- Количество слайдов: 32
ITU Standardization and its new Environment Accra, Ghana, 27 May 2004 by Houlin ZHAO Director Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) International Telecommunication Union, Geneva Place des Nations - CH-1211 Geneva 20 - Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 5851 Fax: +41 22 730 5853 E-mail: tsbdir@itu. int ITU Home page address: http: //www. itu. int TSB 1
1837 1844 Invention of the first electric telegraph Samuel Morse sent his first public message over a telegraph Iine between Washington and Baltimore 1865 Foundation of the International Telegraph Union by twenty States 17 May with the adoption of the first Convention. First Telegraph Regulations. 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention of the telephone 1924 1925 1927 1932 Paris - Creation of CCIF (International Telephone Consultative Committee) Paris - Creation of CCIT (International Telegraph Consultative Committee) Washington - Creation of the CCIR (Intl. Radio Consultative Committee) Madrid - Plenipotentiary Conference. Telegraph Union changes name to International Telecommunication Union 1947 1956 1992 ITU becomes a Specialized Agency of the United Nations Geneva - CCIF and CCIT merged into CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) Geneva - Plenipotentiary Conference. Creation of 3 Sectors: ITU-T replaces CCITT, ITU-R replaces IFRB, CCIR, and ITU-D replaces TCD ITU Landmarks TSB 2
Structure of the ITU TSB 3
"The functions of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall be, bearing in mind the particular concerns of the developing countries, to fulfill the purposes of the Union relating to telecommunication standardization, as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, by studying technical, operating and tariff Questions and adopting Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis" Functions of ITU-T TSB 4
CCITT 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee): 1 st Plenary Assembly 2 nd Plenary Assembly Red Books 3 rd Plenary Assembly Blue Books 4 th Plenary Assembly White Books 5 th Plenary Assembly Green Books 1976 1980 1984 1988 6 th Plenary Assembly 7 th Plenary Assembly 8 th Plenary Assembly 9 th Plenary Assembly Orange Books Yellow Books Red Books Blue Books ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecom. Standardization Sector): 1993 1 st World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC-93), Helsinki 1996 2 nd World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC-96), Geneva 2000 3 rd World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-2000), Montreal CCITT and ITU-T TSB 5
- Workshop / forum - Focus Group - Joint Group - Project team Organizational Structure of ITU-T TSB 6
Study Group 2: Operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance Study Group 3: Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunications economic and policy issues Study Group 4: Telecommunication management, including TMN Study Group 5: Protection against electromagnetic environment effects Study Group 6: Outside plant Study Group 9: Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission Study Group 11: Signalling requirements and protocols ITU-T Study Groups and TSAG TSB 7
Study Group 12: End-to-end transmission performance of networks and terminals Study Group 13: Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their internetworking Study Group 15: Optical and other transport networks Study Group 16: Multimedia services, systems and terminals Study Group 17: Data networks and telecommunication software SSG: IMT-2000 and Beyond TSAG: Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (Priorities: IP, Mobility, next generation, security, …) ITU-T Study Groups and TSAG TSB 8
Approval of new and revised Recommendations Sequence of events (TAP) TSB 9
(a) 3 weeks 4 weeks LC SG or WP Meeting Edited Text for LC Director’s Announcement and Posting for LC (b) Director’s Announcement and Posting (c) (a) (b) Comment Resolution Edited Text Available LC: AR: 3 weeks AR Director’s Announcement and Posting for AR SG Meeting (b) (a) Approved Director’s Notification Last Call Additional Review AAP Sequence of Events (extract from Rec. A. 8) TSB 10
• • • Questions (projects) Contributions driven (normal contributions, delayed contributions, temporary documents) face-to-face meeting: - debate, determination, approval of reports, approval of Questions - SG/WP meetings: decision making; Rapporteur meetings: develop texts Decision = consensus, unanimous agreements Recommendations (Amendments, Corrigenda, supplements) draft Recommendations, determined draft Recommendations approved Recommendations, pre-published Recommendations, published Recommendations Implementor’s Guides Meeting reports Electronic submissions, web consultations, email, ftp Paperless meeting – LAN/Wireless – LAN connections in meeting rooms Working methods TSB 11
