Скачать презентацию ISMS 2016 7 th International Conference on Intelligent Скачать презентацию ISMS 2016 7 th International Conference on Intelligent


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ISMS 2016 7 th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling & Simulation 25 – ISMS 2016 7 th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling & Simulation 25 – 27 January, Bangkok, Thailand Words of thanks Prof Dr David Al-Dabass, General Chair Words of welcome: Assoc. Prof Dr Tiranee Achalakul, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Conferences coming up ISMS 2016 Information

Thanks are due to • Authors: paper numbers by country of 1 st author: Thanks are due to • Authors: paper numbers by country of 1 st author: India-17, China-7, Japan-7, Malaysia-6, Indonesia-5, Philippines-5, Thailand-5, Egypt-4, Korea-3, Vietnam-3, Bangladesh-2, Iran-2, Pakistan-2, Jordan-1, Poland-1, Qatar-1, Serbia-1, Singapore-1, Sri Lanka-1, Taiwan-1 • Reviewers and track teams • King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, KMUTT, and other universities and staff in Thailand for active support, specially Assoc Prof Dr Tiranee Achalakul and her team • IEEE UK & RI Computer Chapter, chairman Prof Frank Wang and IEEE Region 10 for Technical Co-Sponsorship • EUROSIM and its national societies • Keynote speakers Prof Yong Meng Teo and Dr Isaam Saeed, • UK Simulation Society/Asia Modelling and Simulation Section for establishing and sponsoring this series of conferences.

ISMS 2016 Welcome by Assoc. Prof. Dr Tiranee Achalakul King Mongkut’s University of Technology ISMS 2016 Welcome by Assoc. Prof. Dr Tiranee Achalakul King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

Conferences Coming up soon Final Call for Papers MNTMSim 2016 Micro/Nano Technologies, Modelling & Conferences Coming up soon Final Call for Papers MNTMSim 2016 Micro/Nano Technologies, Modelling & Simulation 2016 Kuala Lumpur, 1 – 3 March Website: http: //mntmsim 2016. info Paper submission Deadline 5 February 2016

Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers UKSim 2016 UK Simulation Society 18 th Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers UKSim 2016 UK Simulation Society 18 th International Conference on Modelling & Simulation Cambridge, UK, 6 – 8 April Website: http: //uksim 2016. info Paper submission Deadline 5 March 2016

Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers CIMSim 2016 Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers CIMSim 2016 Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation 2016 3 – 5 May Tetovo, Macedonia Republic Website: http: //cimsim 2016. info Paper submission Deadline 2 April 2016

Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers SIMS 2016 Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers SIMS 2016 Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation 2016 1 – 3 June Riga, Latvia Website: http: //sims 2016. info Paper submission Deadline 1 May 2016

Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers CICSy. N 2016 Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers CICSy. N 2016 Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks 2016 Kuala Lumpur, 25 – 27 July 2016 Wesite: http: // cicsyn 2016. info Submission deadline: 25 June 2016

ISMS 2016 Conference and Published Papers Statistics • Papers published: 74 + 1 late ISMS 2016 Conference and Published Papers Statistics • Papers published: 74 + 1 late • Scheduled for presentation: 2 keynote speaker and 58 papers • Published papers by track: descending by most popular tracks: Track 01 -A Intelligent Systems 06 -F Image, Speech and Signal Processing 15 -R Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking 17 -T Circuits, Sensors and Devices 10 -K Energy, Power Generation and Distribution 16 -S Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems (+1 late) 03 -C Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research 11 -L Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation 04 -D Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation 09 -J Engineering: Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial, Manufacturing and Control 02 -B Hybrid Intelligent Systems & Hybrid Soft Computing 12 -M Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer Games 13 -N Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems 07 -G Industry, Business and Management # 16 9 8 8 7 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1

