- Количество слайдов: 85
Iowa Highway Safety Programs Wear your seat belts! Story: Video: (warning: graphic image) http: //archives. tcm. ie/thekingdom/2001/06/19/story 7232. asp Jerry Roche Federal Highway Administration Jerry. Roche@fhwa. dot. gov http: //www. ctre. iastate. edu/educweb/ce 355/seatbeltvideo. mpeg Mary Stahlhut Office of Traffic and Safety Iowa Dept. of Transportation Mary. Stahlhut@DOT. STATE. IA. US 1
Major Corridor Investments, Recently Completed or Planned 1996 -2000 Crashes Excluding Interstates Fatal Crashes Major Injury Crashes 2
Mary Peters, FHWA Administrator: “…it appears that we also have grown accustomed to more than 41, 000 highway related fatalities and greater than 3 million highway related injuries each year—” • “Highway Safety – Everyone’s Responsibility” Public Roads, January 3, 2003 3
Mary Peters, FHWA Administrator: “This is a terrible toll and should not be viewed as the ‘price we have to pay’ for mobility. These statistics point to a national safety crisis. ” • “Highway Safety – Everyone’s Responsibility” Public Roads, January 3, 2003 4
Mary Peters, FHWA Administrator: “FHWA views improving safety as one of its most vital goals and has decided consciously to concentrate on saving lives. ” • “Highway Safety – Everyone’s Responsibility” Public Roads, January 3, 2003 5
FHWA “Vital Few” “FHWA is committed to reducing highway fatalities by 10 percent by 2007” • from Vital Few FHWA’s five-year business strategy 6
Iowa Trends Iowa Miles Traveled Vehicle Registration Population Number of Crashes Number of Injuries Fatality Rate per HMVMT 7
Iowa Traffic Crash Fatalities 1960 -2002 55 mph Interstates OWI Admin. Revocation Primary Seatbelt Law Year 8 2002 1960 65 mph Interstates
Iowa Fatality Distribution by Location 34 14 State 56% 149 City/County 44% Fatalities per year 172 57 38 9 Based on 1996 -2000 Crash Fatalities
Rural Fatality Rates by Road Type 10
Iowa Deaths Associated With Key Emphasis Areas 11
Highway Safety Management in Iowa Governor Department of Transportation Office of Traffic and Safety Management System & Statewide Traffic Records Committee Cities, Counties, Other State Agencies, Universities & Private Sector Groups Department of Public Safety Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau 12
GTSB l The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) federal highway safety programs are administered nationally by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an agency of the United States Department of Transportation established in 1966 to combat the growing number of traffic related deaths and injuries. 13
GTSB Programs Main emphasis areas : l Section 157 incentive seat belt l Section 405 a occupant protection l Section 410 alcohol impaired driving prevention l Section 411 traffic records data improvement l Section 2003 b child passenger safety education l Section 402 highway safety funds 14
GTSB 402 Funds Main emphasis areas : l alcohol l occupant protection l police traffic services l emergency medical services l traffic records l engineering l motorcycles l pedestrian/bicycle safety 15
DOT and GTSB Partnerships l l l Safety Management System (SMS) Section 411, State Traffic Records Advisory Committee (STRAC) Local Multidisciplinary Highway Safety Teams Section 157, Seat Belt Incentive Funds Section 402, Highway Safety Program 16
Iowa DOT Safety Programs State Traffic Safety Improvement Programs (TSIP) l Federal Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES) l Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) l Safety Data Products l – Crash Data Analysis Tools – Iowa Traffic Safety Data Services (ITSDS) l l l “Proactive” Highway Safety Program Traffic & Safety Engineering Forum Safety Conscious Planning Roadway Safety Audits SMS – Iowa Highway Safety Management System 17
Traffic Safety Improvement Program l Established in 1987 l Funded by one-half of one percent of the Road Use Tax Fund l Applications may be submitted by any city, county or of the Iowa DOT (Due August 15) 18
