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ISTERECTOMIA MINIINVASIVA Massimo Luerti Dipartimento Materno Infantile Unità Operativa di Ostetricia e Ginecologia 1 A. O. della Provincia di Lodi Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi massimo. luerti@ao. lodi. it
ALTERNATIVE TECNICHE ATTUALI PER L’ISTERECTOMIA • Isterectomia totale - laparotomica tradizionale - minilaparotomica - vaginale - laparoscopica • Isterectomia subtotale - addominale - minilaparotomica - laparoscopica - vaginale
Perioperative Pain Management “The era of managed care and shorter hospital stays has focused physicians and, in particular, surgeons on elements of patient care that can be addressed and improved. Reducing or eliminating postoperative pain without excessive sedation promotes rapid mobilization and return to selfcare”. Levy BS, Carpenter R, J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1995 Aug; 2(4): 381 -7
“Minimizing tissue trauma is the key to good (and rapid ) recovery” - every professor of surgery I’ve ever had
• VH has the lowest complication rate and the quickest recovery • Total AH has the highest patient morbidity and longest convalescence. Mehra S Gynaecol Endosc 1999 The post-operative rates of morbidity and complications are lower with the vaginal approach than with any other methods Rates of complications associated with hysterectomy range from • 24 percent for the vaginal approach to • 43 percent for an abdominal approach CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR HYSTERECTOMY Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, 1995
“The only controindication for a vaginal hysterectomy is if a vaginal hysterectomy has been perfomed…. ” Steven Cruikshank, MD Certified Vaginal Zealot
LIMITI DELLA VH • Sindrome dolorosa pelvica che richiede esplorazione pelvica o specifici trattamenti • Sospetta o accertata endometriosi • Pregressa chirurgia pelvica-addominale ad alto rischio di aderenze • Utero largo e grosso: esperienza per la riduzione • Insufficiente approccio vaginale • Presenza di patologia annessiale non sospetta TUTTI I LIMITI DELLA VH, TRANNE L’UTERO LARGO E GROSSO POSSONO CONSIDERARSI INDICAZIONI PER LA ISTERECTOMIA LAPAROSCOPICA
LA LAPAROSCOPIA DEVE QUINDI AFFIANCARSI ALLA VIA VAGINALE E NON SOSTITUIRLA Dipendentemente dalle indicazioni, dal training del chirurgo e dall’ esperienza, la laparoscopia puo’ essere utilizzata per assistere una isterectomia che puo’ concludersi per via vaginale (LAVH) o per una isterectomia totale o sopracervicale
HYSTERECTOMY % via VAGINAL ROUTE Brown DA & Frazer MI/ Australia medicare 79/19 Summit RI /USA 77/25 Kovac SR/USA 89/25 Querleu D 77 Sheth SS 82 Sweden 11
In most countries the percentage of uteri removed abdominally is above 50% Finnish national survey (1998) 93% United Kingdom (1998) 74% Dutch Hospitals (1998) 54%
ANNESSIECTOMIA IN CORSO DI ISTERECTOMIA VAGINALE USA: 1. 700. 000 isterectomie 1988 -1990 Via Addominale Vaginale % 68 10. 3 Wilcox LS Obstet Gynecol 1994
ANNESSIECTOMIA IN CORSO DI ISTERECTOMIA VAGINALE Una inchiesta tra gli iscritti alla British Society of Gynacological Endoscopy evidenzia che, su un totale di 147 risposte (46% del campione), il 57% sceglieva solo una isterectomia per via addominale se aveva in programma anche una annessiectomia, e solo il 7% effettuava direttamente una isterectomia vaginale. (Clark TJ 2001)
ISTERECTOMIA VAGINALE Revisione critica di una casistica di 500 isterectomie consecutive (68. 4% AH, 19. 2% VH), da parte degli stessi operatori (A. Magos e coll. ): 353 (70, 6%) proponibili per una isterectomia vaginale, ma solo 1/3 ha evitato la laparotomia la via vaginale è proposta in modo variabile dagli operatori (da 9. 9 a 100%) le variabili principali all’indicazione sono: dimensioni dell’utero abilità del chirurgo
VANTAGGI DELL’ISTERECTOMIA LAPAROSCOPICA RISPETTO ALL’ISTERECTOMIA ADDOMINALE • Perdita ematica minore • Minore dolore postoperatorio • Minore durata della degenza • Più precoce recupero postoperatorio • Maggiore facilità di annessiectomia • Possibilità di adesiolisi • Migliore emostasi della trancia vaginale e toilette • Minore quantità di tessuto necrotico J. H. Olsson et al. BMJ, 1995; 103: 345 -350 R. I. Summit et al. Obst & Gyn, 1998; 92: 321 -326
