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ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols Summary of Results Study Period 2005 -2008 Yukio Hiramatsu
Contents Terms of reference Highlights of achievements Future work Supplemental slides ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 2
Terms of Reference Responsible for studies relating to signalling requirements and protocols for Internet protocol (IP) related functions, some mobility related functions, multimedia functions for networks including convergence toward NGN, and enhancements to existing Recommendations on access and internetwork signalling protocols of BICC, ATM, N‑ISDN and PSTN. Lead SG for: – – signalling and protocols intelligent networks ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 3
Highlights of achievements (I) SG 11 has completed NGN Protocol Set 1 which constitute a fundamental basis for initial implementations of NGN Release 1: Signalling architecture for the NGN Service Control Plane (Q. 3030) Signalling requirements at (SUP-FE) - (I/SCSC-FE) i/f (Q. Sup. 54) Signalling requirements at (AS-FE) – (SCSC-FE) i/f (Q. Sup. 55) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 4
Highlights of achievements (II) Organisation of NGN Service User Data (Q. Sup. 56) Signalling requirements to support the emergency telecommunications service (ETS) in IP networks and protocol extensions for the support of IEPS communications (Q. Sup. 57 and Amendments to ISUP, BICC and DSS 2 protocols) NGN NNI and UNI signalling profiles (Q. 3401 and Q. 3402) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 5
Highlights of achievements (III) Interface control protocols for RACF (Q. 3300 -series) – Rs, Rp, Rc, and (PD-PE) – (PE-PE) interface Interworking between ATM and IP-based networks (Q. 3150/Y. 1416 and Q. 3151/Y. 1417) NGN testing for the support of the compatibility of NGN technical equipment and services (Q. 3900, Q. 3901 and Q. 3902) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 6
Highlights of achievements (IV) Work was progressed in cooperation with ITU-D for development of a handbook for deployment of packet based networks (a Q. Sup. expected at the next SG 11) Network Attachment Control Signalling Requirements and Protocols. – – EAP-based security signalling protocol architecture (Q. 3201) Note – EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol Authentication protocols for interworking among 3 GPP, Wi. Max and WLAN in NGN (Q. 3202. 1) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 7
Future Work (I) All Questions require continuation in order to address various additional features and consider initiating work in the scope of an NGN Protocol Set 2 (e. g. , IMS, IPTV, Wi. MAX, RFID). – – – Signalling architecture and requirements. Session control requiring further work on SIP-based profiles to improve interoperability at UNI and at NNI, as well as for supporting more services and applications; Bearer control for support of IPTV and multicast data delivery services, for support of more efficient transfer capabilities such as flow state aware transfer capability; Resource control for developing additional interface protocols fitting with the RACF enhanced architecture. Coordination with regional SDOs including development of a handbook to assist ITU-T members in the deployment of packet-based networks to support PSTN/ISDN services ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 8
Future Work (II) – NGN network attachment and identification for support of a wider range of access technologies and mobility management requirements. Some new Questions are required to accelerate study on: – – – Monitoring parameters for NGN protocols Service test specification for NGN Qo. S tests specification for NGN USN and RFID test specification Coordination of work on Emergency Communications within an NGN environment Security Coordination For NGN Protocols ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 9
Conclusion SG 11 produced a significant number of NGN Protocol Set 1 related Recommendations during the current study period. These Recommendations constitute a major reference to enable actual NGN implementations (Release 1). Various Supplements have been published to document the corresponding NGN Signalling requirements. NGN Protocol Set 2 and more should continue to be developed during the forthcoming Study Period (2009 -2012) based on the new requirements and feedback from first NGN release implementations. ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 10
Supplemental Slides Management team Structure Statistics Workshops ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 11
Management Team Chair Yukio Hiramatsu Vice-Chairs: Leslie Graf (Japan) (Australia) Jane Humphrey Andrey Koucheriavy (Russian Federation) Alain Le Roux (France) Hyeong-Ho Lee (Korea (Rep. of)) Feng Wei TSB (United Kingdom) (China) Arshey Odedra ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 12
Study Group Structure WP 1/11 Functional architecture and application control WP 2/11 Session, bearer and resource control WP 3/11 Attachment control, testing and handbook ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 13
Statistics (I) During the study period, Study Group 12 examined a total of 327 contributions On the basis of these documents and of a thousand of temporary documents, Study Group 11: – drew up 35 new Recommendations; – amended/revised 1 Rec; – developed 9 Supplement. ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 14
Statistics (II) 8 Questions assigned by WTSA-04 14 Questions proposed for next study period (continuation of 8 Questions with enhanced titles and/or wordings and 6 new Questions) ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 15
Workshops supported by SG 11 ITU-T Workshop on NGN in collaboration with IETF, Geneva, 1 - 2 May 2005 Informal Workshop on Conformance and Interoperability Testing, – – Geneva, 25 January 2006 Geneva, 08 December 2006 Workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization, Las Vegas, USA, 19 -20 March 2006 ITU-T Workshop on NGN and its Transport Networks, Kobe, Japan, 20 to 21 April 2006 ITU-T/ITU-D Workshop "Standardization and Development of Next Generation Networks“, Dar es Salam, Tanzania, 3 -5 October 2006 ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 16
Thank you! Yukio Hiramatsu is Professor, Graduate School of Intellectual Property, Osaka Institute of Technology. He was with NTT from 1978 to 2005. Active in the ITU -T since 1985, he has been serving as Chairman of Study Group 11 (Signalling requirements and protocols) since October 2000. Prior to this position, he served in Study Group 7 (Data communications and OSI) from 1996 to 2000 as Vice-Chairman of the Study Group and Chairman of Working Party 2/7 dealing with network interfaces. Among his major achievements are completed BICC Recommendations already adopted by the 3 GPPs and the ongoing signalling protocol work for the NGN (Next Generation Networks). ITU-T Study Group 11 Signalling Requirements and Protocols International Telecommunication Union 17