Traffic Safety Improvement Program Three Separate Funding Categories l Safety Studies ($500, 000 / yr) – Transportation safety research studies, or public information initiative l Traffic Control Devices ($500, 000 / yr) – Purchase of materials for installation of new or replacement of obsolete signs or signals l Site Specific (varies, 2004 estimate $4. 2 M) – Construction or improvement of traffic operations at a specific site 19
“TSIP” Research, Studies, Public Information and Education l $500, 000 per year l City, county or state l Applications due August 15 th 20
Examples of “TSIP” Research, Studies, Public Information and Education l l l Traffic Safety Information Series (FAQ about Highway Safety) Access Management Handbook Diagonal parking study Safety program effectiveness study Work zone safety public information 21
Examples of “TSIP” Research, Studies, Public Information and Education Sign inventory and replacement program for small cities l Portable speed humps study l Fluorescent yellow-green school signs l l Centerline rumble strips study 22
Federal Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES) 2003 HES apportionment: $ 2. 7 million for highways $ 1. 9 million for rail / highway crossings $ 2. 1 million for optional safety efforts $ 6. 7 million total HES 23
Federal Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES) Requirements: – System-wide analysis and prioritization – Alternative analysis to maximize program benefit cost – Annual report to Federal Highway Administration 24
Federal Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES) Iowa’s Past HES Focus: l Intersections / roadways ranked with equal weight given to: – Number of crashes – Crash rate – Crash severity “Top 200” Safety Improvement Candidate List 25
Federal Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES) Iowa’s New HES Focus: – Emphasis on reducing fatal and major injury crashes 26
HES Safety Investment Strategy Candidate HES Safety Projects – – – – Paved shoulders Milled in shoulder rumble strips 2 -lane shoulder widening Target high severity intersections / roadways High crash curves Expressway intersections Centerline rumble strips Cross-median head-on crashes 27
Summary of Crash Reduction Factors by Iowa Safety Funding Source Mean Crash Reduction Mean B/C Ratio All Projects 23% 6. 3 HES Projects Only 40% 2. 6 TSF (1/2%) Projects Only 21% 6. 9 Category 28
Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) l $100, 000 per year from Federal 402 (GTSB) l Additional funding from Iowa DOT Engineering Services Budget l 2 On-call consultants 29
Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) Identifies solutions to existing problems: – On or off state highway system – Intersections, corridors, school routes, railroad crossings, etc. l Free to smaller cities and all counties l Up to 100 hours of consultant analysis l A study report l 30
Safety Crash Data Programs Crash Data Collection Crash Data Analysis 31
Crash Data Collection Collaboration >50% of Iowa’s crash data is reported electronically l Iowa Crash Form revised 1/1/2001 l Electronic data collection software Iowa “National Model” with FHWA is the “Tra. CS” (Traffic and l Criminal System) l “Smart Map” location tool enables consistent, automated capture of event location on all reports statewide. 32
Crash Data Analysis Collaboration l Iowa DOT compiles and refines crash data – Office of Driver Services – Office of Traffic and Safety Data is made available on CD to state and local entities for their analysis use. l Iowa’s data analysis “tools” software is available to state and local entities l Technical support and training is made available as needed 33 l
Geographic Information System-based Safety Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration Resource (GIS-SAVER) Input Location and Specifications: Output Summary Reports: Output Maps: 34
Iowa State University, CTRE Sponsors: • Office of Traffic and Safety, DOT • Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, DPS 35
Targeted Enforcement 1995 -1999 Rural Alcohol-Related Crashes Corridors ranked by Frequency 37
Rural Two-Lane Primary Road Fatalities and Major Injuries Iowa DOT District 1 (1998 -2000) Waterloo Ames Des Moines 20 unlocated injury severities not represented. (0 Fatal, 20 Major Injuries) 38 Disclaimer: The Center for Transportation Research and Education presents these data as preliminary.
