• It is an economic and cultural center of Western Ukraine. The city was founded in the middle of the XIII century. Prince Danilo Galician and called the name of his son Leo. The first mention - 1256 In 1270 on the orders of Prince Lev city became the capital of Galicia-Volyn principality. Since 1387 Lviv under the rule of Polish kings, then Austria, then Poland, while in 1939 was not occupied by the Red Army and went to the Ukraine. Experienced more than 30 wars, storms and fires, but each time arose from the ruins. In Lviv architecture combines different styles and epochs: Gothic and Baroque, Renaissance and Romanesque, Rococo and Empire, modern eclecticism and constructivism. L'patrons XV-XVI centuries invited talented artists from all over Europe who have created a unique architectural gem. The historic center of the city perfectly preserved and included in the list of World Heritage Sites.
• The architectural ensemble of the Town Hall (1381 -1827 gg. ) In the center, a symbol of the city. The entrance to City Hall guarded by two lions holding shields with the arms of the city. In medieval times before her stood Posts punishment. Around the square 4 sides - 44 different time and style (Renaissance, Baroque, Empire) building. In the basement and on the first floor of many of them preserved elements of Gothic architecture XV-XVI centuries.
• Once there companied two tributaries of the river Poltva. In the middle - the figure of Our Lady. In 1905 a monument to Adam Mickiewicz - Polish poetic luminaries. The square is also a historic hotel building "George".
• The tourist center of the city of avenue and Shevchenko monument. Political center of the city. Permanent collections of informal youth who calls him "Frog. "
• The mountain in the central part of the city, on top of which was a Polish castle governor, taken in 1648 M. Kryvonosa troops. Today in its place - an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the city. Up the stairs are long.
• (1554 -56)Lviv, st. Basement, 47 were part of the fortification system of the city and served as a defense of the city on the east side. From 1959 - House architect of the exhibition hall.
• (1554 -56 ) L'viv, str. Basement, 5. fortification building built arch. I. Lisom, reconstructed in 1574 -75 was. Arch. Mochihembo. From 1981 - Arms Museum "Arsenal".
• (1639 -43 g. ) L'viv, str. Basement, 13. Built in the means of the Polish King Wladyslaw IV in Baroque style. From 1939 - Lviv Regional State Archives.
• (XVI-XVII centuries). Lviv, vul. Basement, 9. landmark monument Lviv Renaissance architecture. Around it concentrates Orthodox community. The height of the bell tower - 65 m. The interior - painting XVIII centuries. Iconostasis in 1773, the windows - stained. Chapel of the Three Saints (1578 -91 biennium. ) Connected to the Assumption Church in the mid-19 th century.