Скачать презентацию IT to support knowledge work q q q Скачать презентацию IT to support knowledge work q q q


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IT to support knowledge work q q q The Concept of OAS What is IT to support knowledge work q q q The Concept of OAS What is EDMS? The Concept of Groupware The Groupware Matrix Benefits of Groupware Factors Affecting Groupware Outcomes q The Future of Groupware q KMS

Information Systems to Assist in Office Work Office Automation 사무자동화 System 시스템 Electronic Document Information Systems to Assist in Office Work Office Automation 사무자동화 System 시스템 Electronic Document 전자문서 Management System 관리시스템 Info. Creation/ Management Groupware 그룹웨어 Decision-making/ Problem-solving - WP, Spreadsheet, Graphic - E-mail, Voice Mail, Fax - Document Imaging - Electronic Meeting - Electronic Publishing - Computer Conferencing - Video Conf. , Audio Conf. - Electronic Calendar (Sch. )

Electronic Document Processing Systems q Administrative Document Processing – Word processing: text info. – Electronic Document Processing Systems q Administrative Document Processing – Word processing: text info. – Spreadsheet: numeric info. – Graphic/Presentation: graphical info. q Transaction Document Processing – Document imaging: manages documents as images – Electronic publishing: provides for combined use of text and graphic

Document Imaging Systems Large Screen Retrieval Workstation Index Keys Document Scans (Digitization) Image Scanner Document Imaging Systems Large Screen Retrieval Workstation Index Keys Document Scans (Digitization) Image Scanner Image Displays Printer Output Document Imaging System Indexing & Storing Laser Printer Retrieval Optical Drive

The Groupware Concept q. Concept not agreed upon: Industry: Lotus Notes? Academic: Electronic Meeting The Groupware Concept q. Concept not agreed upon: Industry: Lotus Notes? Academic: Electronic Meeting Systems? q. Many synonyms: Groupware, CSCW, GDSS, GSS, EMS, Workgroup Computing, etc. q. Definition: A network-based information technology that supports communication and information sharing by workgroup members to help accomplish goals.

The Main Menu of Lotus Notes The Main Menu of Lotus Notes

그룹웨어 성과모형 Group size, proximity, composition, cohesiveness Group tasks (idea generation, choice, etc. ), 그룹웨어 성과모형 Group size, proximity, composition, cohesiveness Group tasks (idea generation, choice, etc. ), Task complexity Organizational cullture, imminence, criticality Ease of use, support modes, Usefulness Group charracteristics Task characteristics Decision-making processes Organizational circumstances Information technology Organizational Performance Communication pattern, work processes, group dynamics, etc. Efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction

Groupware Matrix IT Support for Teams • E-mail Different Place • Video conferencing • Groupware Matrix IT Support for Teams • E-mail Different Place • Video conferencing • Voice mail • Workflow • Elec. filing • Comp. Conf. • Elec. meeting Same Place • Info. Center • Elec. • Team Room whiteboard Same Time Different Time

Same-Place/Same-Time Groupware q Electronic Meeting System(EMS) – based on electronic, rather than verbal, discussion Same-Place/Same-Time Groupware q Electronic Meeting System(EMS) – based on electronic, rather than verbal, discussion – concurrent processing (via brainstorming) -- can generate many ideas – anonymity: social influence on meeting is minimized – can shorten meeting time, increase meeting productivity & participants’ satisfaction – useful for policy making, problem finding, decision making q Electronic Whiteboard – shares ideas (in text, graphic, etc. ) through ‘whiteboard’ – useful for designs

IBM’s Electronic Meeting Room Electronic meeting software designed to increase meeting productivity (Courtesy: Ventana’s IBM’s Electronic Meeting Room Electronic meeting software designed to increase meeting productivity (Courtesy: Ventana’s Group. Systems V)

Same-Place/Different-Time Groupware q Information Center – provides organizational users with training, consultations, and assistance Same-Place/Different-Time Groupware q Information Center – provides organizational users with training, consultations, and assistance – refers to a physical site that consists of computer hardware, software, and staff – can provide communication and information sharing to team members who may collaborate in Info. Center at different points in time q Team Rooms – similar to IC – supports groupwork through Team Room

Different-Place/Same-Time Groupware q Audio Conferencing – discusses and exchanges ideas via telephone technology – Different-Place/Same-Time Groupware q Audio Conferencing – discusses and exchanges ideas via telephone technology – limited effectiveness because the communication is dependent upon audio signals only q Video Conferencing – provides for “face-to-face communication” effect – useful for situations calling for persuasions or negotiations – can save time and costs associated with travel to attend meetings

Corporate Video Conferencing Room Corporate Video Conferencing Room

Different-Place/Different-Time Groupware q E-mail/voice mail – widely used in many organizations q Workflow – Different-Place/Different-Time Groupware q E-mail/voice mail – widely used in many organizations q Workflow – speeds up the processing and flow of documents within an organization q Electronic filing – may reduce paperwork costs by achieving “paperless office – can improve customer service by facilitating document retrieval q Computer conferencing – can provide a meeting beyond time- or place-barriers; can interface with DB

Illustration of a Workflow System Main Menu. Managing the Document Selecting a Document Form Illustration of a Workflow System Main Menu. Managing the Document Selecting a Document Form A Sample of a Template Document

Illustration of a Workflow System - cont’d Choosing the Recepients Specifying Document Category Entering Illustration of a Workflow System - cont’d Choosing the Recepients Specifying Document Category Entering Comments A Completed Document

Benefits of Groupware q Facilitates communication, collaboration, and teamwork among team members q Improves Benefits of Groupware q Facilitates communication, collaboration, and teamwork among team members q Improves organizational efficiency – processing time, meeting time, project period, decision making time q Facilitates organizational transformation (toward a horizontal organization based on teams) q acts as an enabler of business reengineering q provides opportunities to create a

Knowledge Management Systems q KMS is defined as an information systems designed to help Knowledge Management Systems q KMS is defined as an information systems designed to help knowledge workers create, organizes, and share organizational knowledge q helps a business firm to maximize the value of knowledge assets possessed by the firm q components of KMS technology – knowledge creation/capture: workflow, electronic meeting, discussion forums, etc. – knowledge sharing/exchange: EDMS, groupware, intranet, etc. q keys issues in KMS construction – What role should a CKO play? – A knowledge-centered organization culture should be formed.