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 «Использование специальных текстов на уроках иностранного языка» . Подготовила: преподаватель английского языка Шевченко «Использование специальных текстов на уроках иностранного языка» . Подготовила: преподаватель английского языка Шевченко Лилия Николаевна

 «Учиться читать, чтобы учиться, читая. » Л. С. Выготский Чтение – это самостоятельный «Учиться читать, чтобы учиться, читая. » Л. С. Выготский Чтение – это самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности, который обеспечивает письменную форму общения. Оно занимает одно из главных мест по использованию, доступности и важности, т. к. именно на основе навыков чтения происходит и развитие навыков говорения и письма.

Виды чтения: 1) Изучающее чтение представляет собой внимательное вчитывание в тест для полного точного Виды чтения: 1) Изучающее чтение представляет собой внимательное вчитывание в тест для полного точного понимания содержания и запоминания содержащейся информации для ее дальнейшего использования. 2) Ознакомительное чтение предполагает извлечение основной информации, при этом делается ставка на воссоздающее воображение читателя, благодаря которому частично восполняется смысл текста.

3) Просмотровое чтение рассматривается как вид чтения, целью которого является получение общего представления о 3) Просмотровое чтение рассматривается как вид чтения, целью которого является получение общего представления о содержащейся в тексте информации. 4) Поисковое чтение предполагает овладение умением находить в тексте те элементы информации, которые являются значимыми для выполнения той или иной учебной задачи.

Целью обучения чтению является формирование и развитие умений чтение как вида речевой деятельности, а Целью обучения чтению является формирование и развитие умений чтение как вида речевой деятельности, а не обучение видам чтения, которые являются лишь средством для достижения общей цели.

Основной учебно-методической единицей обучения чтению является текст. Текст – это коммуникативная единица, отражающая определенную Основной учебно-методической единицей обучения чтению является текст. Текст – это коммуникативная единица, отражающая определенную прагматическую установку его создателя.

Требования к тексту: - должен быть информативным; - должен быть интересен обучающимся; - должен Требования к тексту: - должен быть информативным; - должен быть интересен обучающимся; - должен являться образцом для развития и совершенствования навыков и умений устной и письменной речи, отправной точкой для самостоятельных личностно-ориентированных высказываний.

ЛИПЕЦКИЙ ТЕХНИКУМ СЕРВИСА И ДИЗАЙНА осуществляет подготовку специалистов по трём направлениям: • социально-экономическому (специальности: ЛИПЕЦКИЙ ТЕХНИКУМ СЕРВИСА И ДИЗАЙНА осуществляет подготовку специалистов по трём направлениям: • социально-экономическому (специальности: «Парикмахерское искусство» и «Коммерция (по отраслям)» ; • техническому (специальности: «Моделирование, конструирование и технология швейных изделий» и «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям)» ; • гуманитарному ( «Реклама» ).

FASHION IN THE USA AND BRITAIN. Many British people don’t think about clothes very FASHION IN THE USA AND BRITAIN. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. In Britain, as well as in the USA, men in offices usually wear suits and ties and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and business people wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart (изящный) dresses. Jeans and open shirts are sometimes not allowed It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the States because everyone different. If you are not sure (уверен) what to wear watch what other people do and then do the same. Or ask the advice of a friend. You’ll feel relaxed if you don’t look too different from everyone else. British people just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost everything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts you can put on what you like – from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. In many ways, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home or on holiday most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotel and restaurants men have to wear jackets and ties and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles. But these days most people in Britain and the USA do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is very important to wear the right thing. QUESTIONS: • British people don’t think about clothes very much, do they? • What do British people wear to a restaurant? • What clothes do Americans wear on holidays? • Do people in these countries often wear formal clothes? • What is the difference between British and American fashion? TRUE or FALSE • Women can wear everything they want in offices. • Men wear jeans in restaurants and hotels. • All people wear different clothes. • The British have to put on ties when they go to theatres. • Americans are more considerate about their clothes. • Americans like to wear sporty clothes. • Nowadays it is important to wear formal clothes.

