Скачать презентацию ISO Metadata Standards David Danko ESRI ISO TC Скачать презентацию ISO Metadata Standards David Danko ESRI ISO TC


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ISO Metadata Standards David Danko, ESRI ISO TC 211 Metadata Project Leader UC 2007 ISO Metadata Standards David Danko, ESRI ISO TC 211 Metadata Project Leader UC 2007 Tech Sessions 1

Communicating geographic knowledge Encapsulating the real world Providing one’s “universe of discourse” to another Communicating geographic knowledge Encapsulating the real world Providing one’s “universe of discourse” to another UC 2007 Tech Sessions 2

GIS Abstracts Geography into a Modern Information Technology Framework …Abstracting Geographic Knowledge Encapsulating Real GIS Abstracts Geography into a Modern Information Technology Framework …Abstracting Geographic Knowledge Encapsulating Real World Knowledge Data Management Analysis Maps Geo. Visualization Decision Support Models GIS Metadata Data Models Geodata Sets Geodatabase … an Information System for Geography UC 2007 Tech Sessions 3

GIS Abstracts Geography Into Five Basic Elements Data Models Geodata Sets Process and Workflow GIS Abstracts Geography Into Five Basic Elements Data Models Geodata Sets Process and Workflow Models Maps and Globes Metadata . . . Together They Represent the Building Blocks of Geographic Knowledge UC 2007 Tech Sessions 4

Metadata Key building block abstracting geographic knowledge • Data about data –Geographic area covered Metadata Key building block abstracting geographic knowledge • Data about data –Geographic area covered –Currency –Rules of use –Positional accuracy –Data dictionary –Means of encoding –Datum –Map projection • A Key interoperability technology: –Producers explain their product –Users learn about products • Non standard products can be understood UC 2007 Tech Sessions 5

Metadata Applications Understanding the right data for the right purpose • Locate – Find Metadata Applications Understanding the right data for the right purpose • Locate – Find – Discover – Structured searches vs. unstructured • Evaluate – Restrictions – Quality – Reputation • Extract – Order – Download • Employ Pleasantville – Define, Pleasantville – Apply, – Use, Pleasantville – & Understand geographic knowledge UC 2007 Tech Sessions 6

ISO 19115: 2003 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 7 ISO 19115: 2003 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 7

ISO 19115: 2003 Scope • . . . the schema required for describing geographic ISO 19115: 2003 Scope • . . . the schema required for describing geographic information and services. • . . . information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal schema, spatial reference, and distribution of digital geographic data. • . . . applicable to the cataloguing of datasets, clearinghouse activities, and the full description of datasets for a wide range of geographic applications. • …applicable to geographic datasets, dataset series, and individual geographic features and attributes • . . . may be used for other forms of geographic data such as map, charts, textual documents UC 2007 Tech Sessions 8

19115: 2003 Geographic Information – Metadata • Defines metadata elements; –Provides a schema (UML); 19115: 2003 Geographic Information – Metadata • Defines metadata elements; –Provides a schema (UML); –Establishes a common set of metadata terminology, definitions (data dictionary); UC 2007 Tech Sessions 9

Metadata UML Packages Data Quality Information Identification Information Constraint Information Locate Evaluate 19113, 14 Metadata UML Packages Data Quality Information Identification Information Constraint Information Locate Evaluate 19113, 14 Metadata Extension Information Maintenance Information Metadata Content Information 19110, 21, 23, 24 Spatial 19107 Representation Information Extract Portrayal Catalogue Information Distribution Information Employ Application Schema 19109 Information Reference System Information 19108, 11, 12 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 10

