Ivan Franko Astronomers say that the universe emerged from small grains of fire matter, which explosion filled the space with stars and planets, but it is impossible to imagine a force that can accommodate the space program in one grain. Galaxy by Ivan Franko's works just born with motes of fire. Usual calx actually incomprehensible cell of divine flame, "the true spark of Prometheus" flew... erupted the volcanoes of love to work, to truth,to freedom.. Dmitry Pavlichko
Interesting Facts about Franko 1. Lviv - the city of Franko, where he lived for 40 years of his life. 2. In food he was unassuming: for breakfast - coffee with roll, for lunch - pickled vegetables and a light soup. 3. He never smoked and he could to drink only a glass of wine. 4. Ivan Franko was arrested three times. First time he spent 11 months in ward and after second arrest he nearly died from hunger. 5. While he was studing in high school in Lviv, he showed his phenomenal abilities : Franko could almost word for word repeat to friends information supplied by teachers on lectures. 6. He collected a library in which there were about 500 books by ukrainian and another languages. 7. Franko perfectly knew 14 languages. 8. He had many aliases (about 100): Джеджалик, Брут, Хома, Мирон, Живий and others. 9. Franco usually wear in embroidery shirt, it was always clean. 10. Also, the poet was familiar with Hrushevsky. They wrote each other letters and by this way called for tea.