jeans pockets (карманы) pair trousers German popular dyed (покрашены) gold designed cotton The first jeans pockets (карманы) pair trousers German popular dyed (покрашены) gold designed cotton The first jeans were 1_____ by Levi Strauss (1829 -1902), who was a 2______ immigrant to the United States. Strauss arrived in San Francisco in 1850, just after 3____ was discovered there. He decided to make 4_____ to sell to the gold miners (рудокоп). The first 5_____ was made of tent canvas, then strong 6_____ was imported from France. We call it “denim” nowadays. The denim was 7_____ blue with indigo. In 1873 copper rivets (заклёпки) were added to the jeans. Strauss wanted to make the 8___ stronger because the miners used to fill them with pieces of rock! The company still makes Levis today. The first Lee Rider 9____ were made in 1924, and the first Wranglers in 1947. Until the 1930 s jeans were rarely seen east of the Mississippi river. Hollywood westerns made jeans 10______. Cowboys wore them in the films, and film stars wore them outside the studios. 2. Which of the following is not true? a) Though originated in America, denim jeans were made by a foreigner. b) Those who searched for gold could wear the new kind of trousers. c) Strauss made denim in San Francisco. d) Movie actors contributed to the popularity of jeans. 3. What was one of the reasons of Strauss’s coming to America? a) He wanted to find some gold. b) He wanted to designed a new kind of clothes to sell. c) He wanted to become a film star. d) He wanted to make pockets stronger. 4. Why were jeans not so widespread in early 1930 s? a) Jeans as well as film stars were outside the studious. b) Miners didn’t want to wear jeans as the pockets weren’t strong enough. c) Popular movies had not started yet to attract people’s attention. d) Denim hadn’t been brought from France yet. 5. When were the first denim jeans made? a) In 1924. b) Somewhere at the end of 19 th century. c) In 1850. d) When the cowboy film became popular.

advertising monopoly audience networks broadcasting coverage debate entertainment popular source war History of Television advertising monopoly audience networks broadcasting coverage debate entertainment popular source war History of Television Find an odd word. Great Britain and America were the first countries to experiment with television in the 1930 s and 40 s. The three big American TV(1)_____ ABC, CBS and ABC were founded after World War II. They brought television to a growing (2) _____ in the 1950 s. Television became the major (3)____ of information. In 1960 the first TV(4)_______ in history was broadcast between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. Television also influenced the way people thought about the (5)______ in Vietnam. In the 1980 s the (6)______ of America’s big TV stations was broken. New networks started (7)_______ news, sports and music around the clock. CNN, an all-news network, became famous for its (8)______ of the Gulf War. In the last decade TV channels focused on (9)______ programs and reality shows. Among the most (10)____ are Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Survivor.

True or False? 1. Most European countries have state-owned television and commercial TV stations. True or False? 1. Most European countries have state-owned television and commercial TV stations. 2. MTV is a network that produces documentaries. 3. Color television is produced by mixing three basic colors. 4. TV stations must transmit programs on certain frequencies. 5. Analog signals have a better picture quality than digital ones. 6. TV satellites are in the same position all the time. 7. The world's first television broadcast was by CBS. 8. Television influenced the American people in favor of the Vietnam War. 9. CNN became famous for its broadcasts from Vietnam. 10. Television gets its biggest audiences from major sports events. 11. Liquid Crystal displays have pixels that can be turned on and off.