ISO 19115: 2003 Annex A Metadata packages MD_Reference. System <<Abstract>> MD_Spatial. Representation (from Reference ISO 19115: 2003 Annex A Metadata packages MD_Reference. System <> MD_Spatial. Representation (from Reference system information) +reference. System. Info 0. . * (from Spatial representation information) +spatial. Representation. Info 0. . * MD_Metadata. Extension. Information (from Metadata extension information) 0. . * +metadata. Extension. Info DQ_Data. Quality (from Data quality information) +data. Quality. Info 0. . * MD_Maintenance. Information +distribution. Info MD_Metadata MD_Distribution (from Distribution information) (from Maintenance information) +metadata. Maintenance +resource. Maintenance 0. . 1 0. . * + file. Identifier [0. . 1] : Character. String + language [0. . 1] : Character. String + character. Set [0. . 1] : MD_Character. Set. Code = "utf 8" + parent. Identifier [0. . 1] : Character. String + hierarchy. Level [0. . *] : MD_Scope. Code = "dataset" + hierarchy. Level. Name [0. . *] : Character. String + contact : CI_Responsible. Party + date. Stamp : Date + metadata. Standard. Name [0. . 1] : Character. String + metadata. Standard. Version [0. . 1] : Character. String 0. . 1 +content. Info 0. . * <> MD_Identification 1. . * (from Identification information) +identification. Info +resource. Constraints MD_Content. Information (from Content information) 0. . * +portrayal. Catalogue. Info MD_Constraints +metadata. Constraints 0. . * MD_Portrayal. Catalogue. Reference 0. . * ( from Constraint information) (from Portrayal catalogue information) 0. . * +application. Schema. Info MD_Application. Schema. Information (from Application schema information) Conditional statements: language: documented if not defined by the encoding standard character. Set: documented if ISO 10646 -1 not used and not defined by the encoding standard hierarchy. Level: documented if hierarchy. Level not equal to "dataset"? hierarchy. Level. Name: documented if hierarchy. Level UC 2007 Tech Sessions 11 not equal to "dataset"?

Content Information Distribution information Data quality information Spatial representation info Maintenance information Reference system Content Information Distribution information Data quality information Spatial representation info Maintenance information Reference system information Constraint information Identification information Metadata is composed of information chapters (packages) Metadata file. Identifier: 3 A 2234641211 B 12 language: en character. Set: (default = "utf 8“) parent. Identifier: National Map Topo. Series 864 hierarchy. Level: (default = "dataset“) hierarchy. Level. Name: (not needed) contact : CI_Responsible. Party date. Stamp : 20060417 metadata. Standard. Name: ISO 19115: 2003 metadata. Standard. Version: (not needed) or metadata. Standard. Version: North American Profile 1. 0 Chapter 1 6 3 4 7 8 9 5 2 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 12

ISO 19115: 2003 Annex B Metadata dictionary UC 2007 Tech Sessions 13 ISO 19115: 2003 Annex B Metadata dictionary UC 2007 Tech Sessions 13

Data. Identification details character. Set: documented if ISO 10646 -1 is not used MD_Data. Data. Identification details character. Set: documented if ISO 10646 -1 is not used MD_Data. Identification + abstract : Character. String + citation : CI_Citation + credit [0. . *] : Character. String + purpose [0. . 1] : Character. String + point. Of. Contact [0. . *] : CI_Responsible. Party + status [0. . *] : MD_Progress. Code + spatial. Representation. Type [0. . *] : MD_Spatial. Representation. Type. Code + spatial. Resolution [0. . *] : MD_Resolution + language [1. . *] : Character. String + topic. Category [1. . *] : MD_Topic. Category. Code + character. Set [0. . 1] : MD_Character. Set. Code = "utf 8" + geographic. Description [0. . *] : EX_Geographic. Description + geographic. Box [0. . *] : EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box + environment. Description [0. . 1] : Character. String + extent [0. . *] : EX_Extent + supplemental. Information [0. . 1] : Character. String {MD_Metadata. hierarchy. Level = "dataset" implies count (extent. geographic. Element. EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box) + count (extent. geographic. Element. EX_Geographic. De scription >=1} {MD_Metadata. hierarchy. Level not. Equal “dataset” or “series” implies topic. Catagory is not mandatory} EX_Geographic. Description + geographic. Identifier : MD_Identifier or both EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box + west. Bound. Longitude : Decimal + east. Bound. Longitude : Decimal + south. Bound. Latitude : Decimal + north. Bound. Latitude : Decimal UC 2007 Tech Sessions 14