FIHYST 1996 AH VH LH cases 5875 1801 2434 OVERALL COMPLICATIONS 17. 2% 23. 3% 19. 0% Infections 10. 5% 13. 0% 9. 0% Hemorrhagic events 2. 1% 3. 1% 2. 7% Bowel injuries 0. 2% 0. 5% 0. 4% Ureter injuries 0. 2% 0 1. 1% Bladder injuries 0. 5% 0. 2% 1. 2% Makinen, 2001
COMPLICANZE PER TIPO DI ISTERECTOMIA AH VH THL 20. 1% 10. 9% 9. 7% (*) *-Chapron. 235 pz , 1999
RUOLO DELLA CURVA DI APPRENDIMENTO NELLE COMPLICANZE DELL’ISTERECTOMIA LAPAROSCOPICA (A. Wattiez, 2002) 1989 -1995 (n=695) Trasfusioni Danni vescicali Danni ureterali Fistola vescicovaginale Danni intestinali Reinterventi Ematoma parietale Ematoma cupola vaginale Iperpiressia Infezione cupola vaginale Infezione della parete 1996 -1999 (n=952) 15 (2. 2) 11 (1. 6) 4 (0. 6) 1 (0. 1) 9 (1. 3) 10 3 14 4 2 1 (0. 1) 6 (0. 6) 2 (0. 2) 1 (0. 1) 0 3 (0. 3) 5 4 4 0 0
VH is superior in terms of operative time and immediate inflammatory response when compared with TAH and LH, and therefore it should be the first option for hysterectomy. LH should be the preferred option when the vaginal approach is unfeasible, showing clear advantages over TAH. A randomized study of total abdominal, vaginal and laparoscopic hysterectomy S. C. Ribeiro, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 83 (2003) 37– 43
• Any patient requiring a hysterectomy should be offered the vaginal approach as the morbidity and post-operative complications are less. • Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy may be used instead of an abdominal hysterectomy, but is of no advantage where a vaginal hysterectomy can be performed. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR HYSTERECTOMY Clinical Practice Guidelines – Gynaecology, Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, December, 1995. LAVH is “to assist in the performance of a vaginal hysterectomy in situations in which an abdominal approach might otherwise be indicated” American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), 1995
CLASSIFICAZIONE DELLE ISTERECTOMIE CON TEMPO LAPAROSCOPICO • LAVH (Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy) con tempo laparoscopico che arriva fino ai vasi uterini esclusi • LH (Laparoscopic Hysterectomy) con vasi uterini affrontati per via laparoscopica mentre i legamenti uterosacrali e cardinali e la parete vaginale possono essere affrontati come si vuole: sutura vaginale dal basso • TLH (Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy) con totale dissezione del pezzo operatorio e la sutura della parete vaginale per via laparoscopica
AAGL ABBREVIATED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR LAPAROSCOPIC HYSTERECTOMY J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 7(1): 9 -15, 2000 Type 0: Laparoscopic-directed preparation for vaginal hysterectomy Type I: Occlusion and division of at least one ovarian pedicle, but not including uterine artery(es) Type II: Type I plus occlusion and division of the uterine artery, unilateral or bilateral Type III: Type II plus a portion of the cardinaluterosacral ligament complex, unilateral or bilateral Type IV: Complete detachment of cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex, unilateral or bilateral, with or without entry into the vagina
BIPOLAR VESSEL SEALING • Conventional bipolar electrosurgery • Ultrasonic and laser-based systems • Pulsed plasma kinetic electrosurgical • Feedback-controlled, radiofrequencybased bipolar devices
ELECTROSURGICAL BIPOLAR VESSEL SEALER • Can effectively seal vessels and vascular bundles up to 7 mm in diameter. • Application of mechanical energy or pressure in conjunction with the delivery of electrical energy • Electrosurgical generator measures both voltage and current to monitor tissue response: as tissue impedance changes because of resistive heating, voltage and current will vary accordingly. • When tissue response indicates a successful seal, a cool cycle is entered, during which time the device position is maintained and no power is delivered. After the cooling period, the generator emits an audible tone to indicate cycle completion. On average, the entire sealing and cooling cycle takes approximately 5 seconds. Randomized Trial of Suture Versus Electrosurgical. Bipolar Vessel Sealing in Vaginal Hysterectomy Barbara Levy, MD, and Laura Emery VOL. 102, NO. 1, JULY 2003 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