Satellites and telecommunications (part 1). Our world is a place in which we are Satellites and telecommunications (part 1). Our world is a place in which we are very dependent on other people and organizations. An event in some distant part of the globe can rapidly (быстро) and significantly (значительно) affect the quality of life in our home country. This increasing (растущая) dependence, on both national and international scale (масштаб), forced us to create systems that can respond (отвечать)immediately to dangers. These systems are operating all around us in military, civil, commercial and industrial fields. A worldwide system of satellites has been created and it is possible to transmit (предавать) signals around the globe by bouncing (предавать по цепочке) them from one satellite to an earth station and then to another satellite. Originally designed to carry voice messages, they are able to carry hundreds of thousands of separate simultaneous (одновременный) calls. These systems are being adopted to provide for business communications, including the transmission of voice and facsimile messages, data and video data (данные). It is probable that future wide use of satellites in the area of telecommunications will provide a great variety of information services to transmit directly into our homes, possibly including personalized electronic mail. The electronic computer is at the heart of many such systems, but the role of telecommunications is not less important. Reconstruct the sentence: • computers / what /have / do /speeds /modern ? • without / the / possible /modern /of/ technology/high / computers/ could/ world/ not be. • types/ society/ and/ find/ sizes/ throughout/ of computers / different / uses/ our. • all/ purpose/ computers/ what/ the/ is/ of/ main? • main / analog/ digital/ of / there/ types/ computers / are /and / two

statue invention signaling junction (перекрёсток) cars hand special installed silently (тихо) gas TRAFFIC LIGHTS statue invention signaling junction (перекрёсток) cars hand special installed silently (тихо) gas TRAFFIC LIGHTS (1. put each of the following words in its place). The first traffic signal was invented by a railway 1______ engineer. It was installed outside the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It looked like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by 2_____. However, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident discouraged further development until 3____ became common. Modern traffic lights are an American 4 ____. Red-green systems were 5____ in 1914. Threecolour signals, operated by 6_____ from a tower in the middle of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type in Britain were in London on the 7_____ between St. James’s Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. In the past, traffic lights were 8______. In New York, some lights had a 9______ on top. In Los Angeles the lights didn’t just change 10____ but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1930 s. These are gone and have been replaced by standard models, which are universally adopted. 2. Which of the following is not true? a) The first traffic signal was the cause of death of a British policeman. b) The first traffic signal was invented in the Houses of Parliament. c) The first traffic signal didn’t look like the traffic lights of today. d) The first traffic signal was placed near the Palace of Westminster. 3. What are traffic lights? a) Special signal controlling road traffic by coloured lights. b) Movement of cars along the roads. c) An official controlling over the movement of cars. d) Regulation of traffic with the help of coloured lights.

FAST FOOD Pop-Corn It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. FAST FOOD Pop-Corn It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the first part of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put a kernel of corn on a fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn. It’s an interesting thing to know that not all corn pops. A seed of corn must contain 14% water in it. Other kinds of corn have less waters and do not pop. The American Indians, who popped corn a long time ago, knew that special sort. They introduced corn to the first settlers. In 1620 when Pilgrims had a Thanksgiving dinner they invited the Indians, who brought popcorn with them. Since that time Americans continued to pop corn at home. But in 1945 a new machine was invented that changed the history of the product. The electric machine enabled to pop corn outside the home. And soon movies started selling popcorn to make more money. The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is well-known. The Hot Dog The original name of the hot dog was the frankfurter, after the German city of Frankfurt. In the United States frankfurters, sausages on buns, were first sold in the 1860 s. But for Americans the name “dachshund sausage” seemed to be a good one for the frankfurter. In actual fact, a dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New-York especially at baseball games, where they were sold by men keeping them warm in hot water tanks. The men walked up and down the rows of people and yelled “Get your hot dachshund sausages here!” And in 1906 the newspaper cartoonist Tad Dorgan saw the men with the dachshund sausages and got an idea for a cartoon: he drew a bun with a dachshund inside – not a sausage but a dog. The cartoonist didn’t know how to spell the word “dachshund” and under the picture he just wrote: “Get your hot dogs!” The cartoon was a sensation as well as the name. If you go to a baseball game today, you can still see sellers walking around with hot water tanks and yelling, “Get your hot dogs here!”

