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ISIC Revision 4: Top-top and Intermediate Aggregation Structures (for SNA data reporting by activity) ISIC Revision 4: Top-top and Intermediate Aggregation Structures (for SNA data reporting by activity) OECD proposals William Cave OECD Statistics Directorate OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 1

What is ISIC? n n n n International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic What is ISIC? n n n n International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) The official activity classification of SNA To classify economic entities (units) according to activity they carry out Original ISIC 1948 Rev 1 1958, Rev 2 1968, Rev 3 1989 Minor Revision 3. 1 2002, Major Revision 4 planned for 2007 OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 2

Design principles & priorities for ISIC rev 4 n Improve international comparability – – Design principles & priorities for ISIC rev 4 n Improve international comparability – – n Relevance – – – – n n convergence of regional classifications E. g. NAICS, NACE, JSIC, CSIC, ANZSIC etc engage more countries & regions in ISIC design target for international comparability at least 2 digit level Information sector, internet , telecoms OECD ICT definition environmental services new technologies growing business service sector health services tourism agriculture Continuity – long time series Level of detail for an international classification? OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 3

ISIC 3 and ISIC 4 top-level OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 4 ISIC 3 and ISIC 4 top-level OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 4

ISIC rev 4: A Top-top Structure? What are SNA needs? n n n SNA ISIC rev 4: A Top-top Structure? What are SNA needs? n n n SNA AEG, OECD and Eurostat national accountants have agreed need for top-top structure to ISIC rev 4 of about 10 categories OECD national accountants proposed that intermediate aggregation of 30 -40 categories useful for international comparison within OECD. SNA AEG in Dec 2004 were undecided. Currently OECD and Eurostat use A 6/A 17/A 31/A 60 aggregations of ISIC rev 3 in national accounts questionnaires OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 5

Proposed set of ISIC 4 SNA data aggregations? n n A*10/11 top-top A*21 = Proposed set of ISIC 4 SNA data aggregations? n n A*10/11 top-top A*21 = ISIC rev 4 Sections A*38 = ISIC rev 4 Sections + 17 sub-sections (intermediate) A*88 = ISIC two digit divisions OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 6

OECD exercise n Autumn 2004 set aim to agree top-top and intermediate ISIC 4 OECD exercise n Autumn 2004 set aim to agree top-top and intermediate ISIC 4 aggregations for reporting national accounts data by activity n Initial proposals from Eurostat, UNSD and France n OECD analysts raised issues: – international comparability, relevance, and continuity for long time series analysis; – the needs of input-output, policy interests, productivity analysis, separately identifying activities that follow different tracks in economic cycle n OECD SNA Industry EDG established to encourage participation n Proposals developed in consultation with Eurostat and UNSD OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 7

Process n n First OECD proposal circulated February 2005 Revised proposal in light of Process n n First OECD proposal circulated February 2005 Revised proposal in light of comments 24 May – Set out specific questions on most contentious issues n n n Sent to all OECD member national accountants, EDG, classifications experts, Eurostat, UNSD Reviewed by UNSD Expert Group on Classifications June 2005 Comments received from 15 countries, Eurostat and ECB OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 8

Constraints n n n Preference for following ISIC structure ISIC 4 draft was changed Constraints n n n Preference for following ISIC structure ISIC 4 draft was changed in March and August 2005 – now finalised Some ISIC structural and ordering changes on real estate and public administration made for top-top Take into account current ISIC 3 aggregations Consider Eurostat A 65 draft & US BEA GDP by industry (~65) OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 9

OECD proposal for Top-top aggregation ISIC rev 4 sections Description 1 A Agriculture, forestry OECD proposal for Top-top aggregation ISIC rev 4 sections Description 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2 B, C, D and E Manufacturing and other industry 2 a C Of which: Manufacturing 3 F Construction 4 G, H and I Trade, transport & hotels etc 5 J Information & communication 6 K Financial & insurance 7 L Real estate activities 8 M and N Business services 9 O, P and Q Public admin; education, human health and social work 10 R, S, T and U Other services OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 10