ISO 19115: 2003 Annex A Extent data types <<Data. Type>> EX_Extent + description[0. . ISO 19115: 2003 Annex A Extent data types <> EX_Extent + description[0. . 1] : Character. String count(description + geographic. Element + temporal. Element + vertical. Element) >0 +geographic. Element 0. . * <> EX_Geographic. Extent +temporal. Element + extent. Type. Code [0. . 1] : Boolean = "1" 0. . * EX_Temporal. Extent +spatial. Extent + extent : TM_Primitive 1. . * +vertical. Element 0. . * EX_Vertical. Extent + minimum. Value : Real + maximum. Value : Real EX_Bounding. Polygon + polygon[1. . *] : GM_Object EX_Spatial. Temporal. Extent EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box + west. Bound. Longitude : Decimal + east. Bound. Longitude : Decimal + south. Bound. Latitude : Decimal + north. Bound. Latitude : Decimal +vertical. CRS EX_Geographic. Description + geographic. Identifier : MD_Identifier 1 <> SC_CRS (from Spatial Referencing by Coordinates) UC 2007 Tech Sessions 15

Data. Identification details MD_Data. Identification + abstract : Character. String + citation : CI_Citation Data. Identification details MD_Data. Identification + abstract : Character. String + citation : CI_Citation + credit [0. . *] : Character. String + purpose [0. . 1] : Character. String + point. Of. Contact [0. . *] : CI_Responsible. Party + status [0. . *] : MD_Progress. Code + spatial. Representation. Type [0. . *] : MD_Spatial. Representation. Type. Code + spatial. Resolution [0. . *] : MD_Resolution + language [1. . *] : Character. String + topic. Category [1. . *] : MD_Topic. Category. Code + character. Set [0. . 1] : MD_Character. Set. Code = "utf 8" + geographic. Description [0. . *] : EX_Geographic. Description + geographic. Box [0. . *] : EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box + environment. Description [0. . 1] : Character. String + extent [0. . *] : EX_Extent + supplemental. Information [0. . 1] : Character. String character. Set: documented if ISO 10646 -1 is not used {MD_Metadata. hierarchy. Level = "dataset" implies count (extent. geographic. Element. EX_Geographic. Bounding. Box) + count (extent. geographic. Element. EX_Geographic. De scription >=1} {MD_Metadata. hierarchy. Level not. Equal “dataset” or “series” implies topic. Catagory is not mandatory} <> MD_Topic. Category. Code + farming + biota + boundaries + climatology. Meterology. Atmosphere + economy + elevation + environment + geoscientific. Information + health + imagery. Base. Maps. Earth. Cover + intelligence. Military + inland. Waters + location + oceans + planning. Cadastre + society + structure + transportation + utilities. Communications UC 2007 Tech Sessions 16

MD_Topic. Category. Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. farming biota MD_Topic. Category. Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. farming biota boundaries climatology. Meteorology Atmosphere economy elevation environment geoscientific. Information health 10. imagery. Base. Maps. Earth Cover 11. intelligence. Military 12. inland. Waters 13. location 14. oceans 15. planning. Cadastre 16. society 17. structure 18. transportation 19. utilities. Communication UC 2007 Tech Sessions 17

climatology. Meteorology Atmosphere 004 processes and phenomena of the atmosphere Examples: cloud cover, weather, climatology. Meteorology Atmosphere 004 processes and phenomena of the atmosphere Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation economy 005 economic activities, conditions and employment Examples: production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas elevation 006 height above or below sea level Examples: altitude, bathymetry, digital elevation models, slope, derived products environment 007 environmental resources, protection and conservation Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape geoscientific. Information 008 information pertaining to earth sciences Examples: geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth’s rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion health 009 health, health services, human ecology, and safety Examples: disease and illness, factors affecting health, hygiene, substance abuse, mental and physical health, health services imagery. Base. Maps. Earth 010 base maps UC 2007 Tech Sessions 18

ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications DS_Data. Set MD_Metadata 1. . * GF_Feature. Type 0. ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications DS_Data. Set MD_Metadata 1. . * GF_Feature. Type 0. . * FE_Feature 0. . * 1. . * 0. . * <> DS_Aggregate DS_Series DS_Sensor 0. . * DS_Platform GF_Property. Type 0. . * FE_Feature. Attribute DS_Initiative DS_Production. Series UC 2007 Tech Sessions 19

ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications Dataset GF_Feature. Type Metadata FE_Feature 0. . * 1. ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications Dataset GF_Feature. Type Metadata FE_Feature 0. . * 1. . * 0. . * <> DS_Aggregate 0. . * GF_Property. Type 0. . * or DS_Series or DS_Platform DS_Sensor FE_Feature. Attribute DS_Initiative or DS_Production. Series XYZ Points 3 -D Features Contours DTM’s LIDAR UC 2007 Tech Sessions 20

ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications Dataset GF_Feature. Type Metadata FE_Feature 0. . * 1. ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata applications Dataset GF_Feature. Type Metadata FE_Feature 0. . * 1. . * 0. . * <> DS_Aggregate 0. . * GF_Property. Type 0. . * or DS_Series or DS_Platform DS_Sensor or FE_Feature. Attribute Study, DS_Initiative Collection… DS_Production. Series XYZ Points 3 -D Features Contours DTM’s LIDAR UC 2007 Tech Sessions 21

ISO 19115 recommended core This list contains metadata elements answering the following questions: “Does ISO 19115 recommended core This list contains metadata elements answering the following questions: “Does a dataset on a specific topic exist (‘what’)? ”, “For a specific place (‘where’)? ”, “For a specific date or period (‘when’)? ” and “A point of contact to learn more about or order the dataset (‘who’)? ”. üDataset title üDataset reference date – Additional extent information (vertical and temporal) ─ Dataset responsible party üGeographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifiers) üDataset language üDataset character set üDataset topic category – Spatial Resolution üAbstract describing the dataset – Distribution format – Spatial representation type – Reference system – Lineage statement – On-line resource – Metadata file identifier – Metadata standard name – Metadata standard version üMetadata language üMetadata character set üMetadata point of contact üMetadata time stamp ü Mandatory Automated UC 2007 Tech Sessions 22

Dublin Core elements 1. Title 2. Creator 3. Subject (and keywords/topic) 4. Description (abstract) Dublin Core elements 1. Title 2. Creator 3. Subject (and keywords/topic) 4. Description (abstract) 5. Publisher (responsible for making resource available 6. Contributor 7. Date (date of event in life cycle - creation, availability) 8. Type (nature or genre) dataset, image, event… 9. Format 10. Identifier 11. Source 12. Language 13. Relation 14. Coverage 15. Rights “All optional” UC 2007 Tech Sessions 23

Dublin Core / ISO 19115 Core Compared ü Dataset title ─ Dataset responsible party Dublin Core / ISO 19115 Core Compared ü Dataset title ─ Dataset responsible party (originator) ü Dataset topic category From ISO 19115 ü Abstract describing the dataset ─ Dataset responsible party (publisher) outside core Contributor Credit ü Dataset reference date – Spatial representation type – Distribution format Identifier Data. Set. URI/On-line. Resource – Lineage statement ü Dataset language Relation Aggregate. Info ü Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifiers) Rights MD_Contraints UC 2007 Tech Sessions 24

Remaining ISO 19115 Core –Spatial Resolution –Additional extent information (vertical and temporal) –Reference system Remaining ISO 19115 Core –Spatial Resolution –Additional extent information (vertical and temporal) –Reference system –Metadata standard name –Metadata standard version ü Metadata language ü Metadata character set ü Metadata point of contact UC 2007 Tech Sessions 25

ESRI Metadata elements not typically included within dataset/services metadata records Metadata element Example Published ESRI Metadata elements not typically included within dataset/services metadata records Metadata element Example Published Document ID {C 52 B 9923 -6 D 4 F-D 1239 F 70 -F 511 E 2452 AA 9} Input Source 0 Modification Date 20060901 Modification Time 01092800 (issecured) false (resource. Type) 005 –Metadata file identifier Where the metadata came from – harvested, on-line, etc ü Metadata time stamp MD_Constraints On-line. Resource. description UC 2007 Tech Sessions 26