Find the words in the text: лёгкая закуска, хлопать, взрывать, зерно, представлять, изобретать, разрешать, Find the words in the text: лёгкая закуска, хлопать, взрывать, зерно, представлять, изобретать, разрешать, сосиска, булочка, такса, пронзительно кричать TRUE or FALSE? • Popcorn is a popular snack. • All corns make noise on a fire. • Popcorn was invented in 1620. • Americans like to eat popcorn only at home. • Pilgrims prepared popcorn for the Indians to thank them. • Hot dog was invented in Germany. • Frankfurters were widespread at baseball matches. • The title “hot dog” was invented by American cartoonist.

teenagers The Hamburger recipe opened popularity chief favourite hamburger made called food • Put teenagers The Hamburger recipe opened popularity chief favourite hamburger made called food • Put down the missed words The hamburger is the most eaten (1)_____ in the whole world. The first hamburgers were (2)_____ and sold in Connecticut in 1895 by an American (3)____Louis Lassen. He (4)______ them hamburgers because he was given the (5)_____from Hamburg in Germany. Hamburgers became (6)_____ in America in the early part of the twentieth century. Their (7)_______ grew up even more after the Second World War, when they were bought in large quantities by (8)_____ who preferred fast-food to family meals. In 1948 two brother, Dick and Mac Mc. Donald opened a drive-in (9)____restaurant in San Bernardino, California. Since then over 25000 Mc. Donald`s restaurants have been (10)_____ worldwide and 35 million Mc. Donald`s hamburgers are eaten every day in 115 countries from India to Arctic Circle. • True or false? • The hamburger is a worldwide eating. • The first hamburger was sold in Hamburg. • The hamburger was very popular in 1910 s. • The hamburger was favourite food of children. • The first Mc. Donald’s was organized in the car. • Millions of hamburgers are eaten every day. • After World War I the hamburger was world family food. • Answer the questions: • Do you like hamburgers? • How often do you eat hamburgers? • Why do you like fast food?

used company invented opened world mixed recipe bottles made popular Coca-Cola • Put down used company invented opened world mixed recipe bottles made popular Coca-Cola • Put down the missed words The (1)_____ famous fresh drink Coca-Cola first was an all-purpose medicine, made in 1886 by a druggist from Atlanta, who (2)_____ a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. Then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola as a soda fountain drink. He (3)____ the syrup with soda water. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. An immigrant from Ireland, A. Candler bought the (4)_____ of the drink and having registered the company, became its father in 1892. In 1899 the first bottling factory was (5)_____. The shaped bottle, as we know it today was (6)_____ in 1916 to protect the trademark. And again the World War II helped to make Coca-Cola (7)______ outside America, when the Coca-Cola Company sent bottles of the drink to US soldiers fighting in Europe. It became so (8)______ with the soldiers that the US Army asked the (9)_____ to start ten factories in Europe. It’s a curious thing but of 1903 coca leaves were no longer (10)____ in the drink. The exact ingredients and the quantities are not known – the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret. II. True or false? • At first Coca-Cola was a medicine drink. • The company Coca-Cola appeared in 1899. • The creator of Coca-Cola company was an Irish immigrant. • A special bottle of the drink was made for protecting the recipe. • The first World War was the reason of popularity of Coca-Cola. • Coca leaves were not stopped to add to the drink in 1903. • We can’t say exactly the real quantities of Coca-Cola III Answer the questions: 1. Do you Coca-Cola? 2. How often do you drink Coca-Cola? 3. Why do you like fast food?

