- Количество слайдов: 57
IT Governance Information Security Governance
Acknowledgments Material is sourced from: n CISA® Review Manual 2011, © 2010, ISACA. All rights reserved. Used by permission. n CISM® Review Manual 2012, © 2011, ISACA. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Author: Susan J Lincke, Ph. D Univ. of Wisconsin-Parkside Reviewers/Contributors: Todd Burri, Kahili Cheng Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) grant 0837574: Information Security: Audit, Case Study, and Service Learning. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and/or source(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Objectives Students should be able to: n Describe IT governance committees: IT strategic committee, IT steering committee, security steering committee** n Describe mission, strategic plan, tactical plan, operational plan n Define quality terms: quality assurance, quality control n Describe security organization members: CISO, CIO, CSO, Board of Directors, Executive Management, Security Architect, Security Administrator n Define policy, compliance, IT Balanced Scorecard, measure, ISO 9001, enterprise architecture n Define sourcing practices: insource, outsource, hybrid, onsite, offshore n Define policy documents: data classification, acceptable usage policy, access control polices
Corporate Governance: Leadership by corporate directors in creating and presenting value for all stakeholders IT Governance: Ensure the alignment of IT with enterprise objectives n Responsibility of the board of directors and executive mgmt
IT Governance Objectives n n IT delivers value to the business IT risk is managed Processes include: n Equip IS functionality and address risk n Measure performance of delivering value to the business n Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
IT Governance Committees Board members & specialists IT Strategic Committee Focuses on Direction and Strategy Advises board on IT strategy and alignment Optimization of IT costs and risk Business executives (IT users), CIO, key advisors (IT, legal, audit, finance) IT Steering Committee Focuses on Implementation Monitors current projects Decides IT spending
IT Strategy Committee Main Concerns n n n Alignment of IT with Business Contribution of IT to the Business Exposure & containment of IT Risk Optimization of IT costs Achievement of strategic IT objectives
IT Steering Committee Main Concerns n n n Make decision of IT being centralized vs. decentralized, and assignment of responsibility Makes recommendations for strategic plans Approves IT architecture Reviews and approves IT plans, budgets, priorities & milestones Monitors major project plans and delivery performance
Strategic Planning Process Strategic: Long-term (3 -5 year) direction considers organizational goals, regulation (and for IT: technical advances) Tactical: 1 -year plan moves organization to strategic goal Operational: Detailed or technical plans Strategic Tactical Operational
Security Strategic Planning Risk Mgmt – Laws Governance – Policy Organizational Security Data classification Audit – Risk analysis Business continuity Metrics development Incident response Physical security Network security Policy compliance Metrics use Strategic Tactical Operational
Strategic Planning Strategy: n Achieve COBIT Level 4 Tactical: During next 12 months: n Each business unit must identify current applications in use n 25% of all stored data must be reviewed to identify critical resources n Business units must achieve regulatory compliance n A comprehensive risk assessment must be performed for each business unit n All users must undergo general security training n Standards must exist for all policies
Standard IT Balanced Scorecard Establish a mechanism for reporting IT strategic aims and progress to the board Mission Strategies Measures Mission = Direction E. g. : n Serve business efficiently and effectively Strategies = Objectives E. g. : n Quality thru Availability n Process Maturity Measures = Statistics E. g. : n Customer satisfaction n Operational efficiency
IT Balanced Scorecard Financial Goals How should we appear to stockholder? Vision: Metrics: Performance: Internal Business Process What business processes should we excel at? Vision: Metrics: Performance: Customer Goals How should we appear to our customer? Vision: Metrics: Performance: Learning and Growth Goals How will we improve internally? Vision: Metrics: Performance:
Case Study: IT Governance Strategic Plan – Tactical Plan Strategic Plan Objective Incorporate the business Pass a professional audit Time frame 5 yrs 4 yrs Tactical Plan: Objective Perform strategiclevel security, includes: Time frame 1 yr Perform risk analysis 6 mos. Perform BIA 1 yr Define policies 1 yr
Case Study: IT Governance Operational Planning Objective and Timeframe Hire an internal auditor and security professional 2 months: March 1 Establish security team of business, IT, personnel: 1 month: Feb. 1 Team initiates risk analysis and prepares initial report 3 months: April 1 Responsibility VP Finance & Chief Info. Officer (CIO) CIO & Security Team
Enterprise Architecture n n Constructing IT is similar to constructing a building It must be designed and implemented at various levels: Technical (Hardware, Software) ¨ IT Procedures & Operations ¨ Business Procedures & Operations ¨ Data Functional Network (Applic. ) Scope Enterprise Model Systems Model Tech Model Detailed Representation (Tech) People (Org. ) Process (Flow) Strategy
Sourcing Practices Insourced: Performed entirely by the organization’s staff Outsourced: Performed entirely by a vendor’s staff Hybrid: Partial insourced and outsourced Onsite: Performed at IS dept site Offsite or Nearshore: Performed in same geographical area Offshore: Performed in a different geographical region What advantages can you think of for insourcing versus outsourcing?
