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ISSN and You: Using ISSN Super. Number in the Digital Environment ALCTS Webinar Nov. 9, 2011 Regina Romano Reynolds Director, U. S. ISSN Center Library of Congress Hosted by ALCTS, The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
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Hidden Power
Here I am again!
Things to know about
It’s about identification TIME ISSN 0040 -781 X
E-commerce Online Access Archives Identification in the Digital Environment E-Resource Management Systems File Matching De-duping Linked Data
It’s about collaboration
It’s about the future especially the Linked Data environment
ISSN… up close and personal
ISSN Definition Eight digit number, including a check digit and preceded by the alphabetic prefix ISSN, assigned to a continuing resource by the ISSN Network ISO 3297
Anatomy of an ISSN 0040 -781 X = Time (Print) ISSN is a “dumb” –no inherent meaning (unlike ISBN) l Last digit = “check digit” to guard against transcription errors l Check digit can be “X” l ISSN blocks allocated to centers by ISSN IC l
ISSN identifies: Current titles l Ceased titles l Titles in all media l Serials l Ongoing integrating resources l Titles delivered on mobile devices l
ISSN IS NOT Copyright USPS permit tm. CIP 20 BIPAD (UPC) LC Control # ISBN (Bowker) DOI
Knowledge bases Publishers Digitizers Postal services Bar coding Libraries Archives Subscription Agencies ISSN Uses/ Users Union Catalogs Magazine Distributors
ISSN and ISBN in the U. S.
ISSN l How Does an ISSN differ from an ISBN? l l l assigned individually by ISSN Centers central ISSN Register metadata follows ISBD ISBN l l allocated to publishers assign individual ISBN no central ISBN registry metadata not based on library rules
ISSN GRANULARITY Print version CD Version ISSN 1234 -5678 ISSN 4321 -8765 Online version ISSN 8765 -4321 24
25 Medium-Specific ISSN Medium-Neutral ISSN-L
WHEN DO ISSN CHANGE? New ISSN l Major change in title l Change in format (print ceases, online begins) No New ISSN l Change of publisher l Change of country l Number begins again with “ 1” l Minor change in title 26
Where do ISSN come from? Modified Microsoft image collection photo
World Map of ISSN Centers 28 ISSN IC, Paris
U. S. ISSN Center began in 1972
ISSN Center Responsibilities* l l Assign ISSN to nation’s continuing resources Provide timely services to publishers and other users Build and maintain national register of ISSN metadata Contribute metadata to the ISSN Register (IC) l l l Cooperate with ISSN Network to assign ISSN and linking ISSN Adhere to ISSN policies, procedures Communicate with publishers about ISSN Promote use of ISSN Assist development of ISSN system & standards *As listed in ISO 3297 Appendix
www/loc. gov/issn
US ISSN Center Relationships other publishers ISSN centers IC LC CONSER USPS libraries Pro. Quest
ISSN IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT Photo: lucyndskywdmnds*** 3 3
The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L) l l l Mechanism that provides for collocation or linking among the different media versions of the same continuing resource The first ISSN assigned to any version New subfields in field 022 l $l [linking ISSN] l $m [cancelled linking ISSN]
ISSN-L Print version CD Version ISSN 1234 -5678 ISSN-L 1234 -5678 ISSN 4321 -8765 ISSN-L 1234 -5678 Online version ISSN 8765 -4321 ISSN-L 1234 -5678 36
ISSN-L ISSN of other Medium versions
http: //content. apa. org/journals/0022 -3514/86/6/796
www. issn. org 40
FREE ISSN-L TABLES* ISSN-L 0021 -8464 1563 -5184 1026 -5414 41 0021 -8464 ISSN-L ISSN … 0021 -8464 1563 -5184 1026 -5414 … * “artist’s conception”
ISSN-L in World. Cat American journal of agricultural Economics (Online)
ISSN-L Use by National Library of Medicine Print ISSN and Linking ISSN Included in Medline citation
All relevant ISSN including Linking ISSN
The Keepers Registry TEST Linking ISSN
ISSN AND OTHER IDENTIFIERS l Open. URL l http: //…&rft. issnl=0028 -0826& l DOI l doi: 10. 1038/issnl. 0028 -0826 l EAN l Part of EAN bar codes 47
ISSN and Bar Codes UPC code l U. S. use (the “supermarket l Does not include ISSN bar code) EAN-13 l International l Used in some U. S. Borders l Includes ISSN SISAC bar code bookstores, e. g. , l Used in the library l Includes ISSN community
ISSN Portal Products & Services ISSN Data Files OAI-PMH Web Service
THE ISSN REGISTER Almost 1. 6 million ISSN and records as of May 2011
OAI-PMH l l New subscription web service Allows external applications to regularly and automatically gather metadata Daily, weekly, monthly, etc. updates Could allow for regular knowledgebase updates with selected information 52
Collaboration 53
“Hiding” articles published under former journal names under the current name of the journal Photo: “Poems of a selfish record player” 55
Inaccurate Citations Displaying or citing an article under the current title of the journal 56
Using incorrect ISSN
Ignoring Title Changes
59 http: //www. niso. org/workrooms/piej
ISSN and Archiving Photo: OZin. OH
Emerging Use: Archiving Can provide identifiers for digitized versions of long-dead serials l Enables identification of print serials for off-site storage l Inquiries from a CRL print project l Discussions about ISSN for Hathi. Trust titles l
New ISSN Policy for digital reproductions All remotely-accessed digital versions of the same work will share the same “e-ISSN”
All e-versions ISSN 7878 -7879 Print Version ISSN 1234 -567 X Current e-version HATHI Trust version i. Pad Version *change from current practice i Smart Phone version JSTOR* back file
Keepers Registry
Library of Congress e-Deposit Project Photo: Reynolds
“Key match point…enabling future automated matching of material sent with material expected” Ted Westervelt ABA e-Deposit project manager
ISSN: reaching back into the past… stretching out into the future… Photo: Reynolds
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke
For further information l US ISSN Center l ISSN International Centre www. loc. gov/issn www. issn. org l NISO PIE-J Working Group http: //www. niso. org/workrooms/piej l The Keepers Registry http: //www. thekeepers. org
Thank you! rrey@loc. gov Hosted by ALCTS, The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services