7 lecture - information science.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
is the specially written small program by the size which can attribute itself to other programs, create the copies and introduce them in files, system areas of the computer, etc. , and also to carry out various undesirable actions on the computer officially the author is considered the employee of Lekhaysky university (USA) F. Koen at the seventh conference on safety of information.
on habitat on a way of infection of habitat by destructive opportunities on features of algorithm of a virus
on network (extend on a computer network) file (take root into carried-out files) loading (take root into loading sector of a disk)
resident (are in memory, are active before computer switching off), non-resident (don't infect memory, are active limited time)
harmless (practically don't influence work, reduce free memory on a disk as a result of the distribution), harmless (reduce free memory, create sound, graphic and other effects), dangerous (can lead to serious failures in work), very dangerous (can lead to loss of programs or system data)
viruses - "satellites", viruses - "worms", "parasitic", "student's", "stealth" - viruses, viruses ghosts, macro viruses
For protection against viruses use the general means of protection, preventive measures and specialized programs for protection against viruses
programs programs detectors, doctors or phage, auditors, filters, vaccines or immunizator
any information has a certain volume. For reduction of volume there are special programs archivers. process of compression of the file or group of files is called as archiving archivers allow to squeeze file volume from 10 to 70% of initial volume of the file the archival file is a set from one or several files placed in summary form in the uniform file from which they can be taken if necessary
file name data on the catalog which contain the file date and time of the last modification of the file size on a disk and in archive code of cyclic control for each file, used for check of integrity of archive
7 lecture - information science.pptx