Quality with ISO 9001: Standard for Quality Mgmt Systems. Recommendations include: n Quality Manual: Documented procedures n HR: Documented standards for personnel hiring, training, evaluation, … n Purchasing: Documented standards for vendors: equipment & services Gap Analysis: The difference between where you are and where you want to be
Quality Definitions Quality Assurance: Ensures that staff are following defined quality processes: e. g. , following standards in design, coding, testing, configuration management Quality Control: Conducts tests to validate that software is free from defects and meets user expectations
Performance Optimization Phases of Performance Measurement include: n Establish and update performance metrics n Establish accountability for performance measures n Gather and analyze performance data n Report and use performance results Note: Strategic direction for how to achieve performance improvements is necessary
Categories of Performance Measures Performance Measurement: What are indicators of good IT performance? n IT Control Profile: How can we measure the effectiveness of our controls? n Risk Awareness: What are the risks of not achieving our objectives? n Benchmarking: How do we perform relative to others and standards? n
IS Auditor & IT Governance n n n Is IS function aligned with organization’s mission, vision, values, objectives and strategies? Does IS achieve performance objectives established by the business? Does IS comply with legal, fiduciary, environmental, privacy, security, and quality requirements? Are IS risks managed efficiently and effectively? Are IS controls effective and efficient?
Audit: Recognizing Problems n n n End-user complaints Excessive costs or budget overruns Late projects Poor motivation - high staff turnover High volume of H/W or S/W defects Inexperienced staff – lack of training Unsupported or unauthorized H/W S/W purchases Numerous aborted or suspended development projects Reliance on one or two key personnel Poor computer response time Extensive exception reports, many not tracked to completion
Audit: Review Documentation n n n n IT Strategies, Plans, Budgets Security Policy Documentation Organization charts & Job Descriptions Steering Committee Reports System Development and Program Change Procedures Operations Procedures HR Manuals QA Procedures Contract Standards and Commitments ¨ Bidding, selection, acceptance, maintenance, compliance
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. The MOST important function of the IT department is: Cost effective implementation of IS functions Alignment with business objectives 24/7 Availability Process improvement
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. Product testing is most closely associated with which department: Audit Quality Assurance Quality Control Compliance
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. “Implement virtual private network in the next year” is a goal at the level: Strategic Operational Tactical Mission
Question Which of the following is not a valid purpose of the IS Audit? 1. Ensure IS strategic plan matches the intent of the enterprise strategic plan 2. Ensure that IS has developed documented processes for software acquisition and/or development (depending on IS functions) 3. Verify that contracts followed a documented process that ensures no conflicts of interest 4. Investigate program code for backdoors, logic bombs, or Trojan horses
Question Documentation that would not be viewed by the IT Strategy Committee would be: 1. IT Project Plans 2. Risk Analysis & Business Impact Analysis 3. IT Balanced Scorecard 4. IT Policies
Information Security Governance Policy Risk
Information Security Importance n Organizations are dependent upon and are driven by information ¨ Software = information on how to process ¨ Data, graphics retained in files Information & computer crime has escalated n Therefore information security must be addressed and supported at highest levels of the organization n
Security Organization Review Risk assessment & Business Impact Analysis Define penalties for non-compliance of policies Board of Directors Defines security objectives and institutes security organization Executive Mgmt Senior representatives of business functions ensures alignment of security program Security with business Steering objectives Committee Other positions: Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Chief Info Security Officer (CISO)
Security Governance Strategic Alignment: Security solution consistent with organization goals and culture Risk Management: Understand threats and cost-effectively control risk Value Delivery: Prioritized and delivered for greatest business benefit Performance Measurement: Metrics, independent assurance Resource Management: Security architecture development & documentation Process Integration: Security is integrated into a wellfunctioning organization
Executive Mgmt Info Security Concerns n n n n Reduce civil and legal liability related to privacy Provide policy and standards leadership Control risk to acceptable levels Optimize limited security resources Base decisions on accurate information Allocate responsibility for safeguarding information Increase trust and improve reputation outside organization
Legal Issues International trade, employment may be liable to different regulations than exist in the U. S. affecting: n Hiring n Internet business n Trans-border data flows n Cryptography n Copyright, patents, trade secrets Industry may be liable under legislation: n SOX: Sarbanes-Oxley: Publicly traded corp. n FISMA: Federal Info Security Mgmt Act n HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act n GLBA: Gramm-Leach. Bliley: Financial privacy n Etc.
