пример презентации 9 класс.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
Ivanov Andrew School № 80 9”B”class
AIM The aim of my presentation is to find out and tell you some similarities and differences between British fairy characters and Russian fairy characters.
CONTENTS What is a fairy tale? Great storytellers in England. Great storytellers in Russia. Feature of Russian fairy tales about animals. Feature of English fairy tales about animals.
WHAT IS A FAIRY TALES? Tales are the most early creations of the human spirit. Tale is one of the most popular and favorite genres of folklore and literature. The form of tales a compact and comprehensive. Justice, which is lacking in life, almost always triumphs in fairy tales.
THE GREAT ENGLISH WRITER IN ENGLAND In England, folk tales were collected and recorded much later than Russian. The first collections of British folk tales appeared in the late XIX century.
THE GREAT RUSSIAN WRITER IN RUSSIA The greatest success of all written Alexander S. Athanasius had the Ukrainian poem ; some of them were very popular until the beginning of XX century. Enjoyed success in his time and works of fiction Afanasyev , especially "Petersburg players ";
THE FEATYRE ABOUT ANIMALS IN RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES. Tales about animals , as well as fairy tales originated in ancient times , they reflect the old rites. Human nature is likened to animals : bear - stupid , hare - a coward , wolf greedy, and the fox - cunning. Tales about animals , there are several species. Their heroes - а fox, а bear , а cock, а wolf.
THE FEATYRE ABOUT ANOMALS IN ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. In England fairy tales about animals, in which the most popular are the goodies: cat, chicken (rooster), bear, negative - the fox and the wolf they symbolize the evil.
INTERVIEW What tales do you prefer English or Russian fairy tales? English 17% Russian 83%
CONCLUSION In this way I proved that there are differences between the Russian and English characters fairy tales characters of fairy tales
REFERENCES http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%CD%E 0%F 0%EE%E 4% ED%FB%E 5_%F 0%F 3%F 1%EA%E 8%E 5_%F 1 %EA%E 0%E 7%EA%E 8 http: //images. yandex. ru/yandsearch? stype=image&lr =16&source=psearch&text=сравнение%20 русских %20 и%20 английских%20 сказок%20 википедия http: //www. dissercat. com/content/traditsionnyeformuly-kak-yavlenie-narodnoi-kultury-na-materialerusskoi-i-angliiskoi-folklo http: //www. scienceforum. ru/2013/87/3663
Thank you for your attention!
пример презентации 9 класс.pptx