The History of Money The use of money is as old as the human The History of Money The use of money is as old as the human civilization. Money is basically a method of exchange (обмен). But money was not always the same form as the money today, and is still developing. The basis of all early commerce was barter, in other words the direct exchange of one product for another. Subsequently both livestock (домашний скот), and plant products such as grain, come to be used as money in many different societies at different periods. The earliest evidence of banking is found in Mesopotamia between 3000 and 2000 B. C. Various items have been used by different societies at different times. Aztecs used cacao beans. Norwegians once used butter. The early U. S. colonists used tobacco leaves and animal hides (шкуры). The people of Paraguay used snails (улитки). Roman soldiers were paid a "salary" of salt. Human slaves have also been used as currency (валюта) around the world. In the 16 th century, the average exchange value of a slave was 8000 pounds of sugar. Gradually, however, people began exchanging things which had only agreed-upon or symbolic value. Metal tool (инструмент) money, such as knife and spade (лопата) money, was also first used in China. These early metal money developed into primitive versions of round coins (монеты) at the end of the Stone Age. Chinese coins were made out of copper (медь), often containing holes so they could be put together like a chain. The Chinese invented also paper money. Outside of China, the first coins developed out of silver. They soon took the familiar round form of today, and were stamped with various gods and emperors to mark their authenticity (подлинность). These early coins first appeared in the Kingdom of Lydia (now in Turkey) in the 7 th century B. C. Paper money was adopted in Europe much later than in Asia and the Arab world -- primarily because Europe didn't have paper. The Bank of Sweden issued the first paper money in Europe in 1661. In 1694 the Bank of England was founded and began to issue (появляться) notes, originally handwritten but later printed.

Is it true or not? • Money always was the same as we them Is it true or not? • Money always was the same as we them know. • First of all people exchanged cows and horses. • Cacao beans were as the means of barter in the USA. • The most popular currency was a slave. • The first metal coins appeared in Asia in the Middle Ages. • China played a great role in developing of money. • Paper money was invented later than coins. • Europe suggested paper money earlier than Asia. • The oldest bank of Europe is situated in London. • The first coins contained the pictures of Galileo and Caesar.

greedy (жадный) love crimes (преступления) earn (зарабатывать) crazy evil (зло) main(главный) problems happy happiness greedy (жадный) love crimes (преступления) earn (зарабатывать) crazy evil (зло) main(главный) problems happy happiness Money Put each of the words in the passage below. Money doesn’t buy 1____ but it helps. Money has become one of the 2____things in our modern life. Some people live their lives to 3____ money. They work hard, trying to earn as much money as they can. Some of them become 4____ about it and lose their dignity hunting money. They don’t appreciate such important things as family, friendship, love and other feelings. Such people become 5____. . As W. S. Maugham said “ Money is like the sixth feeling without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five. ” A person can’t be 6_____ if he has no money to satisfy his natural needs. A person shouldn’t have too much money. It begins destroying him and becomes his curse. It is said in the Bible that “The 7___of money is the root of all 8____. ” Big sums of money really bring different 9_____ because people feel very envious and jealous of other’s fortune. The majority of all the 10____ are made because of money.

 «Чтение- только начало. Творчество жизни – вот цель» . Н. А. Рубакин «Чтение- только начало. Творчество жизни – вот цель» . Н. А. Рубакин

Alexander Mc. Queen – the fashion designer Anastasija Gubanova 2 -09 Alexander Mc. Queen – the fashion designer Anastasija Gubanova 2 -09

Alexander Mc. Queen I'll be happy only when the stop to engage in a Alexander Mc. Queen I'll be happy only when the stop to engage in a fashion, and I stop doing it only when I will be happy.

 Alexander Mc. Queen was born on March 17, 1969 in a working-class district Alexander Mc. Queen was born on March 17, 1969 in a working-class district of Stepney, East End (London). At the age of 3 years Mc. Queen draws his first dress. This action causes a sharp condemnation from parents who find it inappropriate for a boy.

 The tendency to design still negatively perceived family. After another 16 year-old conflict, The tendency to design still negatively perceived family. After another 16 year-old conflict, Alexander decides to start to earn, not to depend on the father. Dropped out of school, he gets an apprentice in the atelier of Anderson & Shepherd.

 A career in fashion began at age 16 to work in the workshops A career in fashion began at age 16 to work in the workshops of Savile Row. He specialized in men's suits for the top of the world. His clients included the Prince of Wales, Lord Rothschild and Mikhail Gorbachev.

 In 1991, Mc. Queen graduated from St. Martin's College of Art (London). Graduate In 1991, Mc. Queen graduated from St. Martin's College of Art (London). Graduate work is a collection of designer Jack the Ripper Stalks His Victims: pants "bamstery" slipping from the thighs and gluteal opening fork, leather top, spattered with blood and dirt. This collection has made him famous.