ISMS 2016 Day-1 2 Keynote Speakers + 33 papers 8. 15 – 10. 30 ISMS 2016 Day-1 2 Keynote Speakers + 33 papers 8. 15 – 10. 30 am: 2 Keynote Speakers Prof Yong Meng Teo, Modelling and Formalizing Emergence Dr Isaam Saeed, Deep Near Unsupervised Learning for Data Analysis in Metabolomics Coffee break 10. 45 – 12. 25 pm, 8 papers Room-A A 1, A 2, A 3, A 5, K 2 Room-B B 2, C 4, G 1, N 2 Lunch 1. 25 – 3. 45 pm, 13 papers Room-A A 6, A 7, A 8, A 9, A 13, A 1 Room-B F 1, F 3, F 4, F 5, F 6, F 7, F 8 Tea break 4 – 6 pm, 11 papers Room-A A 15, A 16, D 1, D 2, D 3 Room-B J 1, J 2, J 3, L 1, L 3, L 4 7 pm: Dinner, THB 700, pay at registration desk by 12 noon.

ISMS 2016, Day-2 25 papers 8. 15 – 10. 15 am: opening words + ISMS 2016, Day-2 25 papers 8. 15 – 10. 15 am: opening words + 12 papers: Room A K 1, K 3, K 4, K 5, K 6, T 1 Room B M 1, M 2, S 3, S 4, S 6 Coffee break 10. 30 – 12. 50 pm, 13 papers: Room A T 2, T 3, T 4, T 5, T 6, T 8 Room B R 1, R 2, R 4, R 6, R 7, N 1, C 1 12. 50: Close of Conference, Photo Opportunity and Lunch

General information • • Presentations: Rooms A and B Refreshment: outside this room Lunch: General information • • Presentations: Rooms A and B Refreshment: outside this room Lunch: ground level Conference dinner: BHT 700, pay at desk by Deadline: day-1 12 noon!!

Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Yong Meng Teo Modelling and Formalizing Emergence - Associate Professor, Department Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Yong Meng Teo Modelling and Formalizing Emergence - Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore - Head: Information Technology Unit and the Computer Systems Research Group. - Visiting Professor: Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2010. - Fellow of the Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance from 2002 -2006. - Master and Ph. D, both in Computer Science, from University of Manchester in UK. - Research interests: parallel & distributed computing - Current projects: i) performance analysis of large systems, ii) cloud computing and iii) composability theory and its validation. - Held various visiting positions at MIT (USA), KTH (Sweden), Hitachi Central Research Lab (Japan) among others.

Keynote Speaker-2: Dr Isaam Saeed on behalf of Prof Saman K. Halgamuge Deep Near Keynote Speaker-2: Dr Isaam Saeed on behalf of Prof Saman K. Halgamuge Deep Near Unsupervised Learning for Data Analysis in Metabolomics, Drug-Drug Interaction Discovery and Human Gait Recognition - Professor, Depts Mechanical Eng’g and Biomedical Eng’ing, Initiative of School of Engineering, University of Melbourne - Dipl. -Ing and Ph. D, Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. - Research interests: Intelligent systems, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, Optimization - Applications: Mechatronics, Bioengineering, Swarm Intelligence, Robot-animal collaborative systems, Sustainable Energy generation to Bioinformatics and Neuro-Mechatronic Engineering. - Supervision: 28 Ph. D completed + 15 active - Associate Editor of BMC Bioinformatics and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Letters - Founding co-editor of Frontiers Journal on Mechanical Engineering- Mechatronics section. - Published 250 papers, a research book, 6 edited books, 20 book chapters, 100 journal articles, and over 130 refereed conference papers attracting 5650 Google Scholar (h-factor: 31) and 2550 ISI citations. - Listed among the top 1% most cited researchers by ISI's ESI. - Member of Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts panel for Engineering, Information and Computing Sciences. - http: //scholar. google. com. au/citations? sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=9 cafqyw. AAAAJ&view_op=list_works