Hotline: (515) 294 -5004 E-mail: itsds@iastate. edu Web: www. ctre. iastate. edu/itsds 40
Proactive Highway System Safety Program l Examples of Iowa highway system safety studies: – Paved shoulder program – Horizontal curves – At grade expressway intersections – Cross centerline crash mitigation – Cross median crash mitigation 41
Proactive Highway System Safety Program l Examples of system studies (cont. ) – Utility pole crash mitigation – Advance stop sign rumble strips – Milled in interstate shoulder rumble strips – 4 -lane to 3 -lane conversion opportunities 42
Primary Highway Curves • Statewide average = 1. 1 / MVM • Top 30 average = 11. 7 / MVM • Worst (of top 30) = 78 / MVM • 5% of crashes occur at top 30 locations (1% of curves) • 11% of fatals occur at top 30 locations 43
4 -Lane to 3 -Lane Conversion Before After 44
Utility Pole Delineation 45
AGENDA 2002 Iowa Traffic and Safety Engineering Forum Thursday, September 19, 2002 8: 00 Registration Continental Breakfast 9: 00 Welcome Iowa Reports Office of Traffic and Safety (TAS) Traffic Signal Committee Report MUTCD Adoption Status 9: 15 Safety Programs FY 2004 Traffic Safety Improvement Program Applications Hazard Elimination Program (HES) Third Reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act (TEA) Proposed Iowa DOT ITS Architecture Iowa Participation In NCHRP Committees 10: 00 Break 10: 30 Traffic Safety Partners GTSB Statewide Program SMS Report: Toolbox Older Driver Forum Local SMS -Iowa Metropolitan Multi-D Safety Groups 11: 30 Local Traffic Safety Projects Dubuque Red Light Running Project Des Moines Metro I-235 Traffic Management 12: 00 Lunch 1: 00 Iowa Traffic/Safety Research and Pilot Study Reports and Discussion Diagonal Parking Temporary Speed Hump Impact Evaluation Pedestrian Safety Strategies in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids Utility Pole Delineation 2: 00 Data Analysis and Tools Development of an Improved Model for Iowa Intersection Safety Ranking Methodology Crash Data Resources Update - GIS-SAVER: E 5 2: 45 Iowa Roundabouts –reports and plans discussion ALL Requests for Research / Pilot Studies and Future Forum Topics 3: 30 Adjourn Seventh Annual Traffic and Safety Forum Agenda Sponsored by the Office of Traffic and Safety, DOT 46
Safety Conscious Planning l The next generation of transportation system safety strategies l “Each statewide and metropolitan planning process shall provide for consideration of projects and strategies that will increase the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users. ” - TEA-21 l www. fhwa. dot. gov/planning/scp 47
Roadway Safety Audits 48
2002 Roadway Resurfacing Safety Workshop Sponsored by the Office of Traffic and Safety, DOT 49
Curves l l l Super elevation: add or correct Pave shoulders: outside & inside Shoulder rumble strips Flatten outside slope Remove objects outside curve Delineate, chevron, RPM’s, ball bank advisory 50
Safety Dikes (Escape ramps) Opposite all “T” intersections l Free of fixed objects l 51
Offset Left Turn Lanes l Check warrants & crash history 52
Offset Right Turn Lanes 53
Roadside Trees • Within clear zone • Control Secondary growth 54
Driveway Slopes Flatten near-vertical l Pipe hazard l 55
Rip Rap Cover with maximum 4 inch rock l Do not create a wall l 56
3 R Checklist 6 Page Worksheet 31 Review Categories 57
Iowa SMS is: A diverse partnership of highway safety practitioners in engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services dedicated to reducing the number and severity of crashes on Iowa's roadways. www. Iowa. SMS. org 58
The five faces in the SMS logo represent multidiscipline roles in Highway Safety l l l Enforcement Engineering Emergency Response Education Everyone Else 59
SMS Membership State Agencies – – Department of Education Department of Elder Affairs Department of Public Health Department of Public Safety • Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau • Iowa State Patrol • Fire Safety Institute – Department of Transportation Education – Iowa State University • Center for Transportation Research & Education 60
SMS Membership Federal Agencies – FHWA - Federal Highway Administration – FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Administration – NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Associations and Local Government – – American Public Works Association Iowa County Engineer’s Association Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputy’s Association Iowa Traffic Control and Safety Association – – – AAA Iowa / Minnesota AARP Iowa Union Pacific Railroad Iowa Motor Truck Association State Farm Insurance Private Sector 61
SMS Roles l Be a “Resource” – Legislature – State and Local Agencies – Communities Identify Alternatives l Provide Data l No Recommendations l 62
Important SMS Elements Identify and provide highway safety related information for the many disciplines and entities involved in highway safety. l Promote multi-discipline collaboration in addressing complex highway safety concerns. l Provide opportunities for networking and “crosspollinating” between safety practitioners. l Fill gaps between existing programs and fund short-term or start-up safety improvement projects. l 63
Iowa SMS Toolbox 64
2002 Iowa SMS Toolbox of Highway Safety Strategies 28 Key Emphasis Subjects in 5 Areas: • Drivers • Special Users • Highways • Emergency Response • Management Systems 65
