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IPEDS Academic Library Definition Changes for 2016– 2017 ARL/ACRL Joint Advisory Task Force on IPEDS Academic Libraries Component
ACRL, ALA and ARL Joint Task Force Members IPEDS AL annual 1. Robert Dugan, Co-Chair (Chair of ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board) 2. Robert Fox, Co-Chair (Chair of ARL Assessment Committee; University of Louisville) 3. Christopher Cody (National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) 4. Elizabeth Edwards (University of Chicago) 5. Ammie Farraj Feijoo (Institute of Museum and Library Services) 6. Terri Fishel (Macalester College) 7. Steve Hiller (University of Washington) 8. Martha Kyrillidou (Chair of NISO Z 39. 7 Data Dictionary; ARL Consultant) 9. David Larsen (University of Chicago) 10. Bede Mitchell (Georgia Southern University) 11. Mary Jane Petrowski (Association of College & Research Libraries) 12. Kathy Rosa (American Library Association Office of Research & Statistics) 2
Presenters Mary Jane Petrowski (Association of College & Research Libraries) Martha Kyrillidou (Consultant, Association of Research Libraries) Robert Dugan, Co-Chair (Chair of ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board, University of West Florida) Chris Cody (National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Oliver Pesch (Chief Product Strategist, EBSCO Information Service) Kristin Martin (Electronic Resources Management Librarian, University of Chicago) 3
ACRL annual Trends and Statistics Survey includes IPEDS Academic Library Component IPEDS data can be downloaded and transferred to IPEDS keyholder 2016 data collection: September 1, 2016 - February 15, 2017 2016 ACRL data available late spring 2017 via ACRL Metrics 4
ARL Statistics Martha Kyrillidou, ARL consultant No survey changes for the 2015 -2016 survey cycle The ARL Statistics 2015 -2016 survey forms are now available Data due by Oct 15, 2016 Data are available as soon as they are submitted by member libraries Many IPEDS AL data elements are included in the ARL Statistics. 5
Welcome on behalf Joint Task Force - Bob Dugan the ACRL, ALA and ARL Joint Advisory Task Force on IPEDS/AL Component New Data Elements and Definitions was convened to provide suggestions and recommendations to IPEDS about the 2015 -2016 and 2016 -2017 Academic Libraries (AL) component. Task Force membership is comprised of academic librarians from the Carnegie classification of higher education institutions as well as the statistics committees of ARL and ACRL and facilitated by Martha Kyrillidou. - the Task Force conducts its work through conference calls, sharing Google documents, and face-to-face meetings. Task Force recommendations were incorporated into the 2015 -2016 AL component; along with comments from the OMB Review this past February to April, the Task Force has been working with Dr. Christopher Cody on the instructions and survey form for the 2016 -2017 AL component. - the Task Force is also working with Dr. Cody about suggestions for possible revisions for the 2017 -2018 AL component. today we are discussing the changes to the 2016 -2017 AL component, and providing useful information to help academic librarians on data collection, compilation and reporting. 6
IPEDS=Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U. S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. ” http: //nces. ed. gov/ipeds/about/ 7
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Christopher A. Cody, Ph. D. Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research - ccody@air. org Survey Director, National Center for Education Statistics, IPEDS - Christopher. Cody@ed. gov
2016 -17 collection: (OMB) Clearance Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Clearance • 60 -day comment period ended April 18, 2016. • 30 -day comment period ended July 25, 2016. • To review comments, go to http: //www. regulations. gov • Type in “IPEDS” in the big search box, • “Open docket folder” to review documents National Center for Education Statistics 9
2016 -17 collection: (OMB) Clearance Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Clearance • Proposed changes mostly based on: • • Technical Review Panels, Quality control work, Work with interested organizations, and Feedback from institutions. National Center for Education Statistics 10
2016 -17 Collection Schedule National Center for Education Statistics 11
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes Proposed Changes to Academic Libraries (AL) AL Section I: Library Collection/Circulations and Interlibrary Loan Services: • • Added “serials” row to Library Collections and include in circulation count Added Y/N question to determine if institution has interlibrary loan services Moved interlibrary questions from Section II to Section I Updated Instructions to the followings sections: • Physical Books • Physical Media • Serials • Physical Circulations • Digital/Electronic Books • Digital/Electronic Serials • Digital/Electronic Circulations/Usage National Center for Education Statistics 12
