- Количество слайдов: 12
It is all about extreme high acceleration gradients Plasma Wake Acceleration particle beam driven / LASER driven Incoming laser pulse (or pulse of particles) creates a travelling plasma wave in a low-pressure gas to accelerate electrons Field Gradients up to 100 Ge. V /m observed Plasma cell Univ. Texas, Austin Ee =2 Ge. V S. Corde et al
ICFA Workshop on Novel Acc. Concepts held at CERN, 25 -28 April, 2017
ICFA Panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators: Mission: To extend and support the international collaboration and communication in the field of new acceleration techniques.
70 participants from 62 labs, in 20 countries. Goal of the Workshop: The preparation of a technical design report for an Advanced Linear Collider (ALC) at the energy frontier, i. e. in the Te. V range to be delivered in the 2030 s Identify parameters/elements necessary for the scheme to be relevant for HEP Determine to what extend they have been proven and demonstrated Evaluate likelihood and timescales for testing/proving solutions Identify key experiments to be performed Identify existing or new facilities to perform key experiments Identify realistic time scales Identify panorama, what is in the making?
“The European PWA-Landscape”, Bernhard Holzer CAS Bernhard Holzer
302 participants, 75 students (!) 50 grants
ARIES: Acc Research & Innovation for Europ Science & Society Student Mentors Roman Walczak Bernhard. Holzer@CERN. ch Roman. Walczak@physics. ox. ac. uk
Wake Acceleration some High Lights of the EAAC workshop. . . main focus on * proof of principle experiements * power efficiency * first real (!) accelerators for applications * simulations to overcome instabilities * high power / low power Laser
Some Highlights: Laser Efficiency: Simon Hooker, JAI Excitation of Plasma Wakefields by Multiple many low-power high efficiency Laser Pulses First demonstration of MP-LWFA beat-wave excitation with chirped driving pulses High Power driven LWA: Stefan Karsch, LMU Atlas – 3000 Laser upgrade to 2. 5 PW Installation of beam delivery and experiments High Efficiency Diode Pumped PW Lasers Constantin Haefner: LLNL WP Eff = 21%
Accelerator on a Chip, Rasmus Ischebek, PSI: LWFA/TGU-Based FELs, Axel Bernhard: KIT towards. . . ”monochromatisation” of LWA produced FEL light + = Table-Top LWA driven Electron Accelerator, Niels Delbos, Uni Hamburg 200 GW Laser, H- Plasma cell 600 Me. V e-Energy 5 Hz repetition rate 50 cm Undulator, 2. 5 mm period
PWA/ LWA is a very promising and innovative field with key players all around the world ! Research supported by ICFA and ARIES / EURONNAC Regular workshops to follow up the progress and top bring the different partners together ANAR workshop at CERN April 2017 EAAC workshop on Elba island Sept. 2017 EURONNAC Collaboration Board meeting Nov 2017, Lisbon ICFA-ANA Panel planned for spring 2018
. . . in the end it is all for the search of Physics beyond the Standard Model “After the discovery of ‘Anti Matter’ and ‘Dark-Matter’ we have just confirmed the existence of ‘Doesn’t Matter’ which does not have any influence on the Universe whatsoever”.