Israel and the Palestinian Territories Chapter 12 Section 2 Pp. 342 -346
Israel’s Land Climate o o Golan Heights lie east of the mountains of Galilee Dead Sea is saltiest sea and lowest place on earth’s surface Jordan River flows into Dead Sea Negev Desert covers half the country
Question o What body of water in Southwest Asia is the saltiest and lowest in the world? o The Dead Sea
Israel’s Economy o o 9% work on farm settlements (kibbutzes and moshaves) Farmland along Mediterranean coast Drip irrigation in desert areas Produce enough food for export
Israel’s Economy o o Most industrialized in Southwest Asia Aid from U. S. and Europe Tel Aviv-Yafo is largest manufacturing center Mining + diamond cutting and polishing
Question o What best describes Tel Aviv. Yafo in Israel? o Largest manufacturing center in SW Asia
Question o Which is the most industrialized country in Southwest Asia? o Israel
The Israeli People o o 80% are Jews, 20% are Arab Palestinians After WWI, British supported Jewish homeland in Palestine, but limited Jewish immigration to keep peace with Arabs
The Israeli People o o Holocaust during WWII kills about 6 million Jews 1947, UN divides Palestine into Jewish and Arab states 1948, Israel independence. Arabs attack and are defeated After other wars with Arabs, Israel gains West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Question o When did Israel become an independent republic? o 1948
Question o What happened to Israel as a result of the series of wars from 1948 to 1974? o Gained Arab land
Israeli People o o o 1979 -Peace treaty with Egypt 1993 -Peace with Palestinians. Agreed to turn over West Bank and Gaza Strip 1994 -Peace with Jordan
Israel Today o o o 2000 -Intafada Tensions over control of Jerusalem 90% live in urban areas 1950 -Law of Return says any Jew can come to Israel to live Democratic Republic Knesset is the parliament
Question o In Israel, what did The Law of Return increase? o The Jewish population
Question o What two areas in Israel are a source of conflict between Jews and Palestinians? o West Bank and Gaza Strip