Road Map for Security (New Program) Documentation Security Issues Security Policies Training materials Interview stakeholders (HR, legal, finance) to determine org. issues & concerns Develop security policies for approval to Mgmt Conduct security training & test for compliance Improve standards Develop compliance monitoring strategy Info Security Steering Committee
Security Relationships Exec. Mgmt Security requirements Access control Security requirements in RFP Contract requirements S /W Dev. Purchasing Security requirements and review Change control Security upgrade/test Security Strategy, Risk, & Alignment Human Res. Hiring, training, roles & responsibility, Incident handling Busi. Security requirements ness sign-off, Mgmt CISO Acceptance test, Access authorization Quality Control IT Operations Legal Dept Laws & Regulations Security monitoring, Incident resp. , Site inventory, Crisis management
Security Governance Framework Security Strategy Security Organization Security Framework Compliance Monitoring Policies, Standards, Procedures
Secure Strategy: Risk Assessment Five Steps include: 1. Assign Values to Assets: ¨ 2. Determine Loss due to Threats & Vulnerabilities ¨ ¨ 3. Weekly, monthly, 1 year, 10 years? Compute Expected Loss ¨ 5. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Loss = Downtime + Recovery + Liability + Replacement Estimate Likelihood of Exploitation ¨ 4. Where are the Crown Jewels? Risk Exposure = Probability. Of. Vulnerability * $Loss Treat Risk ¨ ¨ Survey & Select New Controls Reduce, Transfer, Avoid or Accept Risk
Example Policy Documents Data Classification: Defines data security categories, ownership and accountability Acceptable Usage Policy: Describes permissible usage of IT equipment/resources End-User Computing Policy: Defines usage and parameters of desktop tools Access Control Policies: Defines how access permission is defined and allocated After policy documents are created, they must be officially reviewed, updated, disseminated, and tested for compliance
Compliance Function Compliance: Ensures compliance with organizational policies n E. g. : Listen to selected help desk calls to verify proper authorization occurs when resetting passwords n Best if compliance tests are automated Compliance: ongoing process Ensures adherence to policies Time Audit: Snapshot of compliance in time
Compliance Program – Security Review or Audit Test Objective: Is our web-interface to DB safe? Scope: Penetration test on DB Constraints: Must test between 1 -4 AM Approach: 1. Tester has valid session credentials 2. Specific records allocated for test 3. Test: SQL Injection Result: These problems were found: …
Security Positions Security Architect n Design secure network topologies, access control, security policies & standards. n Evaluate security technologies n Work with compliance, risk mgmt, audit Security Administrator n Allocate access to data under data owner n Prepare security awareness program n Test security architecture n Monitor security violations and take corrective action n Review and evaluate security policy
Security Architect: Control Analysis Do controls fail secure or fail open? Is restrictive or permissive policy (denied unless expressly permitted or vice versa? ) Does control align with policy & business expectation? Policy Where are controls located? Are controls layered? Is control redundancy needed? Placement Does control protect Implemen. Efficiency broadly or one application? Have controls been tested? tation If control fails, is there a Are controls self-protecting? control remaining? Do controls meet control Effectiveness (single point of failure) objectives? If control fails, does appl. fail? Will controls alert security Are controls reliable? personnel if they fail? Do they inhibit productivity? Are control activities logged Are they automated or manual? and reviewed? Are key controls monitored in real-time? Are controls easily circumvented?