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes Reporting Physical Books: • 2015 -16 Instructions: Report the number of volumes using the ANSI/NISO Z 39. 7 -2013 definition for volume, which is as follows: A single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed, or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding, encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged, classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge circulation transactions. Include print photographs, duplicates and bound volumes of periodicals and music scores. For purposes of this questionnaire, unclassified bound serials arranged in alphabetical order are considered classified. Exclude microfilms, maps, nonprint materials, and uncatalogued items. Include government document volumes that are accessible through the library's catalogs regardless of whether they are separately shelved. "Classified" includes documents arranged by Superintendent of Documents, CODOC, or similar numbers. "Cataloged" includes documents for which records are provided by the library or downloaded from other sources into the library's card or online catalogs. • 2016 -17 (New) Instructions: Report physical book titles owned or leased by the library if individual titles are catalogued and/or searchable through the library catalog or discovery system. Exclude serials, microfilms, maps, nonprint materials, and uncatalogued items. Include music scores if searchable by title through the library catalog or discovery system. Include government documents that are accessible through the library's catalogs regardless of whether they are separately classified and/or shelved. "Cataloged" includes documents for which records are provided by the library or downloaded from other sources into the library's card or online catalogs. National Center for Education Statistics 13
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes Reporting Physical Serials: • 2016 -17 Instructions: Report the number of physical serial titles that are accessible through the library’s catalog or discovery system. A serial is a publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. This definition includes, in any physical format, periodicals, newspapers, and annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc. ); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; and numbered monographic series. Report serial titles, not subscriptions. If possible, report the count of only those deduplicated or otherwise unique serial titles searchable through the library’s catalog or discovery system. If possible, do not include earlier title changes; however, do not worry about removing them if it is not possible/feasible. Reporting Digital/Electronic Serials: • 2016 -17 Instructions: Report the number of e-serial titles that are accessible through the library’s catalog or discovery system. An e-serial is a periodical publication that is published in digital form to be displayed on a computer screen. Include open access (OA) titles if the individual titles are searchable through the library’s catalog or discovery system. If possible, report the count of only those de-duplicated or otherwise unique serial titles searchable through the library’s catalog or discovery system. If possible include ceased titles. If possible, do not count earlier title changes; however, do not worry about removing them if it is not possible/feasible. A source for counting e-serials may be a library- or vendordeveloped A-Z title list of e-journals. National Center for Education Statistics 14
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes National Center for Education Statistics 15
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes Proposed Changes to Academic Libraries (AL) AL Section II: Library Expenses: • Deleted interlibrary loans questions (moved to Section I) • Deleted the question: Does your library support virtual reference services? • Updated Instructions to the following sections: • One-time purchases of books, serial back-files, and other materials • Ongoing commitments to subscriptions • Other materials/service cost based • All other operations and maintenance expenses National Center for Education Statistics 16
2016 -17 collection: AL Changes National Center for Education Statistics 17
COUNTER and SUSHI: Standards that facilitate IPEDS reporting Oliver Pesch Chief Product Strategist, EBSCO Information Service opesch@ebsco. com 18
COUNTER. . . A Code of Practice seeking “Consistent, Credible & Comparable” usage reporting for scholarly online information specifying. . . What reports to provide How they should be formatted What metrics to included Guidance for processing transaction logs And, how they should be delivered Audit required for compliance 19
Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) A NISO/ANSI standard (Z 39. 93) enabling the automated exchange of COUNTER statistics via web services. Client/server protocol Client (ERM/usage consolidation module) requests the report via SOAP web service Server responds with COUNTER usage in XML format Client processes the usage Once configured, harvesting of usage 20 reports can be automatic
Timeline for COUNTER and SUSHI 21
Reporting Digital/Electronic “circulation” (usage) ● Report usage of digital/electronic titles whether viewed, downloaded, or streamed. ● Includes: ○ e. Books, multimedia ● Excludes: ○ E-serials ○ Institutional repositories ○ Database usage (other than e. Books in databases) ● COUNTER Reports ○ Book Report 1 ○ Book Report 2 ○ Multimedia Report 1 22
COUNTER Metrics to Use for IPEDS “Circulation” Sum of “Reporting Period Total” found in. . . Book Report 1, Book Report 2 and Multimedia Report 1. . . representing all platforms. 23