ESRI Metadata elements not typically included within dataset/services metadata records Publication Source Metadata element ESRI Metadata elements not typically included within dataset/services metadata records Publication Source Metadata element Example Published Document ID {C 52 B 9923 -6 D 4 F-D 1239 F 70 -F 511 E 2452 AA 9} Input Source 0 Modification Date 20060901 Modification Time 01092800 (issecured) Harvester Resource Type Geography Network Live Data and Maps (service) Geo. Communicatior Downloadable Data Arc. Catalog Offline Data On-line Form Static Map Images XML Upload Document, Other Documents Applications Geographic Services Clearinghouses Map Files Geographic Activities false (resource. Type) 0 1 001 2 002 3 003 4 004 5 006 007 008 009 010 005 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 27

ISO 19115: 2003 • Designed: – to support geographic information; – to work with ISO 19115: 2003 • Designed: – to support geographic information; – to work with wider information technology standards and practices; – to support locate, evaluate, extract, employ – to support datasets, series, features, attributes… – to serve the global community, in a multi-national, multilanguage environment; – based on a foundation of national, regional, and special information community standards and experiences • Developed through a rigorous, consensus ISO process • Provides a foundation for national, regional, and global interoperability Semantic Interoperability UC 2007 Tech Sessions 28

News flash + http: //www. iso. org/iso/en/Catalogue. List. Page. Catalogue. List UC 2007 Tech News flash + http: //www. iso. org/iso/en/Catalogue. List. Page. Catalogue. List UC 2007 Tech Sessions 29

Corrigendum summary • Corrects numerous spelling mistakes • Clarifies language (sentences) • Removes CRS Corrigendum summary • Corrects numerous spelling mistakes • Clarifies language (sentences) • Removes CRS and projection parameter information (use new ISO 19111) RS_Identifier still used to identify CRS used by a dataset • Corrects Bounding Box coordinates datatype (from “angle” to “decimal”) • Suggestion: redline your copy of original ISO 19115: 2003 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 30

XML Implementation ISO 19139 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 31 XML Implementation ISO 19139 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 31

ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata XML Schema Implementation • Defines geographic metadata XML ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata XML Schema Implementation • Defines geographic metadata XML encoding (gmd) • Uses ISO 19118 rules to produce ISO 19139 XML from ISO 19115 UML Schema • Identification of additional 19100 entities – 19103, 7, 8, 9, 18 • gmd XML encoding rules • Takes advantage of GML and other XML encodings • Clauses defining – Cultural and linguistic support • multiple languages, etc – Metadata for transfer – Dataset and Aggregate dataset metadata – Codelists Technical Interoperability UC 2007 Tech Sessions 32

Multi-lingual support Encoding semantic interoperability Enhancing free text information Use Limitations: (a free text Multi-lingual support Encoding semantic interoperability Enhancing free text information Use Limitations: (a free text field) Language: eng Country: United Kingdom Character Set: ISO/IEC 8859 -1 Text: Weight restriction on bridges Lorries exceeding five metric tonnes gross weight are not permitted on bridges Language: fra Country: Canada Character set: ISO/IEC 8859 -15 Text: Limitation de poids sur les ponts: Les camions dont le poids total excède 5 tonnes métriques ne sont pas autorisés à circuler sur les ponts. UC 2007 Tech Sessions 33

Controlled vocabulary using code lists Better yet administrative area: lang: (sp) Metrapltona (free text, Controlled vocabulary using code lists Better yet administrative area: lang: (sp) Metrapltona (free text, miss-spelled) lang: (en) Metropolitan administrative area: Codelist: http: //mycode. Lists. cl/admin. Areas Codelist. Value: Metropolitana Code. Alternative. Expression: 6 Code. Alternative. Expression http: //mycode. List. cl/admin. Areas Administrative area Code List 1. Región de Tarapacá 2. Región de Antofagasta 3. Región de Atacama 4. Región de Coquimbo 5. Región de Valparaiso 6. Región de Metropolitana 7. … UC 2007 Tech Sessions 34

