- Количество слайдов: 15
Irregular Verbs practice
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Sleep a) b) c) sleeped slept sleept
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Win a) b) c) wan wun won
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Swim a) b) c) swam swum swimmed
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Leave a) b) c) laft leaft
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Understand a) understanded b) understud c) understood
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Think a) b) c) thought thoght thaught
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form Wear a) b) c) war wore ware
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form HAVE A) B) C) HAD HAVED HAS
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form LEAVE a) b) c) lea. Ved left
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form FLY a) b) c) flied flew fl. Yed
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form GO a) goes b) went c) goed
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form BUY a) b) c) baught bu. Yed bought
Look at the irregular verbs and choose the best answer, then add the 3 rd form FALL a) b) c) falled fallened fell
Read the sentence and put the verb into Past Simple 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) I take a bus to work. You know the secret. We send letters to our clients. She writes e-mails every day. They speak three languages. He sells air-conditioners. I pay by credit card. They wake up early in the morning. We lose if we are weak. She rides a horse in the countryside.