APSA = African Peace and Security Architecture Continental and regional levels = n Coherence and connections in policies and programmes = -national - regional -regional – continental

African Peace and Security Architecture… APSA is made of Tools and Policies n I. African Peace and Security Architecture… APSA is made of Tools and Policies n I. Tools are structures set up by the Peace and Security Council Protocol (2002): n -AU Peace and Security Council/Military Staff Committee (decisional level) n -Panel of the Wise (crisis prevention) n -Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) (monitoring/alert) n -African Standby Force (ASF) (crisis management)

…African Peace and Security Architecture n n n n II. Policies evolve with the …African Peace and Security Architecture n n n n II. Policies evolve with the acquisition by the AUC of new mandates to operate in policy areas such as: Post-conflict reconstruction and development (PCRD) Arms control and disarmament (both Conventional such as SALW and WMD) Counter-terrorism, Prevention and combating of trans-national organized crime Security Sector Reform AU Border Programme

P&S Partnership : Predictable and sustainable funding of AU Peace and Security Operations. n P&S Partnership : Predictable and sustainable funding of AU Peace and Security Operations. n n The adoption of the 2 nd Africa Peace Facility with € 300 M, ( PSOs + continental and regional capacity building). Work in the context of the dedicated AU-UN Panel (Prodi Report) + The financing architecture of this Partnership = more than € 1 billion from EC and EDF = n The 2 nd APF African Peace Facility has an allocation of € 300 M + € 300 M in reserve; n € 200 M under the political focal sector of RSPs/RIPs n The Instrument for Stability (–Long Term- € 225 M for 2009 -2011 out of € 2, 062 billions 2008 -2013) n ENPI n NIPs

Instrument for Stability…Longer-term actions to counter global and trans-regional threats (EG Priority 1: trafficking, Instrument for Stability…Longer-term actions to counter global and trans-regional threats (EG Priority 1: trafficking, proliferation NBC agents, threats to public health, etc) 2009 -2011 Programme € 225 M n 3 Priorities: n Priority 1 Non proliferation of WMD • CBRN Centres of Excellence € 25 -30 million • Illicit Trafficking € 12 -14 million • Bio-safety and Bio-security € 14 -18 million • Export control € 6 -10 million • Redirection of Scientists € 27 -33 million • MNA € 20 -25 million n

Rapid political tools Among APSA tools and capacities the most appealed to in response Rapid political tools Among APSA tools and capacities the most appealed to in response to crises are of a political nature: n -Mediation and Political dialogue n -International Contact Groups n -Funding availability in support of Peace Support Operations n -Troop contribution n

APSA AU/RECs/RM Its operability depends on interaction between the AU and REC/RMs n 2007 APSA AU/RECs/RM Its operability depends on interaction between the AU and REC/RMs n 2007 Mo. U on Cooperation in the Area of Peace and Security AU and 8 RECs (UMA, CENSAD, COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC) + the coordinating mechanisms of the regional standby brigades of Eastern Africa (EASBRICOM) and Northern Africa (NARC).

APSA AU/RECs/RM… Mo. U Objectives: n Full operationalization and effective functioning of APSA, in APSA AU/RECs/RM… Mo. U Objectives: n Full operationalization and effective functioning of APSA, in particular CEWS, the ASF and RECs/RMS structures similar to the Panel of the Wise. n Conflict prevention, management and resolution n Humanitarian action and disaster management n Post-conflict reconstruction and development n Arms control and disarmament n Counter-terrorism, prevention and combating of trans-national organized crime n Capacity building, training and knowledge sharing n Resource mobilization

More specific activities Delivery of the activities is making good progress n Counter-terrorism, Disarmament, More specific activities Delivery of the activities is making good progress n Counter-terrorism, Disarmament, n EU support to and joint activities on the AU capacity to plan, conduct, manage and deploy Peace Support Operations. n Strengthening African capacities at the continental and regional level through training and reinforcement of human resources; planning, conduct and management, including financial management of PSOs n The Amani Africa/Euro. Recamp cycle continued with the Pledging Conference, the Initiating Planning Conference and the Senior Decision Makers Seminar, the main planning conference (MPC) and the MAPEX. The next step will be the political strategic seminar in November 2009, which will be followed by a Command Post Exercise (CPX) in 2010.

More specific activities n n n Training and validation of the Africa Stand-by Force More specific activities n n n Training and validation of the Africa Stand-by Force (Police, Civilian, Military) as a key feature of the APSA has reached a critical phase: the ASF should be operational by June 2010; the civilian component is lagging behind the military and police ones; The preparation of support package to the African Training Centres is making good progress thanks to the results of a joint study, which will help identifying priorities and plans. operationalisation of Continental Early Warning System through closer cooperation with corresponding EU and EU MS structures; initiatives in the field of Mediation activities and related capacity are being co -ordinated with EU MS lead countries; SSR policies, AU Border Programme are being added as new areas of interest The AU-RECs/RMS interaction is being supported, notably through the RECs/RMs Liaison offices to the AU that will be further expanded.

THANK YOU Contacts: n GSC: Pierre-Michel Joana; pierremichel. joana@consilium. europa. eu; +32 -2 -281 THANK YOU Contacts: n GSC: Pierre-Michel Joana; pierremichel. joana@consilium. europa. eu; +32 -2 -281 6344 n Commission (daniela. dicorradoandreoni@ec. europa. eu) ; (tel: +3222994167) n UK (duncan. mccombie@fco. gov. uk); n France (richard. zabot@diplomatie. gouv. fr), n Italy (africa@rpue. esteri. it)