 "My clothes - not for everyone. I'm not going to create clothes "for all", because I do not all enjoy "

 In 1994, Mc. Queen creates its own brand of Alexander Mc. Queen and In 1994, Mc. Queen creates its own brand of Alexander Mc. Queen and presents his first collection of ready-to-Wear Fashion Week in London. On the 1994 th to 1992 nd year Mc. Queen works as a freelance artist, dresses models in cellophane, uses too bright makeup and silicone rubber.

 Mc. Queen called Mc. Queen called "hooligan of English fashion. " In 1995 he published a collection of "Violence against Scotland". Every fashion show, which is arranged Mc. Queen, turned into a sensation.

 In autumn 1996, Alexander Mc. Queen was awarded the Best Designer of the In autumn 1996, Alexander Mc. Queen was awarded the Best Designer of the Year, awarded by the British Fashion Council. At the same time, Bernard Arnault, head of the powerful corporation LVMH, invited him to the post of artistic director of the House instead of John Galliano Givenchy.

 In 1999 appears the first store of Alexander Mc. Queen in London. In In 1999 appears the first store of Alexander Mc. Queen in London. In the 2001 cease cooperation with the fashion house Givenchy, Mc. Queen concluded a trade agreement with the concern Gucci Group. He became creative director of his own name label.

 Mc. Queen knew women and gave them what they need here and now: Mc. Queen knew women and gave them what they need here and now: "My woman does not tolerate dictatorship. It must be strong to withstand any pressure on her. "

 In late 2009, the fashion world was struck by a new collection of In late 2009, the fashion world was struck by a new collection of futuristic Mak. Kuina. Modeli mutant with demonic makeup and hair raised high barely moved on the catwalk in an incredibly high-heel shoes.

 February 11, 2010 at 10: 20 am Mc. Queen found hanged in his February 11, 2010 at 10: 20 am Mc. Queen found hanged in his flat in Green Park in London. The designer died three days after the death of his mother Joyce.

 The latest collection of Alexander Mc. Queen Fall. Winter 2010 was shown as The latest collection of Alexander Mc. Queen Fall. Winter 2010 was shown as part of Paris Fashion Week.

 Alexander Mc. Queen about his work: Alexander Mc. Queen about his work: "I did not plan that my life will in this way. It's nice when people know and respect your work, but I do not think this deal to become famous. Praise should belong to movie stars. And we just offer our services. "

Breeches. History of creation Kholopkina Polina 1 -10 Breeches. History of creation Kholopkina Polina 1 -10

 French cavalry general Gaston Auguste Gallifet during the Franco. Prussian War (18701871) was French cavalry general Gaston Auguste Gallifet during the Franco. Prussian War (18701871) was injured because of which his right hip was twisted. Since the cavalry uniforms were tight-fitting leggings, the general was rarely go out.

Marquis, General Gaston de Gallifet could no longer put up with hideous wounds after Marquis, General Gaston de Gallifet could no longer put up with hideous wounds after hip and with the help of his tailor invented pants actual cut. Modern breeches - is trousers with a slightly or strongly "deflated bunt" and narrowed the tibia. Breeches appeared as male model of pants. But because of the immense popularity of his breeches and unisex style began to emerge and female models breeches and also just unisex model.

In the modern fashion breeches managed to take a strong stance of things that In the modern fashion breeches managed to take a strong stance of things that do not go out of fashion. This season's breeches at the peak of popularity. Such a diversity of styles of breeches had not yet ever. Presented various models of male and female pants.

In breeches have an interesting property they look good and thin figure. That is In breeches have an interesting property they look good and thin figure. That is certainly a big plus. And of course, impossible not to mention all season pants. They can be worn in the summer, along with moccasins, slip or sneakers. In autumn, they combine perfectly with the boots and shoes.

Breeches sew very simple. Wearing them, you'll be in the spotlight and in the Breeches sew very simple. Wearing them, you'll be in the spotlight and in the fashion trends of the season.