Illustrative v. a. weights for selected countries Description France US Australia 2. 5 1. Illustrative v. a. weights for selected countries Description France US Australia 2. 5 1. 0 3. 5 19. 5 16. 0 19. 5 16. 5 12. 5 11. 0 5. 0 4. 5 6. 5 Trade, transport & hotels etc 17. 5 18. 5 20. 0 Information & communication 5. 0 5. 5 5. 0 Financial & insurance 5. 0 8. 0 7. 0 Real estate activities 12. 0 11. 5 10. 0 Business services 11. 5 11. 0 Public admin; education, human health and social work 20. 0 20. 5 15. 0 2. 0 3. 5 2. 5 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Manufacturing and other industry Of which: Manufacturing Construction Other services OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 11

Responses on top-top n i) Group OPQ and RSTU or ii) O and PQRSTU Responses on top-top n i) Group OPQ and RSTU or ii) O and PQRSTU – i) 9 ii) 7 very close but chose option i) n Support A 10/11? – Yes 14, No 2 – Two suggested A 12 with mining – One favoured A 10 combine L with MN – One favoured A 6 if to be used for quarterly reporting OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 12

Proposal for intermediate aggregation A*38 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2 B Mining Proposal for intermediate aggregation A*38 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2 B Mining and quarrying 3 CA Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 CB Textiles, wearing apparel and leather products 5 CC Wood and paper products, and printing 6 CD Coke, and refined petroleum products 7 CE Chemicals and chemical products 8 CF Pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical & botanical products 9 CG Rubber and plastics products, & other non-metallic mineral products 10 CH Manufacture of basic metals and metal products 11 CI Manufacture of computer, electronic & optical products 12 CJ Manufacture of electrical equipment 13 CK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n. e. c. OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 13

Proposal for intermediate aggregation 2 14 CL Transport equipment 15 CM Other manufacturing and Proposal for intermediate aggregation 2 14 CL Transport equipment 15 CM Other manufacturing and repair 16 D Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply 17 E Water, sewage, waste management and remediation 18 F Construction 19 G Wholesale and retail trades 20 H Transportation and storage 21 I Accommodation and food service activities 22 JA Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 23 JB Telecommunications 24 JC IT and other information services 25 K Financial and insurance activities 26 L Real estate activities OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 14

Proposal for intermediate aggregation 3 27 MA Legal, accounting, management, architecture, engineering, technical testing Proposal for intermediate aggregation 3 27 MA Legal, accounting, management, architecture, engineering, technical testing etc 28 MB Scientific research and development 29 MC Other professional, scientific and technical activities 30 N Administrative and support service activities 31 O Public administration and defence 32 P Education 33 QA Human health services 34 QB Residential care and social work activities 35 R Arts, entertainment and recreation 36 S Other services 37 T* Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated production of households for own use 38 U* Extra-territorial organizations and bodies OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 15

Issues for intermediate aggregation n n n Comparable SNA data reporting for Europe, N Issues for intermediate aggregation n n n Comparable SNA data reporting for Europe, N America and Asia-pacific and preferably wider Follow ISIC order and hierarchy Consider analytical relevance and continuity ICT, R&D, Energy, Distributive trade Keep approximate A 31 level of detail for manufacturing – for continuity and robustness of data More service activities Eurostat and US A 65 levels OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 16

Responses on intermediate proposal n Not to break out mining of energy materials – Responses on intermediate proposal n Not to break out mining of energy materials – Yes 9, No 5 n Combine Section G Trade divisions into one for international comparability – Yes 11, No 3 n Agree split on human health and social work – Yes 12, No 3 n Break out R&D – Yes 13, No 3 n Break out manufacturing at about same level as A 31 – Yes 10, No 1 n Keep the group manufacture of transport equipment as in A 31 – Yes 9, No 4 OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 17

Questions and Proposed Next Steps n n n Can these proposed aggregations be accepted Questions and Proposed Next Steps n n n Can these proposed aggregations be accepted for SNA data reporting? In particular: Do you agree the A*10/11 proposals are suitable for an ISIC top -top aggregation for SNA data reporting Do you agree the proposed intermediate A*38 is suitable for SNA data reporting? Any further comments are invited Subject to delegates views a final OECD paper would be submitted to ISWGNA in November for consideration by the SNA AEG January 2006 P. S. : Should a standard grouping for service activities be recommended or not? OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 18

Thank you for your attention OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 19 Thank you for your attention OECD WP National Accounts October 2005 19