- Количество слайдов: 16
ISO 9000 SCM 462 Dr. Tibben-Lembke
So what does ISO stand for?
So what does it mean? “ISO” is a word from the Greek “isos, ” meaning “equal” (isoquant, isoprofit line). It’s not an abbreviation.
Basic Premise l A well-designed, well-implemented, and carefully managed quality system provides confidence that the outputs will meet customer expectations and requirements.
What is ISO certification? Does not guarantee a quality product. No inspection of the product is involved in certification. To get certified: » Have a written set of procedures for every activity » Have your employees always follow procedures » Pay someone to come and verify that you always follow your written procedures • If procedures are followed, your products should be consistently, uniformly good
So why do it? l In Europe (and elsewhere) only buy from certified companies to ensure safety » » » l l Telecommunications equipment Medical devices Gas appliances Toys Construction products Required for international competitiveness Not to mention all of the other benefits of trying to improve quality
Quality Management Principles l l l l Customer Focus Leadership Involvement of People Process Approach System approach to management Continual improvement Factual approach to decision making Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
ISO Family of Standards l l l l l ISO 9001: 2000 Basis for certification ISO 9004: 2000 to prepare for national quality award ISO 10006 for project management ISO 10007 for configuration management ISO 10012 for measurement systems ISO 10013 for quality documentation ISO/TR 10014 managing economics of Q ISO 10015 for training ISO/TS 16949 for automotive suppliers ISO 19011 for auditing
Older ISO Standards ISO 9000: 1994 Standard » » l Certifies processes are standardized 9001 for distributors 9002 for assembly 9003 for full-line manufacturing and retailing ISO 9000: 2000 Standard » All replaced by ISO 9001: 2000 » Conversion mandatory by Dec. 15, 2003
Certification Structure
How do you do it? l Accreditation Agencies (3 in U. S. ) certify: » Certification Bodies (60 in U. S. ) » Certification body makes sure you are in compliance with the standard » Accreditation agency makes sure Certification Body knows what it’s doing. » Different Cert. Bodies specialize in different industries.
9000 Registrations Total ISO 9000 registrations plateauing l 9000: 2000 growth before deadline l
14001 certificates
What would Dilbert say?