Series A Organization of the work of the ITU-T Series B Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification Series C General telecommunication statistics Series D General tariff principles Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems Series I Integrated services digital network ITU-T Recommendations Series (1) TSB 12
Series J Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals Series K Protection against interference Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant Series M TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits Series O Specifications of measuring equipment Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks ITU-T Recommendations Series (2) TSB 13
Series Q Switching and signalling Series R Telegraph transmission Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment Series T Terminals for telematic services Series U Telegraph switching Series V Data communication over the telephone network Series X Data networks and open system communication Series Y Global information infrastructure and internet protocol aspects Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems ITU-T Recommendations Series (3) TSB 14
Best selling texts (in the order of download number from 09/01 -01/04): H. 248. x series H. 323 Z. 100 H. 263 G. 707 H. 262 H. 324 E. 164 M. 3100 H. 245 Q. 764 X. 680 G. 703 H. 223 G. 728 Q. 761 T. 38 Q. 762 G. 783 Q. 850 Q. 763 Q. 931 T. 30 G. 729 Some well-known ITU-T Recommendations: E. 190 E. 212 G. 655 G. 692 G. 720 G. 723 Annex A+disk G. 780 -series (SDH) G. 826 G. 957 G. 982 G. 990 -series (x. DSL) H. 248 H. 324 H. 450 I. 365 I. 432 I. 731 J. 112 J. 117 M. 3010 M. 3100 M. 3400 Q. 931 Q. 1700 -series (IMT-2000) T. 37 T. 38 V. 34 V. 44 V. 59 V. 90 X. 25 X. 36 X. 509 X. 680 -series (ASN. 1) Y. 1310 Y. 1540 V. 92 X. 690 X. 840 -series Best Sellers of ITU-T Recommendations 09. 2001 -01. 2004 TSB 15
Approval and publication time of Recommendations TSB 16
Three major items: - IP-related issues - IMT-2000 - Accounting rates Other items: - Multi-media, access networks (x. DSL), optical transmission, security, numbering and addressing, inter-operabilities, IPR, etc. ITU-T's main work areas TSB 17
Ø 7 k. Hz band - wideband (G. 722 -series) Ø 4 k. Hz band - analogue Ø 64 kbit/s - PCM, G. 711, 1972 Ø 32 kbit/s - ADPCM, G. 721, 1984 Ø 16 kbit/s - G. 728, 1992 Ø 8 kbit/s - G. 729, 1996 Ø 4 kbit/s - G. 4 kbps ITU-T’s work on voice coding TSB 18
Ø Classic facsimile (G 3, G 4) T. 4, T. 6 Ø B/W still pictures (JBIG) T. 82, T. 83 Ø Cont. tone colour (JPEG) T. 81 (JPEG-LS) T. 86 (JPEG-2000) T. 800 Ø Ø (lossless) ITU-T’s work on still picture coding TSB 19
Ø H. 261 - video coding at n x 64 kbit/s Ø H. 262 - generic video and audio coding Ø H. 263 - video coding for low bit rates Ø H. 264 - improved multimedia video coding (vs. MPEG-4) ITU-T’s work on moving picture coding TSB 20
622 Mbit/s OPTICAL ACCESS 50 Mbit/s VDSL 25 Mbit/s 8 Mbit/s HDSL/ ADSL 2 Mbit/s 640 kbit/s ISDN Analog modems 128 kbit/s 9. 6 kbit/s 56. 6 kbit/s 28. 8 kbit/s 1989 Year 1997 Access network 2000 TSB 21
Ø E. 164 … Ø G. 707 (SDH), G. 709 (OTN), G. 722 (7 k. Hz), G. 728 (16 kbit/s), G. 729 (8 kbit/s), G. 99 x (x. DSL) … Ø H. 248 (gateway), H. 323 (multimedia systems) … Ø I. 365 (FR), I. 432 (B-ISDN), I. 732 (ATM) … Ø J. 112 (Cable TV), J. 16 x + J. 17 x (IPCablecom) … Ø M. 3120 (CORBA for TMN) … Ø Q. 933 (DSS 1), Q. 1300 (TASC), Q. 1930 (BICC), Q. 27 xx (B-ISDN), Q. 29 xx (DSS 2) … Ø T. 37, T. 38 (IPfax), T. 12 x (multimedia conference) … Ø V. 29 (9. 6 K modem), V. 34 (34 kbit/s), V. 90/V. 92 (56 kbit/s) … Ø X. 25, X. 76 (FR), X. 85 (IP over SDH), X. 86 (Ethernet over LAPS), X. 121, X. 4 xx (MHS), X. 5 xx (Directory), particularly X. 509, X. 68 x/X. 69 x (ASN. 1), X. 8 xx (security), X. 9 xx (ODP) … Ø Y-series: dedicated to IP and GII Ø Z. 100 (SDL), Z. 14 x (TTCN), Z. 3 xx (MM languages) … … ITU-T’s products for IP-networks TSB 22
Ø Specified IMT-2000 systems and its spectrums Ø Interworking functions to be used with existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems Ø Convergence of fixed and existing IMT-2000 systems Ø New Generation of mobile systems ITU-T’s mobile communications TSB 23
Ø Quality of Service (Qo. S) Ø Numbering and routing Ø Security Ø Tariffs and Accounting rates Ø Interworking Ensuring global interoperability TSB 24