Date Originator Altitude Location Obliqueness Identifiers Time Focal length Aerial Photos UC 2007 Tech Date Originator Altitude Location Obliqueness Identifiers Time Focal length Aerial Photos UC 2007 Tech Sessions 35

Other ISO TC 211 Standards of interest to ESIP ISO 19130 Imagery sensor models Other ISO TC 211 Standards of interest to ESIP ISO 19130 Imagery sensor models for geopositioning* Platform and Sensor Description ISO 19129 Framework for imagery and gridded data Framework Requirements ISO 19101 -2 Imagery reference model ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO Geospatial Metadata Life-cycle Description UC 2007 Tech Sessions 36

ISO 19115 -2 Geographic Information – Metadata – Part 2 Extensions for Imagery and ISO 19115 -2 Geographic Information – Metadata – Part 2 Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data • Scope – This International Standard extends ISO 19115: 2003 Geographic Information – Metadata • defining the schema and additional metadata required for imagery and gridded data • Objective – Augment existing ISO 19115: 2003 standard - define the content and structure required to: • • • Describe geographic imagery and gridded data Support the collection of natural and synthetic imagery and gridded data Support exploitation of imagery and gridded data UC 2007 Tech Sessions 37

Extended UML for imagery and gridded data UC 2007 Tech Sessions 38 Extended UML for imagery and gridded data UC 2007 Tech Sessions 38

Acquisition Information Package MI_Platform MI_Metadata + citation[0. . 1] : CI_Citation MI_Plan (from Metadata Acquisition Information Package MI_Platform MI_Metadata + citation[0. . 1] : CI_Citation MI_Plan (from Metadata Entity Set - Imagery) + type[0. . 1] : MI_Geometry. Type. Code + identifier : MD_Identifier + status : MD_Progress. Code + description : Character. String + citation : CI_Citation + sponsor[0. . *] : CI_Responsible. Party +acquisition. Plan +platform 0. . * +acquisition. Information 0. . * MI_Acquisition. Information +operation +instrument 0. . * MI_Operation MI_Instrument + description[0. . 1] : Character. String + citation : CI_Citation + type : MI_Sensor. Type. Code + status : MD_Progress. Code + description [0. . 1] : Character. String +acquisition. Requirement 0. . * +objective 0. . * MI_Requirement + citation : CI_Citation + identifier : MD_Identifier MI_Objective + requestor [1. . *] : CI_Responsible. Party + identifier : MD_Identifier + recipient [1. . *] : CI_Responsible. Party + priority[0. . 1] : Character. String + priority : MI_Priority. Code + type[0. . *] : MI_Objective. Type. Code + requested. Date : MI_Requested. Date + function[0. . *] : Character. String + expiry. Date : Date. Time + extent[0. . *] : EX_Extent UC 2007 Tech Sessions 40

Acquisition Information Package details UC 2007 Tech Sessions 41 Acquisition Information Package details UC 2007 Tech Sessions 41

ISO 15115 -2 Schedule • • Working Draft: 2003 -09 Committee Draft 2004 -08 ISO 15115 -2 Schedule • • Working Draft: 2003 -09 Committee Draft 2004 -08 CD 2: 2005 -11 Approved to move to DIS: Draft International Standard: FDIS: 2008 -06 IS 2008 -12 2007 -04 2007 -08 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 42

ISO 19130 Image sensor models for geopositioning* • Defines the geolocation information that the ISO 19130 Image sensor models for geopositioning* • Defines the geolocation information that the data provider must supply in order for the user to be able to find the geographical location of the data using a physical sensor model, true replacement model, or functional fit methodology. • Provides detailed sensor models and associated uncertainties for the following types of passive electro-optical (EO)/ infrared (IR) sensors: – frame, – pushbroom – whiskbroom. – A set of components from which sensor models can be constructed for other sensors. • Defines the metadata to be distributed with the observation data to enable user determination of geopositions from the observations, *New name UC 2007 Tech Sessions 43