Control Practices These may be useful in particular conditions: Automate Controls: Make technically infeasible to bypass Access Control: Users should be identified, authenticated and authorized before accessing resources Secure Failure: If compromise possible, stop processing Compartmentalize to Minimize Damage: Access control required per system resource set Transparency: Communicate so that average layperson understands control->understanding & support Trust: Verify communicating partner through trusted 3 rd party (e. g. , PKI) Trust No One: Oversight controls (e. g. , CCTV) Segregation of Duties: Require collusion to defraud the organization Principle of Least Privilege: Minimize system privileges
Security Administrator: Security Operations Identity Mgmt & Access control n System patching & configuration mgmt n Change control & release mgmt n Security metrics collection & reporting n Control technology maintenance n Incident response, investigation, and resolution n
Summary of Security Mgmt Functions n Develop security strategy ¨ Linked with business objectives ¨ Regulatory & legal issues are addressed ¨ Sr Mgmt acceptance & support ¨ Complete set of policies ¨ Standards & Procedures for all relevant policies n n Security awareness for all users and security training as needed Classified information assets by criticality and sensitivity
Summary of Security Mgmt Functions n Effective compliance & enforcement processes Metrics are maintained and disseminated ¨ Monitoring of compliance & controls ¨ Utilization of security resources is effective ¨ Noncompliance is resolved in a timely manner ¨ n Effective risk mgmt and business impact assessment Risks are assessed, communicated, and managed ¨ Controls are designed, implemented, maintained, tested ¨ Incident and emergency response processes are tested ¨ Business Continuity & Disaster Recover Plans are tested ¨
Summary of Security Mgmt Functions n Develop security strategy, oversee security program, liaise with business process owners for ongoing alignment ¨ Clear assignment of roles & responsibilities ¨ Security participation with Change Management ¨ Address security issues with 3 rd party service providers ¨ Liaise with other assurance providers to eliminate gaps and overlaps
Question Who can contribute the MOST to determining the priorities and risk impacts to the organization’s information resources? 1. Chief Risk Officer 2. Business Process Owners 3. Security Manager 4. Auditor
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. A document that describes how access permission is defined and allocated is the: Data Classification Acceptable Usage Policy End-User Computing Policy Access Control Policies
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. The role of the Information Security Manager in relation to the security strategy is: Primary author with business input Communicator to other departments Reviewer Approves the strategy
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. The role most likely to test a control is the: Security Administrator Security Architect Quality Control Analyst Security Steering Committee
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. The Role responsible for defining security objectives and instituting a security organization is the: Chief Security Officer Executive Management Board of Directors Chief Information Security Officer
Question When implementing a control, the PRIMARY guide to implementation adheres to: 1. Organizational Policy 2. Security frameworks such as COBIT, NIST, ISO/IEC 3. Prevention, Detection, Correction 4. A layered defense
Question 1. 2. 3. 4. The persons on the Security Steering Committee who can contribute the BEST information relating to insuring Information Security success is: Chief Information Security Officer Business process owners Executive Management Chief Information Officer
Reference Slide # Slide Title Source of Information 4 Corporate Governance CISA: page 87, 88 6 IT Governance Committees CISA: page 90 7 IT Strategy Committee CISA: page 90 12 Standard IT Balance Scorecard CISA: page 91 16 Enterprise Architecture CISA: page 94, 95 Exhibit 2. 5 17 Sourcing Practices CISA: page 106 18 Quality with ISO 9001 CISA: page 112 19 Quality Definitions CISA: page 116 20 Performance Optimization CISA: page 113, 114 21 Categories of Performance Measures CISA: page 114 32 Security Organization CISA: page 94, 95 Exhibit 2. 4 33 Security Governance CISA: page 92, 93 39 Secure Strategy: Risk Assessment CISM: page 100 40 Example Policy Documents CISA: page 100 43 Security Positions CISA: page 116, 117