Emphasis Areas Drivers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Increasing Driver Safety Awareness Increasing Safety Belt and Child Restraint Usage Preventing Drowsy and Distracted Driving Curbing High-Risk Driving Behaviors Ensuring Drivers are Fully Licensed, Competent, and Insured Education and Licensing for Young Drivers Graduated Licensing for Young Drivers Sustaining Proficiency in Older Drivers Special (Other) Users 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Making Walking and Street Crossing Safer Ensuring Safer Bicycle Travel Making School Bus Travel Safer Making Public Transit Travel Safer Improving Motorcycle Safety and Increasing Motorcycle Awareness Making Truck Travel Safer Reducing Farm Vehicle Crashes 66
Highways 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Emphasis Areas Improving the Design and Operation of Highway Intersections Keeping Vehicles on the Roadway and Minimizing the Consequences of Leaving the Road Reducing Head-On and Across-Median Crashes Improving Work Zone Safety Accommodating Older Drivers Reducing Train-Vehicle Crashes Reducing Deer-Vehicle Crashes Implementing Road Safety Audits Emergency Response 24. Enhancing Emergency Response Capabilities to Increase Survivability Management Systems 25. 26. 27. 28. Improving Information and Decision Support Systems Using Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to Improve Highway safety Creating More Effective Processes and Safety Management Systems Designing Safer Work Zones Developing and Encouraging Multidisciplinary Safety Teams 67
The SMS Toolbox Charter Signed by : • Iowa’s Governor & Lt. Governor • 6 Department Directors • 3 Federal Administrators 68
TOOLBOX Products 300+ page Toolbox 20 page Executive Summary CD Version View @ www. Iowa. SMS. org 69
2001 -2002 Toolbox Strategy Implementation l Funded young driver (GDL) “Heads Up” video developed by Office of Driver Services l Funded a pilot project with stop arm video cameras to document improper school bus passing. (Department of Education, school districts, and law enforcement) 70
2001 -2002 Toolbox Strategy Implementation l Piloted “Safe Wheeler” classroom curriculum. Revised materials were sent to all Iowa elementary PE instructors as part of a broader collaborative bicycle safety program. l Funded upgrades for Iowa Road Conditions web site and 511 voice recognition phone access (DOT’s ITS and DPS project) 71
2001 -2002 Toolbox Strategy Implementation l Crash data retrieval “black box” pilot project. l UNI analysis of older driver crash characteristics and locations 72
2001 -2002 Toolbox Strategy Implementation w. Supported local Multi-Disciplinary Safety Team (MDTS) projects and development n Sponsored a statewide MDST peer exchange n Provided incident management training Helped fund local incident management planning handbooks n Helped fund local team crash investigation software tools n Helped fund local “Heat” safety awareness project n 73
2002 Toolbox Strategy Implementation l Funded older driver video “Choices Not Chances” developed by the Office of Driver Services l Sponsored the Iowa Safe Mobility Decisions for Older Drivers Forum 74
Beginning An Action Plan for Lifelong Safe Mobility Decisions Sponsored by members and friends of the Iowa Safety Management System 75
Safe Mobility Decisions… What Do We Know About Aging? l How Valuable is Safe Mobility l Why Be Concerned for Older Drivers? l What Decisions Are to be Made? l l l l Transportation Systems Licensing and Public Education Driver Assessments and Medical Conditions Senior Services Community Family Who will make the decisions? 76
Forum Goals l Listening to our older Iowans l Raising public awareness l Connecting practitioners and experts involved in older driver decisions 77
Older Driver Forum June 2002 78
Resources Produced 1. Data 2. Decision Guide 3. “Choices Not Chances” video 79
Report Contents • Executive Summary • Data Presented • Presentation Summaries • Potential “Strategies for Implementation” listed by attendees 80
Forum Attendees’ Potential Strategies for Implementation l Roadways and Engineering (summarized) – Provide larger and brighter signs and pavement – – markings Improve signals and lighting Install more paved shoulders and rumble strips Improve intersections with turn lanes or other solutions Ensure roadways are planned or improved with aging population in mind. 81
Forum Attendees’ Potential Strategies for Implementation l Drivers (summarized) – Provide or require ongoing education or enrichment programs – Identify ways to self assess driving capacity changes – Ensure that procedures for limiting driving of others are better understood and utilized. l Senior Services (summarized) – Ensure access to safe mobility decisions information. – Provide, options, resources, alternative transportation and other mobility related services. 82
Potential Forum Outcomes l Resources and information to help aging drivers, their families and communities make good decisions l Regional follow-ups l Information for policy makers addressing older Iowans’ transportation needs 83
www. iowasms. org 84
Iowa Highway Safety Programs Office of Traffic and Safety Iowa Department of Transportation Contacts: Safety Programs – Tom Welch, P. E. (515) 239 -1267 tom. welch@dot. state. ia. us Data Analysis Tools – Michael Pawlovich (515) 239 -1428 michael. pawlovich@dot. state. ia. us Iowa SMS – Mary Stahlhut (515) 239 -1169 mary. stahlhut@dot. state. ia. us 85