Camera geometries Sensor perspective centre x (L) y z Calibrated focal length Positive image Camera geometries Sensor perspective centre x (L) y z Calibrated focal length Positive image plane s s s a z PP A ZL Z y x X XL YL Pushbroom collection geometry A Y Z Y X Frame sensor image, projection centre and exterior orientation ys xs Instantaneous Perspective Center (L), Also Sensor Coordinate Positive Image System (SCS) Plane zs f a Image Vector To Ground Point (A) Z L Z A Y X L ZGround Swath X Y L Y imaged at time t X UC 2007 Tech Sessions 44

Camera coordinate systems zs y Lens (optical) axis (perpendicular to the page) x 0 Camera coordinate systems zs y Lens (optical) axis (perpendicular to the page) x 0 1 column (sample) 0 x y 0 ys L CCS Perspective centre (xs, ys, zs) SCS 2… (x, y, z)s=(0, 0, -f) 0 1 2. . . row (line) xs t=3 (ℓ(t), s(t)) = (2, 4) Ny = 9 Principal point Frame camera coordinate system Pushbroom coordinate system UC 2007 Tech Sessions 45

Platform coordinate systems North, N Heading, Xa H Pitch axis - XP Z East, Platform coordinate systems North, N Heading, Xa H Pitch axis - XP Z East, E Yaw axis - ZP Roll, R Y Y X Velocity vector Center of Navigation a Xa East, E Ya Za Down, D Pitch, P North, N Roll axis - YP Za Down, D Satellite Platform coordinate system with respect to ECEF Platform coordinate reference system and local (NED) frame UC 2007 Tech Sessions 46

Earth coordinate systems and orbit geometries Z = Zi Z North Pole +t Y Earth coordinate systems and orbit geometries Z = Zi Z North Pole +t Y t=0 Z X Y Earth Center Greenwic R Ω ωet i° Satellite Ground Track Xi North, N Ellipsoid X Up, U Local ENU Yi Equator h Meridian X Coordinate East, E Frame A f l Y f Latitu Longitu l de de Satellite Orbit Global, Earth-centered and local coordinate system Keplerian Orbit UC 2007 Tech Sessions 47

Sensor metadata UC 2007 Tech Sessions 48 Sensor metadata UC 2007 Tech Sessions 48

Location model UC 2007 Tech Sessions 49 Location model UC 2007 Tech Sessions 49

ISO 19130 Schedule • • NWIP approval: 2007 -09 Working Draft or Committee Draft? ISO 19130 Schedule • • NWIP approval: 2007 -09 Working Draft or Committee Draft? : CD or DIS: 2008 -06 IS: 2009 -01 2007 -12 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 50

North American Profile (NAP) ISO 19115 Metadata The situation today: Canada and USA • North American Profile (NAP) ISO 19115 Metadata The situation today: Canada and USA • Directory Information Describing Digital Geo-referenced Data Sets, Canadian General Standards Board, July 1994, Ottawa. • Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, Federal Geographic Data Committee, June 8, 1994, Washington DC. UC 2007 Tech Sessions 51

The goal CAN/CGSB 171. 3 -95 North American Profile Geospatial Metadata USA CSDGM Based The goal CAN/CGSB 171. 3 -95 North American Profile Geospatial Metadata USA CSDGM Based on ISO 19115/19139 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 52

Co-located Meetings Parallel Development North American Profile of ISO 19115 Metadata MOU between Canada Co-located Meetings Parallel Development North American Profile of ISO 19115 Metadata MOU between Canada and the USA North American Profile of ISO 19115 Metadata UC 2007 Tech Sessions 53

Participants Canada • Natural Resources Canada • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources • CGSB-Co. Participants Canada • Natural Resources Canada • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources • CGSB-Co. G USA • Federal Geographic Data Committee – NPS, USGS (BRD, Geography, Geology), NJ, BLM, Nature Serve, NOAA • INCITS-L 1 – members NAP Metadata Working Group Potential Mexican involvement UC 2007 Tech Sessions 54

Approach • Requirements analysis –Past experience with metadata standards implementation • Cross-table development (FGDC-ISO Approach • Requirements analysis –Past experience with metadata standards implementation • Cross-table development (FGDC-ISO 19115) • Modified UML • Add capabilities provided by ISO/TS 19139 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 55