Current Challenges with COUNTER Book Reports Book Report 1 Book Report 2 Used when the book is delivered in a single PDF Used when book is accessed in sections (i. e. chapters) Increments each time a book is accessed Increments each time a section is accessed. A user reads 5 chapters of a book… +1 +5 24
Looking Ahead for COUNTER & SUSHI Improving quality of the COUNTER Code of Practice COUNTER Report Validation Tool is being developed to improve compliance SUSHI-Lite is being developed to make it easier to automate harvesting of COUNTER reports Release 5 of the COUNTER Code of Practice will improve clarity and consistency. Addressing issues with Book Reports Book Report 7 is now an optional report. It provides a count of unique book views within a user session Will be a required report in Release 5 25
Future Consideration for IPEDS Include serial usage in Digital/Electronic circulation counts: Materials budgets are overwhelmingly being spent on electronic resources Journal Report 1 usage (full text articles viewed) is typically 5 times the usage reported in Book Report 1 and Book Report 2 combined Usage of Abstract and Index databases: COUNTER provides a means to measure usage of discovery tools like A&I databases that was not really possibly with their print equivalent Result Clicks and Record Views reported in Database Report 1 can represent 26 user activity related to a given database
Collecting Data On Your Digital Collections: Counts of titles and Usage Statistics Kristin E. Martin Electronic Resources Management Librarian, University of Chicago kmarti@uchicago. edu 27
Using Your Knowledge Base to Get Title Counts Your link resolver knowledge base may provide reports can be used for title count of serials, books, and multimedia 28
Example: Collecting Book Count from EBSCO Holdings Manager Digital/Electronic Books 1. Log in to EBSCOAdmin and select “Holdings Manager”. 2. Click the “Download” button. 3. Choose to limit the download by “Resource Type” then select Books, as shown in figure 2. 4. Enter a meaningful name such as “All. Books”. 5. Click “Create File for Download”. 6. Click “View All Downloads” to see the list of downloaded files. 7. Click “Title List Summary” as shown in figure 3. 8. Use the total number of “Unique Titles”, as shown in figure 4, for your survey. Full Instructions for all media is available here: http: //support. ebsco. com/ehost/ipeds_survey. pdf 29
Example: EBSCO Holdings Manager 30
Example: EBSCO Holdings Manager 31
Example: Serials Title Count from SFX 1. Log into SFX admin 2. Go to KB Tools → Export Tools 3. Use the SFX Export tool to run a Advanced Export Query to get an export of full-text serials objects 32
Example: Serials Title Count from SFX 4. Use the text import wizard in Excel to open the file. Make sure to choose Text as your format for the SFX Object ID. 33
Example: Serials Title Count from SFX 5. Use the “Remove Duplicates” function to get a unique count. 34
Serials Title Count from SFX 6. Use the Object ID (Column E) to deduplicate. 7. Excel will delete the duplicates and the remaining number is the number that can be reported to IPEDS. 35
Obtaining COUNTER reports for reporting Digital Usage Where should you collect your data from? 1. Publishers that host their own content (e. g. , Elsevier on Science. Direct) 2. Publishers that use a third-party platform to host content (e. g. , Royal Society on Highwire) 3. Aggregators that license content from a wide variety of publishers and offer it through a database (e. g. , Academic Search Complete on EBSCOhost) 36
Collecting COUNTER Reports: Basic Steps 1. Compile spreadsheet of providers. 2. Identify administrative URLs and login information needed to collect statistics. 3. Identify formats and report to collect under each provider: a. Serials - JR 1 (not necessary for IPEDS 2016 -2017, may be collected in future) b. Books - BR 1 c. Books - BR 2 d. Multimedia - MR 1 4. Identify providers where you need to contact vendor or where statistics are unavailable. 5. Work your way through the list, recording the Reporting Period Total in your 37 spreadsheet.
Example: BR 1 report from EBSCOhost 1. Log into EBSCO’s administrative module, using institutional credentials: http: //admin. ebscohost. com/reports/counter 2. In this case, we will go to the tab called “Reports & Statistics” 38
EBSCOhost BR 1 3. Then we will select the COUNTER R 4 Reports 39
EBSCOhost BR 1 4. Once there, choose the COUNTER report you want from the drop-down menu, in this case Book Report 1. 40
EBSCOhost BR 1 5. EBSCO places the report on a separate tab for actual downloading, so you can go to the Download Report tab to get the spreadsheet. 41
EBSCOhost BR 1 6. Now pull the Reporting Period Total for the master list across providers. 42
Example 2: Springer. Link BR 2 1. Go to the main website for Springer. Link: http: //link. springer. com/ 43
Springer. Link BR 2 2. Once logged in with an administrative account, administrative information, including usage statistics, is available. 44
Springer. Link BR 2 3. Navigate to the usage statistics. 45
Springer. Link BR 2 4. Navigate to the report you want, in this case, the BR 2 report for the fiscal year. 46
Springer. Link BR 2 5. Find the Reporting Period Total for your master sheet. 47
Example 3: Alexander Street Press MR 1 1. Go to Alexander Street Press administrative website and login. 2. Find the usage reports to identify the wanted report (MR 1) and date range. 48