Administrations ROAs (63/461) U. S. A. 144 China SIOs (121/664) Associates (31/53) Members: 163 (65/832) Members: 189 Members: 173 Members: 82 FT 43 Nortel 95 Telekomunikacja Polska 38 NTT U. K. 55 China Telecom. Corp. 29 Germany 45 BT France 33 India e. Access 5 OFS Fitel 5 Alcatel 9+8+2+9+12+2+1 Opticom 3 27 Cisco Systems Swiss. Qual 3 Deutsche Telekom 26 Siemens 25+1+5 Telekom Srpske 3 32 KDDI 19 ETRI 29 ACCA Networks 2 Brazil 31 Bharat Sanchar Nigam 18 Huawei Tech. 25 AULM 2 Syrian Arab Rep. 30 Telenor ASA 17 Lucent Tech. Electri. PHY 2 Italy 29 AT & T 14 L. M. Ericsson Harris 2 Canada 26 NTT Do. Co. Mo 14 ZTE Octasic Semicond. 2 Japan 25 Telecom Italia 13 Infineon Okinasa Photonics 2 Korea (Rep. of) 22 Telia. Sonera 13 NEC 12 Telchemy 2 Russian Federation 20 BELGACOM 11 Fujitsu 11 Teraburst Networks 2 Total: 371 (56%) 587(70%) 282 (61%) 29+12+12 47 + 3 34 12+9+1+2 21+1 21 13+1+1+1 Total: Top Members participation (2003) 35 (66%) TSB 25
Country Number of Delegates China 95 India 32 Brazil 31 Syrian Arab Republic 30 Korea (Rep. of) 22 Russian Federation 20 Hungary 15 Israel 15 Australia 14 Thailand 13 Mexico 12 Switzerland 11 Ukraine 11 Total: 321 NB: G 7: USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada Top 13 attendees, except G 7 countries, Administrations, 2003 TSB 26
Company Number of Delegates Country Telekomunikacja Polska 38 Poland China Telecommunications Corp 29 China Bharat Sanchar Nigam 18 India Telenor ASA 17 Norway Telia. Sonera 13 Sweden BELGACOM 11 Belgium Community of Yugoslav PTT 10 Serbia and Montenegro Swisscom 10 Switzerland Telekom Austria 10 Austria Rostelecom 9 Russian Federation China Unicom 7 China Mobile Comm. Corp 6 China KT Corporation 6 Korea (Rep. of) . . Total: 184 NB: G 7: USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada Top 13 attendees, except G 7 countries, ROAs, 2003 TSB 27
Company Number of delegates Country ETRI 29 Korea (Rep. Of) Huawei Technologies 25 China L. M. Ericsson 21 Sweden ZTE 21 China Samsung Electronics 10 Korea (Rep. Of) ITEK 9 Denmark Lucent Tech. Nederland 9 Netherlands Nokia Corporation 9 Finland Alcatel Bell 8 Belgium Tellabs Oy 8 Finland Matalink 5 Israel Actelis Networks 3 Israel GIGA Ap. S 3 Denmark Total: 160 NB: G 7: USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada Top 13 attendees, except G 7 countries, SIOs, 2003 TSB 28
Number of Delegates Country Swiss. Qual 3 Switzerland Telecom Srpske AULM 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Switzerland ASTRI 1 RAD Data Communications 1 China Israel Transmode Systems 1 Sweden Tyco Electronics Raychem 1 Belgium Company 2 Total: 12 NB: G 7: USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada Top attendees, except G 7 countries, Associates, 2003 TSB 29
Ø International SDOs: ISO, IEC, WSC; ISO/IEC JTC 1 Ø Regional SDOs: ATIS, TIA, TSACC, TTA, TTC, ARIB, CCSA, ETSI, ACIF, GSC Ø For internet: IETF/ISOC, ICANN, cc. TLDs, etc. Ø Many Forums/SDOs: such as IEEE, 3 GPPs, ATM, TMF, … Ø Regional Telecom organizations: APT, ATU, CITEL, RCC, CEPT, ETNO, … Ø etc… International Cooperation TSB 30
A. 4 A. 5 A. 6 ASN. 1 Consortium ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ARIB ATM Forum Committee T 1 DSL Forum Committee T 1 CCSA ETIS (e-and telecommunication info. services) CCSA ECMA FRF (Frame Relay Forum) DSL Forum ETSI IMTC (Multimedia) ECMA Standardizing Information & Communication Systems IEEE IPDR Organization ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) JCTEA IPv 6 Forum FRF NIST MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) Forum IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) SCTE MSF (Multiservice Switching Forum) ISOC/IETF (Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force) TIA OASIS JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) TTA OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) MPLS Forum TTC OMG (Object Management Group) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) SDL Forum Society OASIS TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) OIF W 3 C (World Wide Web Consortium) OMG SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TM Forum TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) W 3 C Members for Rec. A. 4, A. 5 and A. 6 Forums/SDOs TSB 31
Ø WTSA-2004: 5 -14 October, Florianópolis, Brazil Ø TSAG: 12 -16 July, Geneva, Switzerland Ø Final meetings of ITU-T Study Groups: January-June Ø ITU Council-2004: 9 -18 June, Geneva, Switzerland Ø Preparation of the 2 nd Phase of WSIS ***** MAIN ACTIVITIES in 2004 TSB 32