ELECTROSURGICAL BIPOLAR VESSEL SEALING IN VAGINAL HYSTERECTOMY EBVS (n 30) Suture (n 30) Statistical Significance (P) 39. 1 17. 7 36 (22– 93) 53. 6 26. 7 47 (37– 160) . 003 Total procedure time* (min) 48. 0 26. 8 42. 0 (22– 93) 60. 3 27. 9 55. 5 (37– 160) . 014 Estimated blood loss (m. L) 68. 9 51. 6 50. 0 (20– 200) 126. 7 113. 3 100 (25– 600) . 005 Procedure time (min) Randomized Trial of Suture Versus Electrosurgical Bipolar Vessel Sealing in Vaginal Hysterectomy Barbara Levy, MD, and Laura Emery, VOL. 102, NO. 1, JULY 2003, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
OPERAZIONI PRELIMINARI • Posizionamento della paziente • Posizionamento dei trocars • Posizionamento del mobilizzatore uterino
Hourcabi e Yes Clermont Ferrand Yes Rumi Vcare partially no Movimenti anti -retroversione ++ ++++ ++ Movimenti laterali Movimenti d’elevazione ++ ++++ ++ +++ Movimenti indipendenti ++++ - +++ Facilità d’uso ++++ + + +++ ++ +++ Poliuso Identificazione fornici Maneggevolez za Tenuta del ++++
PRECAUZIONI PER EVITARE DANNI ELETTRICI ALL’URETERE buona preparazione e scheletrizzazione del fascio vascolare scelta del punto di coagulazione, sulla branca ascendente dell’arteria uterina tempo di coagulazione, più breve possibile: coagulazioni brevi e ripetute sono preferibili ad una coagulazione prolungata applicazione perpendicolare al fascio vascolare della pinza bipolare, introdotta dal trocar omolaterale forte laterodeviazione controlaterale dell’utero
CAUSE DI DIFFICOLTA’ • The presence of large uterus over 300 grams (or 12 weeks) with or without a poor vaginal access • The presence of adhesions due to previous caesarean sections or previous pelvic surgeries (myomectomies) • The presence of pelvic varicosities • The presence of other pathologies like endometriosis
MEZZI PER SUPERARE LE DIFFICOLTA’ • Preoperative treatment with Gn. RH analogs • Trocar placement and ergonomics • 30° laparoscope • Securing uterine vessels and decreasing the risk of hemorrhage • Changing strategies • Morcellation
VARIANTE TECNICA La chiusura dell’arteria uterina può essere effettuata come primo tempo operatorio, aprendo il legamento largo e andando a coagulare l’arteria alla sua emergenza dall’arteria ipogastrica
MINILAPAROTOMIA: Un'alternativa miniinvasiva e meno dolorosa per la chirurgia ginecologica maggiore
MINILAP PRINCIPLES • Smaller incisions are less traumatic – – • • Decreased post-op pain Shorter hospital stay Early ambulation Earlier return to normal activities Vessels at same level regardless of uterine size You only need to see what you’re cutting Movement of uterus under incision allows access Movement of incision to vascular pedicles Minimal packing and bowel handling avoids ileus Like doing a vaginal hysterectomy through the abdomen Faster, easier to learn/teach, less costly than laparoscopy
Effects of presurgical local infiltration of bupivicaine in the surgical field on postsurgical wound pain in laparoscopic gynecologic examinations: a possible preemptive analgesic effect Kato J, Ogawa S, et al. Clin J Pain. 2000 Mar; 16(1): 12 -17 • Incidence of wound pain significantly lower at 10 hrs. post op in treated vs control (p<. 05) • Mean visual analog pain intensity less in treated (p<. 05) • Patients requesting analgesics and who complained of sleep disturbance higher in control group (p<. 05) • Mean cumulative dose of diclofenac at 24 hrs signifcantly lower in treated vs controls (p<. 05)
“Cruciate Incision” 4 -8 cm transverse skin incision 6 -8 cm. vertical fascial incision
The operation time and the blood loss were significantly less in the subtotal abdominal hysterectomy group compared with total abdominal hysterectomy Helga Gimbel. BJOG. December 2003, Vol. 110, pp. 1088– 1098
Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy has shorter operating times, shorter length of stays, and less morbidity than laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy A Comparison of Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Versus Laparoscopically Assisted. Vaginal Hysterectomy Andrew Sokol, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology, VOL. 95, NO. 4 (SUPPLEMENT), APRIL 2000
TAH SCH Intercourse frequency, orgasm frequency, and overall sexual satisfaction were all significantly related to type of procedure (P = 0. 01, 0. 03, and 0. 03, respectively). Intercourse frequency worse outcome 42% (n = 10) 15% (n = 5) Decrease in the ability to achieve orgasm 43% (n = 9) 6% (n = 2) Worsening of overall sexual satisfaction 33% (n = 8) 6% (n = 2) Supracervical hysterectomy versus total abdominal hysterectomy: perceived effects on sexual function Jyot Saini BMC Women's Health 2002, 2: 1 doi: 10. 1186/1472 -6874 -2 -1
CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR HYSTERECTOMY Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, 1995. When a hysterectomy is performed for benign disease, subtotal surgery may be preferable to a patient who has always had normal cytological findings and who believes sexual relations may be affected by removal of the cervix
MINILAP SUPRACERVICAL HYSTERECTOMY • Should only be considered when conservative therapy fails • Is NOT a substitute for vaginal hysterectomy • Retention of the cervix is not an indication – No scientific evidence that cervical retention prevents prolapse – No convincing scientific evidence that cervix enhances sexuality • Supracervical hysterectomy should be done since it is technically easier and there are fewer complications than total hysterectomy
Incidence of Cyclic Bleeding After Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy • • • Prospective study of 67 LSH Cervical stump biopsied at 12 and 6: 00 All patients contacted 3 -15 mos post- op Overall bleeding incidence 19% In group where biopsy showed endocervical tissue, 17% experienced cyclic bleeding • Continuous variables (eg endometriosis, adenomyosis, BMI, uterine wt) not significant Ghomi A, Hantes J, Lotze EC. JMIG 2005 May/June; 12(3): 201 -205
MINILAP SUPRACERVICAL HYSTERECTOMY: TECHNIQUE • Insert uterine manipulator • Suprapubic transverse skin incision - 4 - 8 cm. – Inject local prior to making incision • 6 - 8 cm vertical facial incision (cruciate) • Insert Mobius retractor and elevate uterus to ant abdominal wall • Start at adnexae and work downward (like LAVH) – Twist and deviate uterus with manipulator – Use sutures, Hemalock clips, PK seal, Ligasure or PK short cutting forceps for control of pedicles – Dissect bladder flap downward – Clamp, cut and tie (clip or coagulate) uterine vessels • Elevate lower segment and amputate at int. os – Red Robinson catheter or penrose drain • “Reverse Cone” endocervix • Suture cervical stump
Minilap Supracervical Hysterectomy: Technique (cont) • Morcellate fundus using #10 scalpel - Doyen “ ladder technique” • Irrigate pelvis and incision with saline • Close subcutaneous “dead space” with sutures to avoid seroma • Subcuticular closure after injecting fascia and skin with local • Decadron 6 -8 mg, Toradol 60 mg intraoperative • D/C Foley in OR – Void or Cath. Q 6 -8 h. • Band-Aid and steristrips to incision, vertical pressure dressing until discharge
• 1 per 1000 women develops carcinoma in cervical stump. • Twenty-five percent of the patients continued to menstruate • 10% had symptoms of discharge. • symptoms related to the cervical stump in 24% of patients, all requiring further operations • Adhesions, especially between the bowel and the cervical stump, endometriotic lesions, cervical pathologies (chronic cervicitis, SIL, mucocoeles), myomas and prolapse have been reported at long-term follow-ups Myoma arising in a Cervical Stump. A. Rossetti, 2003
FATTORI CONDIZIONANTI LA SCELTA DEL TIPO DI ISTERECTOMIA • Il chirurgo – Esperienza e predisposizione • L’indicazione all’intervento – Patologia annessiale – Peso e disposizione volumetrica dell’utero – Sospetta endometriosi – Dolore pelvico cronico – Flogosi acuta o cronica in atto – Necessità di appendicectomia o annessiectomia • Caratteristiche della paziente – BMI – Mobilità dell’utero – Accesso vaginale – Pregressa chirurgia pelvica