Alexander Street: MR 1 3. Clicking generate will give you the whole report in HTML. You can also export to Excel or just copy the Reporting Period Total Number. 49
Want to Do More with Your Use Statistics? Consider tools to help you collect and manage your statistics and integrate with acquisition and other data Available through subscription agents (EBSCO, Harrassowitz) Library Management Systems (Alma, OCLC Worldshare) Link resolvers and Electronic Resource Management Systems (Serials Solutions, SFX, CORAL) Use the SUSHI protocol (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative) to automate harvesting of data 50
Additional Resources for Usage Data Project COUNTER website: https: //www. projectcounter. org/ USUS, a community-run website focused on the usage of electronic resources: http: //www. usus. org. uk/ Pesch, O. (2015). Implementing SUSHI and COUNTER: A Primer for Librarians. Serials Librarian, 69(2), 107 -125. doi: 10. 1080/0361526 X. 2015. 1063029 Osterman, A. , Pesch, O. , & Schmidt, K. (2016). Introduction to Usus, a Community Website on Library Usage, and a Discussion about COUNTER 4. Serials Librarian, 70(1 -4), 211 -216. doi: 10. 1080/0361526 X. 2016. 1147880 Pesch, O. (2016). Demystifying Usage Statistics: What are COUNTER & SUSHI and how can I use them successfully? Presentation at the Texas Library Association Annual Conference. https: //discovery. ebsco. com/pulse/article/a 51 series-of-presentations-at-txla-erl-and-ala-provide-librarians-with-insig
Future issues - Bob Dugan as stated earlier, the Task Force is working with IPEDS and Dr. Cody concerning the 2017 -2018 AL component. future data collection and reporting topics under consideration include shared library collections and e-serials usage. Both topic areas will require definitions and survey instructions. the Task Force would also like to work with IPEDS’ Human Resources (HR) component which collects staff information. The Task Force is learning about how the HR component classifies and measures staffing in academic libraries. 52
Q&A 53
Closing - Bob Dugan on behalf of the members of the ACRL, ALA and ARL Joint Advisory Task Force on IPEDS/AL Component New Data Elements and Definitions, thank you for taking the time to attend this webinar. We hope you have found it useful. We try to keep the academic library community aware of our work through press releases and discussion lists. If you have comments or suggestions for the Task Force, please contact Martha Kyrillidou at marthakyrillidou@gmail. com or Mary Jane Petrowski mpetrowski@ala. org. 54
Closing - Mary Jane Petrowski Webcast recording link will be widely publicized when it is available. Please share with colleagues. IPEDS Lib. Guide will be available on IPEDS and ACRL web sites. 55
Closing - Martha Kyrillidou Task Force 1: November 3, 2015 Webinar Task Force 2: July 28, 2016 Webinar (coming on You. Tube in a week) Task Force 3 [? ] Future collaboration to be defined by ACRL, ALA and ARL in collaboration with IPEDS AL component 56
THANK YOU 1. Robert Dugan, Co-Chair (Chair of ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board) 2. Robert Fox, Co-Chair (Chair of ARL Assessment Committee; University of Louisville) 3. Christopher Cody (National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) 4. Elizabeth Edwards (University of Chicago) 5. Ammie Farraj Feijoo (Institute of Museum and Library Services) 6. Terri Fishel (Macalester College) 7. Steve Hiller (University of Washington) 8. Martha Kyrillidou (Chair of NISO Z 39. 7 Data Dictionary; ARL Consultant) 9. David Larsen (University of Chicago) 10. Bede Mitchell (Georgia Southern University) 11. Mary Jane Petrowski (Association of College & Research Libraries) 12. Kathy Rosa (American Library Association Office of Research & Statistics) 57
Questions answered via chat during the webinar 1. Are looseleaf services considered serials? If they are ongoing and meet the definition of serials. Definitions are in the IPEDS glossary: https: //surveys. nces. ed. gov/ipeds/Vis. Glossary. All. aspx. You can also download the full glossary as a PDF: https: //surveys. nces. ed. gov/ipeds/Downloads/Forms/IPEDSGlossary. pdf 2. Where are print atlases and music scores counted? Physical books 58
Questions answered via chat during the webinar 3. Where does one report expenses for 1) data sets and 2) for access to text files or purchase of text files for text mining? Depends on their source of purchase. One time or ongoing. 4. The new instructions for 2016/7 will not be operative until April 2018 - in other words, the April 2017 submission (for 2015/16) will be under "old" definitions. Is this correct? The new instructions will be available in September 2016 for the opening of the AL survey in December 2016. This is for the 2016 -17 collection. 59
Questions answered via chat during the webinar 5. So we should be adding BRI and BR 2 instead of reporting just one report? No. BR 1 is the best to use; use only BR 2 if BR 1 is not available. 6. Is there a site with a list of publishers that are COUNTER compliant? A list of COUNTER compliant organizations can be found at: https: //www. projectcounter. org/about/register. COUNTER is in the process of enhancing this registry to allow searching by publisher. 60
Questions answered via chat during the webinar 7. Can you please share the deadlines and due dates at the end once again? Here is the link to deadlines for IPEDS collection: https: //surveys. nces. ed. gov/ipeds/View. Content. aspx? content. Id=21 61