North American Profile of ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata (NAP - Metadata) • Selection of North American Profile of ISO 19115: 2003 Metadata (NAP - Metadata) • Selection of items from ISO 19115: 2003 • Promotion of optional fields to mandatory • Extension of code lists – Addition of values to existing code lists – Addition of code lists • Introduction of a multilingual register – Compliant to ISO 19135: 2005 on registers – English and/et Français (and potentially Spanish) – Metadata items – Code lists • Register will be accessible on the Web – XML document – Web Services – Web Browser UC 2007 Tech Sessions 56

Metadata profile content Title: NAP – Metadata 1. Preface (Introduction) 1. 1. About Metadata Metadata profile content Title: NAP – Metadata 1. Preface (Introduction) 1. 1. About Metadata 1. 2. Using Metadata 2. Scope 3. Normative References 4. Terms and Definitions 5. Symbols and Abbreviated Terms 6. Metadata Content 6. 1. Best Practices 7. Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability 8. Code Lists 9. NAP Metadata Registry Annexes Data Types Metadata schemas Differences/UML (normative) Conformance Clauses Metadata implementation FGDC to NAP Metadata UC 2007 Tech Sessions 57

NAP Definitions 6. 2. 1. 1 citation (M) 6. 2. 1. 2 abstract (M) NAP Definitions 6. 2. 1. 1 citation (M) 6. 2. 1. 2 abstract (M) Type: free text Description: Brief narrative summary of the dataset’s contents. BP: Abstract narrative should include information on general content and features; dataset application: GIS, CAD, image, Dbase; geographic coverage: county/city name; time period of content: begin and end date or single date; and special data characteristics or limitations. + + + + citation (M) abstract(M) purpose(O) credit (O, *) status (M, *) point. Of. Contact(O, *) spatial. Representation. Type *) (O, spatial. Resolution (O, *) language(M, *) character. Set(M, *) topic. Category (M, *) environment. Description (O) extent (O, *) EX_ Extent supplemental. Information *) (O, Identification Information MD_ Identification AT T RI B UTE S Type: CI_Citation (see 6. 13) Description: Citation for the dataset. BP: The attribute cited. Responsible. Party in CI_Citation must be reported at least once. Contact information (see 6. 14. 4) of the cited responsible party shall be provided even if it is an optional attribute in CI_Responsible. Party. The date of the resource reported in the citation (i. e. citation date, see 6. 13. 3) corresponds to its last update version according to its update frequency (see 6. 5. 1) and the date of next update (see 6. 5. 2) of its previous version. Data Identification MD_ Data. Identification Resource Maintenance Information *) (O, MD_ Maintenance. Information and/or Service Identification SV_ Service. Identification Resource Constraints *) (O, MD_ Constraints Graphic Overview *) (O, MD_ Browse. Graphic Legal Constraints MD_ Legal. Constraints Descriptive Keywords *) (O, MD_ Keywords Security Constraints MD_ Security. Constraints Resource Specific Usage *) (O, MD_ Usage Aggregation Information *) (O, MD_ Aggregate. Information UC 2007 Tech Sessions 58

Schedule • Initial draft document – Nov 2006 • Expert review – March 2007 Schedule • Initial draft document – Nov 2006 • Expert review – March 2007 • Submit to standards bodies – July 2007 • Approval late fall 2007 UC 2007 Tech Sessions 61

Summary • Metadata is a basic element used to abstract reality • Metadata completes Summary • Metadata is a basic element used to abstract reality • Metadata completes the “picture” allowing us to fully understand the information • Metadata provides a handle used for discovery • ISO 19115 provides internationally standardized metadata elements and a schema – semantic interoperability • ISO 19139 provides an XML Schema encoding for metadata – technical interoperability • ISO 19115 -2 will extend the schema for imagery and gridded data • ISO 19130 standardizes sensor model descriptions, provides imagery metadata supporting geopositioning • North American Profile of ISO 19115 will soon replace the FGDC Metadata standard providing international interoperability tailored for North America UC 2007 Tech Sessions 62