Английский язык. Баранова Маргарита и Махмудова Фарангиз.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 9
Is China to Blame for West Coast Smog? Woman in jail for failure to return VHS tape. Baranova Margarita Makhmudova Farangiz Ub 03/1503
New words O aloft - в воздухе; наверх; в высоте; O blame (blamed; blamed) - порицать, осуждать, критиковать O current - струя; поток, течение O L. A. - Лос Анжелес O manufacturing - производство; изготовление, обработка; O O O обрабатывающая промышленность National Academy of Sciences - Национальная академия наук outsource (outsourced; outsourced) - передавать (часть бизнес-процесса) независимому подрядчику; заказывать или нанимать на стороне pollutant - загрязняющее вещество, загрязнитель; загрязняющий агент; примеси (в воздухе) pollution - загрязнение provable - доказуемый
Is China to Blame for West Coast Smog? New researched published by a journal of the National Academy of Sciences is blaming Сhina for at least some of the air pollution on the American West Coast. One professor from the University of California made the point that a lot of the manufacturing going on in China was outsourced in the first place from the U. S. , so we're paying for it twice. While not all of L. A. 's smog problem can be blamed on another country. It is provable that pollutants are carried across the Pacific by air currents aloft.
New words O O O O O allegedly - будто бы, якобы appear (appeared; appeared) - предстать перед судом; появляться arrest warrant - ордер на арест failing - ошибка; ввиду невыполнения; перебой fee - плата, взнос flagged (flagged; flagged) - отмечать флажком jail - тюрьма late - опоздавший, поздний, запоздалый outstanding - неуплаченный, неоплаченный, просроченный pick (picked; picked) - выбирать, отбирать, подбирать release (released; released) - освобождать (из заключения), выпускать на волю rent (rented; rented) - амер. брать напрокат; арендовать reserve - оставлять себе, не отдавать; откладывать, переносить rewind (rewinded; rewinded) - перематывать spend (spent; spent) - проводить (время) suffer (suffered; suffered) - страдать, претерпевать unrelated - не имеющий отношения, не связанный vhs tape - видеокассета worry (worried; worried) - беспокоиться, волноваться
Woman in jail for failure to return VHS tape. A woman in South Carolina has more than late fees to worry about this morning. She spent a night in jail for failing to reserve a vhs tape she rented nine years ago. She allegedly rented the movie "Monster in-law. " At least she picked a good one. I was going to say, wow. She's really suffering for that. Well, she came to the sheriff's office to file an unrelated report when her name was flagged for an outstanding arrest warrant. The sheriff's office said it had no choice. She was released after she appeared before the judge. And a good reminder to all of you to be kind and rewind. I'm going underground right now.
Questions O What country is accused by USA? O What happened to USA? O Where is she from? O What has she done?
Английский язык. Баранова Маргарита и Махмудова Фарангиз.pptx