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  • Количество слайдов: 7

Ir = to go Ir + a + infinitive Ir = to go Ir + a + infinitive

Ir – to go Yo Nosotros voy Tú Vosotros vas Ud. , él, ella Ir – to go Yo Nosotros voy Tú Vosotros vas Ud. , él, ella vamos Uds. , ellos, ellas va vais van

Ir – to go Ir is always followed by the word “a” which means Ir – to go Ir is always followed by the word “a” which means “to”. Voy a la casa. I am going to the house. Voy al cine. I am going to the movies. When you are going to a place with a masculine name, use “al” instead of “a el”. a+el = al Voy al gimnasio.

Ir = to go voy 1. Yo ____ al parque. van 2. Ellos _____ Ir = to go voy 1. Yo ____ al parque. van 2. Ellos _____ al cine. vamos 3. Él y yo ______ al colegio. vas 4. Tú ______ a la iglesia. va 5. Marco ______ al baile. vais 6. Vosotros _____ al trabajo.

Ir + a + infinitive means that someone is going to do something. Infinitive Ir + a + infinitive means that someone is going to do something. Infinitive = a verb that is not conjugated Ex. Ella va a estudiar mucho. She is going to study a lot.

Ir + a + infinitive Ex. Yo voy a leer un libro. I am Ir + a + infinitive Ex. Yo voy a leer un libro. I am going to read a book. Paco y yo vamos a comer en el café. Paco and I are going to eat in the café. Los estudiantes van a cantar en la clase de música. The students are going to sing in music class.

Práctica 1. You are going to run in the park. _______________________ Tú vas a Práctica 1. You are going to run in the park. _______________________ Tú vas a correr en el parque. 2. They are going to talk to the teacher. Ellos van a hablar a la profesora. _______________________ 3. I am going to swim in the pool. Yo voy a nadar en la piscina. _______________________ 4. Sara and I are going to attend the meeting. Sara y yo vamos a asistir a la reunión. _______________________ 5. You and your friends are going to play the guitar. Tú y tus amigos vais a tocar la guitarra. _______________________ 6. The girl is going to go shopping. La chica va a ir de compras. _______________________