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Israel religious
Country where born three world religions Religion in Israel is a central feature of the country and plays a major role in shaping Israeli culture and lifestyle, and religion has played a central role in Israel's history.
Judaism in Israel is the birthplace of Judaism, the most ancient of the world’s three predominant monotheistic faiths. Israel is the place of all of Judaism’s myriad holy and historic sites, including Jerusalem, the Temple Mount (the site of Judaism’s First and Second Temples as documented in the Bible), and Hebron. In particular, Jerusalem is historically the heart of Jewish life, having been the religious center and capitol city of the Jewish people singularly, extending from the present all the way back to the times of King David.
Judaism in Israel Today, Jewish society in Israel is made up of observant and non-observant Jews, ranging from the ultra-Orthodox to those who regard themselves as secular.
Islam in Israel Unique in the Middle East, Israel is a democracy which welcomes people of all faiths to be citizens and to participate fully in Israeli life. Beyond Muslims observing Islam freely according to their beliefs and practices, they partake of Israel’s many opportunities for a good, modern, and successful life. Muslims are students at Israeli universities, practice law and medicine, are part of Israel’s vibrant workforce, and are even members of Israel’s Parliament and hold judgeships in its court system.
Christianity in Israel is one of the recognized religions in Israel and is practised by more than 161, 000 Israeli citizens (about 2. 1% of population). They include 127, 000 Arab Christians. about 25, 000 Slavic Christians from the former Soviet Union
The Baha'i faith is a relatively young religion, started in 19 th century Persia (modern-day Iran), and there approximately 5 million Baha'i followers living in communities around the world. The Baha'i faith is monotheistic, and their holy prophets include central figures of the world's major religions, including Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed.
Druze Religion The Druze community, more correctly known as the Muwahideen, number close to 120, 000 in Israel. They live primarily in the Galilee and the Golan Heights, and are classified as a separate religious group, with their own courts and their own jurisdiction in matters such as marriage, divorce, and adoption.
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